The old man in the room glanced at his son in front of him, and there was no wave on his old face.

He just yawned and said.

"Ya Taro, you came back from the United States overnight and came to see me in a hurry. Do you have anything to tell me?" the old man asked.

The man kneeling on the tatami raised his head and straightened up.

This man is the new head of the Shimada family, responsible for managing all affairs of the Shimada family.

In Japan, apart from the emperor, this person's status can be ranked among the top five.

But at this time, he didn't have the slightest prestige outside.

He lowered his head slightly, expressing his respect for his father.

Then, he said.

"Father, my son heard that you are going to have people go to Tuyumen's house for accountability..."

"It's not accountability," the old man waved his hands indifferently, and said, "It's making the Tuyumen family pay the price."

The old man's words were full of cold killing intent.

This old man who had been on the battlefield, shed blood on Iwo Jima and was seriously injured in the Pacific Ocean, is an important war criminal on the United Nations list.

However, even Neiji Gangmura was invited by the enemy as a guest of honor and as an aide. It is even more impossible for a sub-level war criminal like him to pay the price.

Because of this, the old man still retains the evil edge left by the war era.

Although he usually looks kind, but once he shows an angry face, everyone in the Shimada family will tremble.

Even his own son, Shimada Nobuhide, the current head of the Shimada family, was a little panicked.

"But father..." Nobuhide Shimada tried to dissuade, "Will the Tsuchimikado family obey obediently? Their Kyoto Tsuchimodo family has been inherited from the Heian era, and the family's onmyoji is far superior to others."

"Whether it's status, status, or financial resources, the Tsuchimikado family is not much weaker than us."

"If we come to the door to be held accountable for Xinsheng's death and trigger conflicts between the two families...then the loss outweighs the gain."

After Shimada Nobuhide finished speaking, the old man remained indifferent.

He looked at his son in front of him and said.

"Why do you think I went to trouble the Tsuchimikado family? Is it because I feel sorry for Nobukatsu?"

The old man said indifferently, "It's wrong, it's a big mistake. I've said it a long time ago, Xinsheng has been spoiled by you too much, and he has no manly demeanor. If he is entangled with a woman all day long, he is destined to not be a big deal." device."

"He died, I am not only not angry, but very happy."

"He's dead, but you can still give birth. If one son dies, just give birth to a few more in the next few years."

"But that's for the future, and for the present, we must hold the Tsuchimikado family accountable."

"The Shimada family has been passed down to your generation, and brothers have disputes. But you have only one son for many years."

"Now that the son is still dead, the next generation's successor is vacant, and you have always been this weak and weak. Seeing you like this, not only your brothers are ready to move, but even the separated families are also tempted .”

"The more it's like this, the more you can't be soft-hearted. You have to be ruthless and fierce enough to keep everyone under control."

"You can't make people feel that you are sad because of the loss of a child, then they will not sympathize with you, they will only attack and deal with you together."

"You have to let everyone think that you have become a lunatic because of the pain of losing your son, and you have become a ruthless and unreasonable lunatic, so that you can calm down those guys and stop thinking about it."

"That's right, Shinkatsu's death this time was his own fault, and he deserved it. But he deserves his own death, and the Shimada family can't be messed up."

"So, the Tuyumen family has to pay the price, you have to go to the Tuyumen family for accountability, even if it is unreasonable, you must ask the Tuyumen family to give an explanation."

"It's even better if the Tsuchimikado family and the Shimada family are forced to clash."

"You have to understand that external war is the best way to divert internal attention and suppress internal turmoil."

"If there is a real conflict between the Tsuchimikado family and the Shimada family, and there is turmoil between the two families, your uncles and brothers will not have any wrong thoughts."

"If the Shimada family is united and unanimous, then naturally no one will have the opportunity to make trouble, let alone dare to make trouble."

The old man's words were very cold, "Anyway, the death of a few slaves and the destruction of a few branch families will not affect the rule of the Shimada family. In the end, someone will come to mediate."

"It doesn't matter to those who died, but the status of the clan must not be lost! Which is more important, I hope you can figure it out!"

What the old man said made Nobuhide Shimada's face pale.

After listening to the old man's words, he felt a little panicked.

"But father..."

Nobuhide Shimada still tried to dissuade him, "It's already the [-]st century, if we stir up disputes again, I'm afraid it will be difficult to end!"

But the old man snorted coldly, "Wrong, it is precisely because of the different times that the disputes were provoked to end. Whether it is domestic or foreign, the emperor or other nobles, they will not just sit back and watch the Shimada family and the Tsuchimie family's true love. The fight is a lose-lose."

"How many industries in Japan have our two families been involved in? If no one stops the trouble, everyone will suffer!"

After the old man finished speaking, seeing that Nobuhide Shimada seemed to have something to say, he snorted coldly.

"I've made up my mind as a father, you just have to obey obediently. Look at what the Shimada family has become in these years under your hands. It's a mess! Not only can you not teach your son well, but you also can't learn well yourself!"

"Weak and weak, timid and afraid of getting into trouble, how can there be any demeanor of a Showa man?"

"I've already made arrangements. After sunrise, Qingzi will personally lead the team to Tuyumen's house for accountability. You just watch it obediently, don't stop it!"

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