To this, Kotomine Shirou nodded with a smile.

"Yes, and no. We just knew the danger of Daniel Whitman's research, so we sent people to monitor the situation in advance to avoid disaster."

"Of course, disasters still happened, so my monitoring in the past didn't really have any effect. I was only responsible for recording and reporting the results."

"I didn't expect to meet Mr. Lin Yuan there, what a coincidence."

After Kotomine Shirou finished speaking frankly, Lin Yuanfei gave him a sidelong glance.

Said, "Thank you for clarifying the confusion, let's talk about the Shimada family now."

After Lin Yuanfei sat down on the chair in the manor, he motioned for Yanfeng Shiro to sit down too.

Not far behind them was Yan Ye who was practicing his sword.

Although strengthened by the Zhushen virus, Yan Ye can already be said to be a humanoid tyrannosaurus.

But practicing Ssangyong Flash still made her look a little tired.

But at this moment, the female apprentice who is concentrating on practicing sword is just the background of the chat between the two of them.

Lin Yuanfei asked, "The death of Shimada Nobukatsu has nothing to do with Orihime, it's all the fault of Yamamura Sadako. And Yamamura Sadako has already been killed, why do the Shimada family want to find Orihime?" Trouble?"

"What's more, whether it was Shimada Nobukatsu's death or before Shimada Nobukatsu was taken away, I was at the scene."

"According to the general routine, don't they always come to trouble me at this time, and then the Tsuchimikado family supports me, and finally I stand up and draw my sword, pretend to be slapped in the face, and make the Shimada family look ashamed?"

"Why do those guys from Shimada's family not play cards according to common sense, just staring at Orihime for trouble and ignoring me? Am I not the protagonist?"

Lin Yuanfei expressed doubts.

On the other hand, Mine Shiro shrugged and said, "I can't answer these questions. Anyway, according to the feedback from our intelligence system, the Shimada family has no intention of targeting Lin Yuan-kun. No one even mentioned you at all."

"This time, the anger of the Shimada family is all directed at Ms. Tsuchimikado Orihime, and all of it is directed at the Tsuchimikado family."

"And the one who gave this order was Nobuhide Shimada, the suzerain of the Shimada family on the surface, but in fact it was Nobuhide Shimada's old father, Ryujuro Shimada, who retired behind the scenes for many years and did not interfere in family affairs."

"Speaking of this Shimada Yanagirou, he is quite alive."

"At that time, he participated in the Second World War and led a team to fight fiercely with the U.S. Army on Iwo Jima. Later, he was seriously injured in the Pacific War and returned home for medical treatment."

"But even so, he is still a very high-ranking war criminal on the United Nations list of war criminals."

"Of course, there are many war criminals who were not punished back then, and Shimada Ryujuro is just one of them."

"The reason why I focus on him is because this guy used to be a staff officer of the military department, and his character is also a standard Showa soldier. Well, that is..."

Yanfeng Shirou gave Lin Yuanfei a sideways look, and said with a smile, "Lin Yuan-kun, you understand."

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes, "You, a Japanese, mocked the Showa red deer in such a weird way, I always feel something is wrong."

Lin Yuanfei touched his chin and said, "You must not be the left wing?"

Kotomine Shirou smiled slightly, "I'm just a priest, I don't know anything about left and right."

Lin Yuanfei cut it and said, "Anyway, what you mean is that this Shimada Ryujuro is crazy, he does things very extreme, he is full of tricks, and he doesn't care about the consequences, right?"

Kotomine Shirou smiled without saying a word.

Lin Yuanfei curled his lips, "But even if you tell me this, what can I do? Holding a sword, I rushed to the gate of Shimada's house and shouted - Shimada Nobukatsu was killed by me, don't make things difficult for Zhiji, what's the point?" Me? Snake spirits..."

Lin Yuanfei said lazily, "Tu Yumen's family has a great career, and I'm just a loner. Tu Yumen is not in a hurry, why should we be in a hurry..."

Chapter 610 In Front of the Scene

Showa red deer is a standard stunned green.

So after hearing that Shimada Ryujuro was the legendary Showa red deer, Lin Yuanfei actually had a sudden shock in his heart.

And this Showa red deer was a staff officer in the military...

The staff officer of the Showa Japanese Army is famous all over the world.

Well, for example, what is the biggest thing the Showa staff did?

Force the United States to negotiate peace.

——That's right, the Showa staff bombed Pearl Harbor in order to force the United States to negotiate peace.

Back then, the Showa staff felt that after bombing Pearl Harbor, killing a bunch of Americans, and sinking many American ships, the Yankees would obediently negotiate peace with them.

What an amazing brain circuit 2333333.

Moreover, after the news of the plan of the United States to force a landing back then, the Showa staff immediately established the [[-] million broken pieces of jade plan].

To release poison along the coast, let women poison private places and then seduce the U.S. military, etc., use all means to fight the U.S. military to the end, and would rather kill the last civilian in Japan than surrender to the Americans!

Of course, after Japan dropped the atomic bomb and promised not to settle accounts after the autumn and to guarantee the interests of the chaebol family and the emperor after the war, the nobles instantly became very popular.

However, the thinking circuit of Showa's staff is still famous all over the world, and it has been sung to this day.

After hearing that Shimada Ryujuro was a war criminal of the Showa era, Hayashi Yuanfei understood why this old man with a snake spirit wanted to fight against Tu Mimen's family.

Because the thinking of snake spirit disease is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

But Kotomine Shirou thought about it after seeing Lin Yuanfei's lazy attitude.


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