"Uh... Actually, there is something that I have always wanted to ask Mr. Lin Yuan."

Kotomine Shirou squinted his eyes and asked, "Hayashi Yuan-kun, do you... know about Miss Orihime's injury?"

"Injury? What injury?" Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a second, then asked, "Is Zhiji injured?"

"emmmmm..." Kotomine Shirou saw Lin Yuanfei like this, thought for a while, and said, "I heard...Of course, I just heard it, it may not be true."

Kotomine Shirou said, "I heard that Miss Orihime was seriously injured when she was in the well. Although she didn't die and was cured by onmyojutsu, she was left with a lifelong...disability."

Kotomine Shirou spoke, and said, "It seems that the stomach was pierced and suffered a penetrating injury, which caused the uterus to be damaged. It is estimated that she will not be able to conceive and have children in the future... Uh... Hayashi Yuan-kun? Hayashi Yuan-kun?"

Kotomine Shirou shook his hand in front of Lin Yuanfei, and said, "What are you doing?"

Lin Yuanfei came back to his senses suddenly, his eyes flustered.

"My son... the uterus is damaged? Can't bear children? Injured in the well?"

Lin Yuanfei gritted his teeth, "Is this news accurate?"

Kotomine Shirou spread his hands and said, "It's just hearsay. I don't know if it's true. Anyway, I heard such a rumor, so I told Lin Yuan-kun like this. For the specific truth, I'd like to ask Lin Yuan-kun Go ask Miss Orihime yourself."

Kotomine Shirou successfully picked himself out, "With the relationship between Hayashi Yuan-kun and Miss Orihime, if you ask, Miss Orihime will definitely answer truthfully."

"..." Lin Yuanfei was silent for a few seconds, then said, "If something happens in the capital, can you get the news right away?"

Kotomine Shirou smiled slightly, "If I am careful, I will definitely tell Lin Yuan-kun immediately, Lin Yuan-kun don't have to worry about this."

"The Shimada family and the Tsuchimikado family are both distinguished families in Japan. There is such a serious friction between the two families, and the matter must not be hidden. As soon as there is any new news, I will notify you immediately."

"Also, the Church of the Holy Church has a helicopter here in Chiba. If Hayashibara-kun needs it, we can send anyone to Kyoto in the shortest possible time."

After Kotomine Shirou finished speaking, Lin Yuanfei thanked him with a serious expression.

"I won't say much about being grateful, but I will remember the favor this time. If Brother Shirou needs my help with anything in the future, just ask."

Kotomine Shirou nodded with a smile, "Even if Hayashi Yuan-kun doesn't say it, I will do it."

Lin Yuanfei sighed and said, "Brother Shilang came to visit so early, didn't he have breakfast? Would you like to have breakfast together?"

Kotomine Shirou refused with a smile, "No need, I need to go back early to prepare breakfast. If I go back late, the person at home is hungry, but I will be furious."

Lin Yuanfei couldn't help but smiled, "Shirou, you are really bound by fate..."

Be a breeder no matter where you are.



While Hayashi Yuanfei bid farewell to Kotomine Shirou, Tsuchimikado's house far away in Kyoto welcomed today's guests.

A black convoy slowly drove into the gate of Tsuchiyamen's house.

In one of the vehicles in the convoy, a middle-aged woman with an indifferent face stared coldly at the courtyard in front of her without saying a word.

But that ferocious face, cold eyes, even if he just sits there without saying a word, there is a kind of temperament that is not easy to provoke, which makes people dare not commit light offenses.

Shimada Aoko, the sister-in-law of Shimada Nobuhide, the patriarch of the Shimada family.

But in a sense, the reputation of this middle-aged woman is even greater than that of the suzerain.

...Although most of them are notorious.

She has a son, Nobunaga Shimada.

But even the son couldn't stand his mother's bad character and temper, so he fled the capital far away and went to a small rural city, Raccoon City, to become the mayor.

Unfortunately, he died tragically in the disaster in Raccoon City.

From the day her son died tragically, Shimada Aoko, who was already extremely surly, became even more terrifying.

In her cold and heartless eyes, like a Shura ghost crawling out of hell, she can't see the warmth that should be in the world.

There is only fierce hatred and burning resentment in those eyes, as if wishing to burn everything in the world to death.

The pain of losing a child has distorted the mother's mind and made her even more terrifying.

But this time, it was this emotionally unstable middle-aged mother who was sent to be held accountable by the Shimada family.

His attitude can be said to be clear at a glance.

From a distance, seeing the Shimada family's convoy driving into the gate of the manor, Tsuchimikado Toshizo sighed, shook his head and said.

"It's murderous... It seems that today can't be easy."

Behind him, Xuetongzi sat on the eaves, biting the apple in his hand, and said.

"If there was a fight, who do you think has a better chance of winning?"

This question made Tsuchimikado Toizan silent for a few seconds.

Then, shake your head.

"There is no need to fight."

Tsuchimikado Toshizo said calmly, "If you can't fight, I promise."

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