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Chapter 611 Confrontation

Tuyumen Suizan was very calm, but Yukidou who was beside him took a look at him.

After thinking about it, he asked.

"So confident? Why can't you fight?"

Tsuchimikado Toshizo watched the black convoy gradually leave his field of vision, and said, "The times are different. It is no longer an era where chaos can be easily caused. All aspects of influence need to be considered."

"What's more, the old man from the Shimada family... I can probably guess what he wants."

"This time, just play with him once."

"In any case, it can be regarded as a family friend."

"And judging from that old man's personality, if his needs are not met, the situation will only get worse."

After Tuyumen Suisan finished speaking, Xue Tongzi looked at him and shook his head.

"Sui San, I really can't understand what you said more and more."

As he said that, Xuetong finished nibbling the apple in his hand, then threw the remaining core into the trash can not far away, and disappeared silently.

"I hope your estimate is not wrong..."

Yukidouji's words didn't make Tsuchimikado Toizo show any expression.

He just stood there, overlooking the courtyard of Tsuchimikado's house, shaking his head.

"The Shimada really troublesome..."



The interview with Aoko Shimada was held in a large main hall.

In the spacious and bright room, the tatami is spotless.

The Shimada family and the Tsuchimikado family sat in a row, facing each other.

It should have been two families with a fairly harmonious relationship, but now the atmosphere is more like two hostile forces that are about to fight at the negotiating table.

The head of the Shimada family is the famous Aoko Shimada.

On the opposite side of her, there were two peers from Tsuchiyamen's family who greeted her.

Orihime's parents.

As for Zhi Ji, she knelt silently behind her parents, as if she was here to listen.

But in fact, when the conversation started, Aoko Shimada's words were quickly aimed at the girl who was silent all the time.

"Regarding Xinsheng's death, I just want to confirm the last point."

During the conversation, the two sides have informed each other of the situation.

Of course, before that, the Tsuchimikado family had already sent someone to explain the situation to the Shimada family.

But after arriving here, Orihime's parents solemnly repeated the story to Aoko Shimada again.

Finally, Shimada Aoko's eyes stopped on Zhi Ji as expected, and asked.

"In the end, did Xinsheng really die in your hands?"

Hearing this question, the girl slowly raised her head.

Those eyes were as calm and indifferent as ever, without any extra emotion.

It seemed that she did not come to participate in such an important meeting, nor did she hear such a malicious question.

Under everyone's gaze, Zhi Ji nodded calmly and said.

"That's right, at the last moment, I was the one who purified all the evil spirits from his body, and then killed him."

Orihime just indifferently recovered this fact, but did not make any excuses.

But Aoko Shimada was obviously not the one who wanted to hear an excuse.

She looked at the girl opposite, and asked indifferently, "Why did you kill Xinsheng?"

Zhi Ji returned the same indifferent expression, "Because he is hopeless, even if I don't kill him, he will only be completely annihilated in the painful torment, and even his soul will be polluted by resentment and turned into the most miserable Ghost."

"I killed him to give him relief in advance, and let him die with dignity as a human being and an onmyoji."

After Orihime said these words, Aoko Shimada sneered.

"Miss Zhiji is really full of self-confidence... How old are you? How much yin and yang do you know? Are you so sure that Xinsheng will die at that time? You also gave him a death sentence. You really think of yourself as rumored. High."

Shimada Aoko's sneer was only exchanged for Orihime's indifferent words.

"Children who have just started yin and yang know that once the soul is eroded by resentment and evil, there is no cure. In the current era, there is no yin and yang that can reverse this outcome."

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