"Question this generally accepted yin and yang rule. Could it be that Auntie Shimada's yin and yang attainments have surpassed those of the past and the present, and can reverse life and death?"

After Zhi Ji finished speaking, her father spoke coldly.

"Shut up! Zhi Ji, apologize to the guests! Who taught you to speak rudely in public? Get out!"

Zhi Ji was silent for a few seconds, without moving.

Her father snorted coldly, "What? You don't even listen to me?"

Aoko Shimada on the opposite side sneered disdainfully, "Since Orihime wants to stay, let her stay. How can she let her go as a party to such an important matter? Don't you think so? Tsuchiya Mister door?"

Zhi Ji's father looked at this mean and bitter woman coldly, and said, "Since the guest said so, Zhi Ji, you can stay. But then please shut up, this occasion, not a junior like you is qualified Cut in!"

Orihime's father seems to have a bad attitude.

It was Shimada Aoko who laughed.

"Mr. Shimada's words are wrong. Zhihime, as the party concerned, how can she not speak? Not only do she have to speak, but she also has to say a lot!"

Saying that, Aoko Shimada looked at Orihime, her eyes turned cold.

"Zhihime, let me ask you again, is Xinsheng a slave of your Tsuchiyamen family? Or a servant of your Tsuchyumen family? Where do you have the right to decide his life or death?"

"The dignified young master of the Shimada family, even if he wants to die, he must die in the hands of our own members of the Shimada family!"

"It doesn't count that you killed him, and even the corpse disappeared with the so-called underground Buddhist kingdom, and there is no bones left. Did you ever think about the feelings of Xinsheng's parents at that time?"

"My son died in a foreign country, and there was no bones left, and he couldn't even see the corpse. What kind of cruel and evil thing is this?"

"But you don't care about it, and just judge the life and death of others based on your own childish and ridiculous ideas. You people from the Tuyumen family are really domineering in the same line!"

Shimada Aoko's words instantly made the atmosphere in the lobby stiff.

Everyone in the Shimada family looked solemn and their muscles tensed.

On the opposite side, the members of the Tuyumen family were all silent, with gloomy faces.

Only Zhi Ji's mother, who had been talking very little, sighed, trying to ease the atmosphere.

"Qingzi, we can also understand the harm that Xinsheng's death has caused to you."

"We don't want to see something like this happen."

"But the dead are gone, and it's useless to cling to these anymore."

"We, Tsuchimikado, hope to give you and the Shimada family a satisfactory answer."

Zhihime's mother's voice was gentle but full of sincerity, "I hope you can give us a chance to redeem our sins."

Author's message:

PS: Recommend a book, "Problem Girl from Ten Years Ago" by the village chief, and the previous "My Sister Is a Coser" is a masterpiece.

Human flesh typewriter, the boss who updates thousands of characters every day, highly recommended~~~

Introduction: A dilapidated classroom connects the interlaced time and space of ten years ago and the present.

Shen Tong thought that he could use the opportunity to travel through time and space to fully develop, but all opportunities to use the past to make money were forbidden.

The only thing that brought him was the "senior sisters" who came from ten years ago.

Chapter 612

Orihime's mother is very gentle.

Her voice is calm and sincere, making no one question her sincerity.

Hearing her words, even the irritable character can't help restraining himself a little.

Shimada Aoko took a deep breath and said.

"Okay, since you said that, then I will give you a chance to redeem your sins."

Aoko Shimada said indifferently, "I am here on behalf of the Shimada family for one purpose. If your Tsuchimikado family is satisfied, then we will leave immediately and will not entangle you!"

Hearing this sentence, Zhi Ji's parents looked at each other.

Then, Orihime's father asked.

"Please say……"

Therefore, Aoko Shimada made a request from the Shimada family.

"Our request is very simple, blood for blood."

Shimada Aoko looked at Zhi Ji and said coldly, "Kill to pay for life, blood for blood! Is this not too much to ask?"

Facing this murderous request, Zhi Ji didn't say a word.

But Orihime's father frowned.

"Killing for life? Blood debt for blood? How to pay for life? Please advise."

Shimada Aoko looked indifferent, "Isn't this simple? You people from the Tsuchiyamen family killed the young master of our Shimada family, so handing over the murderer, one life for another, is it hard to understand?"

When Aoko Shimada made this request, everyone in the room lost their voices.

Zhi Ji's parents looked at each other, and they both saw the seriousness in each other's eyes.

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