As for the servants of the Tuyumen family, the servant in the corner quietly got up and left immediately after hearing this request.

And Orihime's father looked at Aoko Shimada across the way and shook his head.

"This joke is not funny at all..."

Orihime's father said, "Ms. Shimada, we are full of regret and sorrow for Nobukatsu's death, but if we want to pay blood, the Shimada family should go to the Mobud who killed Nobukatsu."

"As for Zhi Ji, it was just a coincidence, not the culprit of Xin Sheng's death at all. Don't you feel that there is no distinction between priority and secondary in your request?"

Facing the accusation from Orihime's father, Aoko Shimada smiled coldly.

"That Demon Buddha has been wiped out, and what happened in the underground Buddha Kingdom is only known to you Miss Tu Yumen."

"What is the truth of the matter? Of course, she said it casually. How do we know whether what she said is true or not?"

"Our Shimada family only knows one thing, and that is that Nobukatsu was taken away by resentful spirits after he went to Chiba to meet Miss Tsuchimikado, and then died in an underground Buddhist kingdom that has now disappeared, with no bones left. "

"As for who is the murderer and who is the real murderer, sorry, our Shimada family has our own considerations, and it is impossible to believe just a few words from people."

After Shimada Aoko said these words, Orihime's father's expression had cooled down, and he was no longer as restrained as before.

"Ms. Shimada is really as rumored... fierce."

Zhihime's father sneered and said, "Come directly to the door and ask us to hand over our daughter to you to kill, the Shimada you think you are the emperor?"

Zhihime's mother hastily opened her mouth.

"Everyone calm down," she patted her husband's palm and said, "Honey, calm down first."

Then, she looked at Qingzi who was opposite, and said, "Qingzi, please calm down too. Our two families have always had a good relationship. We have been friends for so many years, no matter what, we will not be in such a situation, right? "

She sighed softly and said, "There must be room for maneuver in this matter."

However, Zhi Ji's mother's consolation did not work.

Shimada Aoko said directly and coldly.

"There is no room for maneuver! This is not my opinion alone, but the request of the Shimada family as a whole!"

"Blood debt is paid with blood, and murder is paid with life! Tsuchimikado Orihime killed the young master of the Shimada family. This is her own admission, and it is also recognized by your Tsuchimikado family.",

"If that's the case, then kill for your life. Our Shimada family's request is just that, it's very simple."

"Could it be that she's special because she's the lady of your Tsuchimikado family? You don't have to pay for killing someone?",

"But even if it's His Majesty's princess, you can't kill the young master of our Shimada family at will, right?"

Shimada Aoko's words don't show any sympathy.

"Who can live? Who has to die?" Shimada Qingzi said coldly, "For our Shimada family, it's very simple. The murderer must die!"

Hearing these words, Orihime's parents looked at each other again and fell silent.

At the same time, in the courtyard not far from this house.Tsuchimikado Toshizo is playing chess with others.

After hearing the latest news from the servant, he paused slightly.

Then, put down the chess pieces.

"The Shimada family's this really it?"

Tsuchimikado Suizan asked.

The servant beside him nodded respectfully.

So, under the early morning sunlight, Tsuchiyado Suizan sighed and said.

"To make such a request... Heh... The Shimada family is gone too."

Tsuchimikado Toshizo let out a sneer of unknown meaning.

"It's really that old man's style to be so ruthless..."

"But it's been [-] years since Heisei, and we still act with the thinking of the Showa era. It seems that once we leave the era, the old man will age quickly."

"Even the former old man has become like this. It's really touching..."

Tsuchyumen Suizan shook his head, sighed a long time, and said.

"Let's spread the news, the sword in Chiba City was not intended to be used..."

"But now that I think about it, I have to use it."

The guest on the other side of the chessboard glanced at him and laughed, "You mean that Lin Yuanfei?"

Tuyumen Suizan shrugged, "Feitian Yujianliu... Lin Yuanfei's sword is stronger than everyone expected. Let's see, how to solve this matter probably depends on him. "

The servant nodded obediently, ready to leave.

But the guest on the opposite side of the chessboard spoke again.

"But if this sword is really as sharp as you said... Aren't you afraid it will become a double-edged sword?"

Tsuchimikado Toshizo's movements stopped again.

Holding the chess pieces, he was silent for a while.

He let out a long sigh.

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