It's not that Lin Yuanfei is overwhelmed with sympathy, it's just that he feels a little bit sorry.

Especially the person who is being embarrassed by the Shimada family now, from a certain point of view, it should be him. In the end, all the pressure was carried by Orihime.

Lin Yuanfei really couldn't treat this matter as non-existent.

He looked down at the time, thought for a while, and finally took out his cell phone and dialed Kotomine Shirou.

But no one answered.

Lin Yuanfei called three times in a row, but no one answered.

After thinking about it, he called Zhiji again.

However, no one answered.

In the end, Lin Yuanfei sat back on the lawn discouraged and put down his phone.

"It's really a headache..." Lin Yuanfei rubbed his temples and said, "What's the situation, please give me a letter."

In the next second, a crisp voice sounded beside him.

"Huh? Brother, what are you worrying about?"

The little girl's voice sounded clear and sweet, like a silver bell, extremely cute.

But Lin Yuanfei jumped up in an instant, and the bellflower fairy Dongyue came out of its sheath in his hand.


The broken knife with only half of its blade left stopped straight in front of a little girl.

But that little loli was still blinking curiously, not at all frightened by Lin Yuanfei's appearance.

Instead, he smiled happily.

"Big brother's movements are so handsome!"

The little girl clapped her hands happily.

Lin Yuanfei stared at her suspiciously, and said, "Who are you? Where did you come in?"

With Lin Yuanfei's perception and vigilance, he didn't even know that the child touched him?

How sacred is this little girl?

Facing Lin Yuanfei's vigilance, the little girl had a happy smile on her face.

"Big brother, you are so powerful, don't you know who he is?"

The little girl smiled cutely, but Lin Yuanfei felt a little discordant dark atmosphere.

This little girl...

"Jack the Ripper?" Lin Yuanfei showed a surprised expression, "You are Jack the Ripper?"

As an amateur player of a certain game, Lin Yuanfei only has two five-star killing ranks, and one is Shuten-douji, who is not very useful.The other is the young girl in front of me, Jack the Ripper.

Lin Yuanfei is still very familiar with the voice of Jack the Ripper. After all, this servant is very useful in the game and is often used for dungeons.

So Lin Yuanfei listened carefully, then looked at the other person's appearance, and directly recognized the little girl's identity.

If it's a killing class, it makes sense.

It's not a big deal for Assassin, whose breath was blocked, to touch his side silently.

Lin Yuanfei looked at the young girl in front of him, showing a wary expression.

"What did you come to me for? Are you going to avenge Fei Cun Jianxin and the others?"

While speaking, Lin Yuanfei was on guard against possible attacks around him.

After all, although Jack the Ripper is a five-star follower, that's just for gameplay.

Judging from the setting and record, this guy is an out-and-out disgrace to a follower.If the enemy is going to come for revenge, it is impossible to send only one Jack the Ripper.

Author's message:

PS: There was no update yesterday, and the status is still not good today.

emmm... Sure enough, there are a few days of irritability every month. I don't want to write a word, and I am so irritated.

Apart from sitting in a daze, I can't do anything, and even playing games feels irritable.

I'm so sorry for wasting everyone's day.

It can only take two days to adjust the state and then make more compensation

Chapter 614 Dazzling

Under the shade of a tree, Lin Yuanfei showed a vigilant expression.

The knife in his hand pointed at the little girl in front of him.

And the little girl had a playful smile on her face, as if she didn't feel threatened at all.

Instead, he said happily.

"Big brother is really amazing, he knew our names all at once, so amazing."

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