"No wonder Brother Saber and the others were killed by you. You are so powerful, and Mom really cares about you."

After Jack finished speaking, Lin Yuanfei frowned.

"Stop talking nonsense! What are you looking for?"

Lin Yuanfei seemed to have not seen the little girl's cuteness, and said coldly, "Is that master of yours planning to kill me to cover up the shameful things he did behind his back?"

Lin Yuanfei swears vulgarly in front of the little girl, he has no quality at all.

He knew that although the little girl in front of him looked cute, she was not a good thing.

Although in most cases, heroic spirits are good people and heroes, so the incarnation servants of heroic spirits are also good people and heroes.

But there will always be some cases that do not take the usual path.

For example, the Jack the Ripper in front of him is not a hero.

Regarding Jack's incident, Lin Yuanfei was quite clear about it.

There were tens of thousands of prostitutes in London in 1888.At that time, abortion technology was still quite backward and rough, and children who could have been born normally were treated like garbage.

The bodies of the babies were all thrown into the river near the east end city, and resentment kept accumulating in this chaotic river.The resentment of tens of thousands of babies who were rejected even at birth gradually began to transform into the form of a young girl, that is, Jack the Ripper.

After the transformation was successful, the Wraith Collective happened to see a woman appearing on the side of the road.

So this young girl who lacked love couldn't help but yelled "Mom", but was insulted by a prostitute, which made her feel very sad.

Then Jack killed the unfortunate woman who passed by.

Then Jack killed others, and before she knew it, she had the nickname "Jack the Ripper."

After killing several prostitutes, because a certain magician realized that this series of strange killings was a crime from the existence of demons, he cleaned her up early, and Jack the Ripper disappeared into the darkness like this.

Well, that's right, the level of Jack the Ripper is the level of being tackled by a passing magician.

It is estimated that the combat effectiveness is not as good as Yamamura Sadako.

Anyway, Sadako Yamamura in this world is also a big boss who established an underground Buddhist kingdom.

Generally speaking, although Assassin is the weakest among the Seven Riding Heroic Spirits, there are still some big guys who are very fierce.

Even weak is only relative to other heroic spirits, unless they are the best among human beings, they cannot beat followers.

It's a pity that this Jack's combat power is like a shame of a follower and a sewer.

So Lin Yuanfei was basically not worried about what the other party would do.

He was just wary of other servants who might appear around, and said, "Where are the other servants? Let's call out together? Just loosen my bones!"

Lin Yuanfei said in a trembling voice, "According to the time, it's almost time to open a new dungeon. Where's your accomplice? Ask them to come out and play together! I'm in a hurry!"

Lin Yuanfei spoke rudely directly.

After all, most of the heroic spirits were big figures and heroes during their lifetime. The biggest characteristic of guys in this profession is that they care about face.

If someone provokes and despises them, very few Heroic Spirits will ignore them.

It's a pity that after Lin Yuanfei's provocative words were finished, there was no reaction around here.

Only Jack the Ripper looked at him innocently and blinked.

"Brother, what are you talking about? I've said everything, only Jack is here."

Jack smiled and said, "And I'm not here to fight you this time. I'm here to deliver the letter~~"

After Jack finished speaking, Lin Yuanfei frowned, "Send a letter? What letter?"

Jack blinked and said with a smile, "Mom asked us to inform big brother that something serious happened in the capital. Big brother, your fiancée will sacrifice herself to resolve the dispute between the two families."

"So, probably tonight, big brother, your fiancée will be gone."

The little girl smiled and said such words, "Brother, if you sleep a little longer, the next time we meet, you will only see the ashes of your fiancée."

What the little girl said made Lin Yuanfei's expression turn cold.

"Your master asked you to notify me of this? Anything else?"

The little girl shook her head.

Lin Yuanfei sneered, "It looks like your master is planning to kill me with the hands of the Shimada family... right?"

The little girl smiled, "I don't know about this Jack. Mom didn't tell Jack why he did this. Jack just listened to his mother and came to inform his big brother. Now that the notification is over, Jack should go... goodbye big brother .”

The little girl waved at Lin Yuanfei, then turned and disappeared under the shade of the tree.

It's like being invisible out of thin air.

Lin Yuanfei stared coldly at the direction where Jack disappeared, and said expressionlessly.

"Since you're here, don't leave!"

In the next second, a cold sword light flashed in the shade of the tree.

Lin Yuanfei's figure rushed out in an instant, the shattered dagger directly cut through the air, and collided with a small dagger.

Amidst the little girl's surprised and coquettish cry, she was directly sent flying by Lin Yuanfei, and smashed heavily on a big tree.

The big tree that the two hugged was directly broken by the middle.

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