The little girl got up from the place in pain, with an unbelievable expression on her face.

"Big brother, you..." She looked at Lin Yuanfei in disbelief, and said, "You want to kill Jack?"

If she hadn't blocked Lin Yuanfei's attack in time, she would have been chopped off by Lin Yuanfei directly.

Lin Yuanfei's merciless blow made the little girl full of astonishment, "You want to kill Jack when someone comes to deliver a letter to big brother?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at her expressionlessly and smiled coldly.

"Don't kill you, keep it for the New Year?"

Lin Yuanfei's figure disappeared from the spot in an instant.

A cold gust of wind blew up in the manor.

The broken knife in Lin Yuanfei's hand ruthlessly slashed at the young girl in front of him.

There was no mercy in his eyes.

Flying sword flow!Tornado!

The shining sword light and piercing killing intent turned into the sharpest whirlwind, and swept directly towards the young girl in front.

Even though this little girl is so innocent and cute, Lin Yuanfei is still ruthless.

Don't kill her this time, next time she will deal with Lin Yuanfei with other followers!

Moreover, Jack's assassination skills are hard to guard against. Lin Yuanfei may not be afraid, but he has to consider the safety of the girls around him!

and so……


Lin Yuanfei drank coldly, and the icy sword light instantly overwhelmed the petite girl.

Scarlet blood splashed out directly.

In the sun, it is extremely dazzling.

Author's message:

PS: About the eunuch... Don't worry, everyone, I have already arranged the plot direction, follow-up outline, and even the ending of this book.

As long as you write down step by step, you can finish the book.There are about a million words of plot.

Sometimes it may be interrupted if the status is not good enough to write, or it is too busy.

But it is absolutely impossible for a eunuch to be a eunuch.

To put it bluntly, this book's grades are so good, I'm out of my mind to get rid of it.You must squeeze out the last bit of value to finish the book (squint eyes)

Finally, I recommend a friend's new book "Driving Back to the Coffin". Introduction:

After crossing, Feng Xia waited for a full [-] years.

Then, after loading the [-]-year-old system, a new prompt finally appeared:

[Dear system host, we are sorry to inform you that your strongest traverser system failed to enable Niubi mode due to unknown reasons. 】

[The system is uninstalling, please wait...]

[Uninstallation is successful, goodbye to the host. 】

"Wait a minute, it's not the same as what I said-"

In shock, Feng Xia suddenly sat up and slammed his head on the coffin board.

Chapter 615 Do You Have Some Misunderstandings About the Underworld

The instant the scarlet blood exploded in the sun, the manor resounded with the cry of the young girl's pain.

The voice sounded so miserable, so pitiful, it was heartbreaking to hear.

Gui Yanye, who was practicing sword not far away, finally noticed the situation here, with a surprised expression on his face, not knowing what happened.

And Lin Yuanfei's face was extremely cold.

The hand holding the knife didn't shake at all, and it still mercilessly chopped at the screaming young girl in the sword light.


In the splash of blood, an arm of the young girl flew out.

Jack the Ripper screamed in horror.

"It hurts so much, Mom... Mom, help me..."

She turned to run.

However, the speed is too slow.

Lin Yuanfei's speed was unbelievably fast.

A biting gust of wind blew up in the manor with his high-speed movement.

His figure turned into a flash of light at that moment, passing the little girl.

In the next second, Lin Yuanfei stopped a few meters away, putting his knife back into its sheath indifferently.

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