
The moment the knife was broken and returned to its sheath, the sound of metal clashing seemed to press a switch, and the body of the young girl behind Lin Yuanfei was torn apart in mid-air.

Scarlet blood, sprayed in the manor.

The head with a frozen expression of disbelief rolled to Lin Yuanfei's feet with a grunt.

Then, under Lin Yuanfei's indifferent gaze, it silently turned into golden light spots floating in the sky.

Seeing this scene, Gui Yanye ran over in a panic.

"Master... master craftsman?"

The girl's eyes were full of astonishment.

She didn't notice when this scantily clad young girl appeared, and she didn't know why Lin Yuanfei suddenly killed this cute looking young girl.

Lin Yuanfei glanced at her and said, "Who told you to come here? Go back and continue practicing swords!"

Lin Yuanfei said sternly, "If I don't let you stop, I won't stop!"

Yan Ye's body trembled slightly, and he quickly lowered his head to apologize.


Then the little girl ran back to her original position to practice sword like a frightened bird.

Lin Yuanfei was the only one left standing there, frowning slightly as he watched the golden light spots slowly dissipating in the air after Jack's death.

To be honest, he didn't really want to kill this Jack the Ripper.

After all, although this Jack the Ripper has a cruel personality, his mind is actually very young. If he has time and opportunity, he can completely deceive a wave of information.

But under the current situation, Lin Yuanfei didn't dare to let the other party go.

Because Jack the Ripper has the so-called [Information Erasing] ability, when the battle is over, information from the memories and records of witnesses and opponents to her abilities, real name, and appearance will disappear.

That is to say, if Lin Yuanfei let this Jack the Ripper go, then maybe after more than ten minutes, he would not be able to remember who and how to report the letter to him.

To some extent, this Jack the Ripper is indeed suitable for this kind of work as a messenger.

A more important thing is the class of this Jack the Ripper - Assassin.

Jack the Ripper, who possessed breath blocking, could even touch his side silently, let alone Yukiko Saeko and the others.

And Jack the Ripper has a special attack bonus against women...

If Lin Yuanfei let Jack the Ripper go here, he would really be a Muggle.

If the Jack the Ripper sneaked back into the villa to deal with Yukiko Saeko and the others when Lin Yuanfei left, then when Lin Yuanfei came back, he could only collect the bodies of a few girls.

Even if other servants have the master's order, they may not do this kind of thing to assassinate women, but Jack the Ripper will definitely not have any resistance, and will even kill people happily.

With this in mind, Lin Yuanfei absolutely can't let her go...

Although this guy is weak, if he lets go, he will definitely be a disaster!

Lin Yuanfei thought about it, took out his mobile phone, and dialed Kotomine Shirou.

However, no one answered the phone.

Lin Yuanfei frowned even tighter.

Kotomine Shirou...what the hell is he doing?Why is the phone suddenly disconnected?

He also intends to confirm with Kotomine Shiro whether the information provided by Jack the Ripper is correct.

However, he couldn't get through the phone, which made him a little helpless.

There was no way, Lin Yuanfei called Zhiji again.

Still no one answered.

After walking around the manor for a while with some headaches, Lin Yuanfei finally decided to go to Kyoto to check the situation.

He walked towards Yan Ye quickly and said.

"Go and call Yuki and Busujima-senpai, let them come out, I have something to tell them."

Then, Lin Yuanfei called Xintian—that is, the phone number of the cheap younger brother Shinnosuke Linyuan he had just met.

After the call was connected, the guy Nitta's extremely respectful voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Brother, do you have any orders?"

Lin Yuanfei sighed, and said, "Nobusuke, if I'm going to Kyoto now, is there any way you can let me go to Kyoto in the shortest time?"

Nitta on the other end of the phone was a little surprised, "Brother, do you have anything to do when you go to Kyoto? If it's not urgent, I can arrange someone to drive you there immediately."

Lin Yuanfei sighed and said, "It's very urgent, very urgent."

Lin Yuanfei looked at the sky and said, "If I go late, I think I will have a headache, quite a headache. So the sooner the better, what kind of aircraft and tanks, it is best to go there as soon as possible."

Nitta said, "But there is no airport in Kyoto...Brother, if you take a plane, you can only land at Osaka, and the time delay will be even greater."

Lin Yuanfei was very helpless, "That's why I asked you what is the fastest..."

Nitta said, "If you are going to Kyoto, it must be the Shinkansen. You can get to Kyoto in about two hours, and it is definitely the fastest route."

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