Lin Yuanfei rubbed his chin and asked, "Isn't the Lin Yuan group a gangster? Don't we have helicopters or something like that? Or fighter jets, that should be faster?"

Xintian: "...Brother, do you have any misunderstandings about the underworld?"

"Okay, then I'll go there by Shinkansen. Hurry up and arrange for me a guide who is familiar with Kyoto, and then help me buy the ticket for the nearest bus. I'm going to Kyoto right away."

Lin Yuanfei looked at the time and said, "I want to arrive in Kyoto before dark."

After finalizing the itinerary with Xintian, Lin Yuanfei put down his phone.

In front of him, Yan Ye had already brought Yuki and Saeko over.

Seeing Lin Yuanfei like this, Yuki frowned.

"Lin Yuan-kun, have you found Yuno's whereabouts?"

Lin Yuanfei sighed, "Don't mention Yuno, my head hurts when I think of her now."

Author's message:

PS: I recommend this friend's new book, "I Was Pulled into Steam"


In "Escape",

Wang Hao stood quietly at the door of the eerie psychiatric hospital.

Holding a video camera with night vision function, the corner of his mouth twitched disdainfully.

"Lighting? It doesn't exist. One word, it's Gan!"

Then throw it to the ground and stride forward

ten seconds passed

Wang Hao returned to the original place, silently picked up the camera


Looking at the thin, round, streamlined machine

body, tears almost came out.

Sniffing the battery with the smell of alloy, he couldn't help thinking:

"It's so fragrant!"

Chapter 616 I am very sincere

After Lin Yuanfei denied Yuki's guess, Yuki not only did not feel relaxed, but was a little uneasy.

"Then Lin Yuan-kun, are you... are you going to do something dangerous again?" Yuki asked timidly.

For some reason, Lin Yuanfei felt that Yuki's attitude had changed a bit.

It seems to be back to the moment when the two first met, the kind of alienated concern.

If it was before yesterday, then Yuki should have directly asked Lin Yuanfei where he was going.

As a result, I feel weak now... Sure enough, the impact of what happened last night has not disappeared.

Of course, this is also normal, after all, Lin Yuanfei never went to Yuki to resolve the influence, so the influence must exist.

However, Lin Yuanfei didn't dare to look for Yuki when he was Youzai during the day, and it is even more impossible to deal with this matter now.

Lin Yuanfei pretended not to notice the change in Yuki's attitude, and still said carelessly.

"It's not a big problem. Go to Kyoto and visit Tsuchimikado's house. I heard people say that Orihime seems to have been seriously injured. Her uterus was too damaged and she lost her fertility."

"Although she went back without saying a word, but I thought about it, we still have to visit. After all, she was injured to help us."

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, Saeko Busujima nodded.

"I understand," said Saeko Busujima, "Yuki and I will go to pack our luggage now, and we will go to Kyoto now."

Lin Yuanfei shook his head quickly, "No, no, you can just stay in Chiba City, and I will go to Kyoto alone."

As soon as Lin Yuanfei said this, Yuki and Busujima Saeko suddenly showed suspicious expressions.

But before the two girls opened their mouths, Lin Yuanfei calmly blocked their mouths.

"Do you remember that Shimada Nobukatsu? That guy died underground."

"As far as I know, Shimada Nobukatsu is the young master of the Shimada family, and the only seedling of the family."

"Although the Shimada family hasn't seen any movement yet, I think this matter may not be so easy to resolve."

"After all, even though the name of Tsuchimikado is under the pressure, the Shimada family should not mess around, but if we all go to Kyoto and run to their headquarters, if the group of heartless iron-headed children of the Shimada family send someone to plot against us What to do?"

"To be on the safe side, you two should stay in Chiba City. The Shimada family basically doesn't have much power here. Even if we send someone to make trouble, we can still defend against it."

"I ran to other people's base camp when the two sides were enmity. I was afraid of accidents."

Lin Yuanfei talked nonsense very calmly, "And for safety's sake, during the time I'm away, you should change your location and live in Lin Yuan's group for a few days."

"I'm not only worried that the iron-headed boy of the Shimada family will send someone to assassinate you, but I'm also afraid that Yuno will take the opportunity to make trouble."

"Yuno disappeared for a day and a night, and there is no news of her yet. I feel something is wrong. Maybe this is the calm before the storm. Yuno is hiding in the dark and holding back some big moves."

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