"To be on the safe side, you go to the headquarters of the Linyuan group. Although the Linyuan group is full of trash, the trash is also useful."

"Be careful to protect yourselves, don't go out and run around, I'm going to Kyoto, and I'll be back soon."

Lin Yuanfei said, "I'll be back tomorrow afternoon at the latest, very soon."

The most realistic lie in the world is half-truth and half-false.

Once Lin Yuanfei finished talking nonsense, even the shrewd Saeko Busujima didn't notice anything unusual, let alone the two silly girls Yuki and Yanye.

Facing Lin Yuanfei's impeccable reason and arrangement, the three girls could only nod.

"Okay, then we will go to the headquarters of the Lin Yuan group later. Lin Yuan-jun, you go to Kyoto alone and be careful."

The three girls said goodbye to Lin Yuanfei in their own words.

At this time, the gate of the manor opened, and a convoy drove into the manor and stopped on the side of the road.

After the front door opened, Nitta got out of the car.

"Brother, I've already made arrangements," Nitta said. "In half an hour, there will be a Shinkansen to Kyoto. Shall we start now?"

Lin Yuanfei clicked his tongue, "You're pretty fast... Come on, let your people take my friends back to the headquarters first. Before I come back, pay attention to protecting their safety."

Lin Yuanfei still had another worry in his heart, and that was those followers who hadn't shown up yet.

The master who never showed up sent Jack to deliver a letter to Lin Yuanfei, making it clear that he wanted to fool Lin Yuanfei into going to Kyoto to die.

The Shimada family is a little bit stronger than the Tsuchimikado family. To be honest, if Hayashi Yuanfei really fought with the Shimada family, the winning rate is not very high.

Even if he has now inherited the strength of the original owner of the body, he can tear the followers apart.

But fighting an old-fashioned family in their base camp, if you don't pay attention, you will still overturn your car.

If at the critical moment when Lin Yuanfei and Shimada's family were having a good fight, the master who had never shown his face jumped out with his remaining heroic spirits to act as orioles, Lin Yuanfei would be really uncomfortable.

So Lin Yuanfei didn't go to Kyoto this time to fight.

The map is still covered in the fog of war. If you go up to Mang without knowing the enemy's position and intelligence, that's not reckless, it's death.

So this time I went to Kyoto, if we can make peace, we should make peace.

With such sincerity, Lin Yuanfei got into the car of Lin Yuan's group.

After the convoy drove out of the manor, they parted ways at the intersection.

Except for one car that took Lin Yuanfei to take the Shinkansen, the rest of the cars escorted Yuki and the others to the headquarters of Lin Yuan's group.

Looking at the convoy gradually disappearing in the rearview mirror, Lin Yuanfei sighed, feeling a little headache.

The distress of dragging the family and the mouth appeared at this time.

He is now afraid that Yuno/the servant in the dark/the Shimada family will deal with Yuki and the others while he is away.

But it is more dangerous to bring three girls with you.

Lin Yuanfei began to miss Yuno now...

Eh... It would be great if that crazy girl from Yuno wasn't a crazy girl.

With the strength shown by Yuno, and Yan Ye, who is also the host of the Zhushen virus, coupled with Yuki's super power, it is not impossible for even a follower to fight.

It's a pity that Yuno not only ran away, but also turned against him, which is a headache.

Sure enough, if you get involved with him, it will be very dangerous...

Lin Yuanfei is now in contact with some dangerous supernatural powers, and it is really dangerous to walk with this girl who lacks the ability to protect herself.


Lin Yuanfei remained silent, his eyes slightly blank.

It seems that Yuno's matter needs to be resolved quickly.

If it continues to delay, it will be bad for Yuki and him.

Either way, a choice had to be made.

Procrastination will not solve any problems.

Author's message:

PS: Delay cannot solve the update.

The keyboard can't move by itself, so it can only be maintained by staying up late.

Chapter 617 Unexpected

The Shinkansen, Japan's express train, is one of Japan's national pride and symbols.

Just like the high-speed rail of later generations has become the pride of China.

The Japanese Shinkansen is more practical for Japan.

After all, the land area is small and narrow, and the route network of this express train can completely radiate to all places.Unlike China, until 2020, many cities in coastal provinces still cannot enjoy high-speed rail.

In the past, Lin Yuanfei had watched a cartoon about the Shinkansen called Iron Brave Train Man.

At that time, he didn't understand what the Shinkansen was and what it meant.

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