Now I have personally experienced the so-called Shinkansen in Japan, but Lin Yuanfei, who has already experienced the high-speed rail, is not too surprised by the Shinkansen.

This time there were three younger brothers accompanying him, all of whom were sent by Xintian.

The two strong men are the senior thugs in the group, that is, the legendary double bonus red sticks.

And the remaining younger brother looked gentle, wearing glasses, and carrying a briefcase, like an ordinary office worker or secretary, not like a gangster at all.

These three younger brothers are mainly here to guide Lin Yuanfei, after all Lin Yuanfei has never been to Kyoto.

And when you go out, you also need to be ordered by your hands.

Lin Yuanfei didn't reject them either.

The whole process was peaceful and nothing out of the ordinary happened.

There was neither an old man who suddenly fell ill nor a train robbery incident. Lin Yuanfei arrived in Kyoto without triggering a branch line.

When I got out of the car, the phone rang.

He glanced at a number he didn't recognize.

After thinking for two seconds, Lin Yuanfei connected.

"Moses Moses?"

On the other end of the phone, came a similar indifferent voice.

"Are you Lin Yuanfei? I'm Shirou's younger sister. We met before."

The person on the other side who opened the door clearly showed his identity.

Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a second - Karen?Why is this girl looking for me?

He asked, "Miss Karen? Do you have anything to do with me?"

Could something have happened to Kotomine Shiro?

Otherwise, why didn't that guy get through on the phone...

Facing Lin Yuanfei's inquiry, Karen on the other end of the phone was very calm.

"Shirou asked me to tell you that something happened to your fiancée. After the family named Shimada negotiated with your fiancée's family, your fiancée was willing to risk her life for her life."

"Probably tonight, your fiancée will go to Shimada's house to die. Shirou said that if you want to save someone, you should go to Kyoto as soon as possible."

"In addition, this incident is a bit big. In order to prevent getting caught up in the fire, the people in the church have controlled Shirou, so the helicopter that promised you is gone. You can take the Shinkansen to Kyoto by yourself."

Karen said coldly, "I've finished what Shirou wanted to say, do you have any questions?"

Lin Yuanfei was silent for a few seconds, and asked, "Is your brother alright?"

"Don't worry, that guy is fine," Karen said. "He was just locked in the house watching TV. The person sent by the church is our grandfather, who cares more about our safety than you."

Kallen is very in line with the person's poisonous tongue.

Lin Yuanfei was not angry, but smiled instead.

"Since Shirou is fine, I'm relieved. Tell your brother for me, thank him for his help this time, and treat him to a big meal next time when you have time."

After Lin Yuanfei said goodbye, he put down his phone.

Then, looking at the three younger brothers waiting behind him, he said, "Where is the person who came to pick us up? Let's go find her now."

Lin Yuanfei said, "I have to go to Tuyumen immediately."

The information Karen gave was beyond Lin Yuanfei's expectation.

Although Jack the Ripper said it was scary when he delivered the letter, Lin Yuanfei didn't take it seriously.

It's true that your Shimada family is powerful, but the Tsuchimikado family where Orihime lives is not for nothing.

You Shimada Nobukatsu are the young master of the Shimada family and the only child of the main family, but Orihime is also the eldest lady of the Tsuchimikado family.Although she is not the suzerain's daughter, she has a very high status.

Could it be that the young master of your Shimada family is honorable, and the young lady of the Tsuchimikado family is a weed on the roadside?It doesn't exist.

According to Lin Yuanfei's speculation, if the two families really quarrel, there is a high probability that they will argue with each other, negotiate with each other, and finally compromise with each other.

Of course, the Tsuchimikado family may pay a small price, but it is absolutely impossible for Orihime to pay for her life.

Even in the end, if the Shimada family is too tough and can't handle it, it is possible that the Tsuchimikado family will directly lead to misfortune and hatred to Lin Yuanfei.

But now even Kotomine Shirou said that Orihime was going to pay for her life?What the hell?The Tuyumen family just sit back and watch their own family's eldest lady be bullied?

Lin Yuanfei had to go to the Tuyumen family to find out what happened.

Under the guidance of the three younger brothers, Lin Yuanfei quickly left the station and met the person sent by Lin Yuan's group to pick them up.

He didn't exchange too many greetings with this dead silent who had been waiting outside for a long time. After Lin Yuanfei asked him to go to the headquarters of Tu Yumen's family, he shut up.

All the while, thinking about what might happen.

He even called Orihime and Tsuchimikado Toshizo.

Still no one answered his call.

This weird situation made Lin Yuanfei even more uneasy.

Is Zhihime really going to pay for her life...

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