With this fact in front of his eyes, Lin Yuanfei was suddenly at a loss.

Out of emotion and reason, he felt that he had to intervene in this matter.

But I also feel that I am a little bit insufficient...

If he wants to take care of this matter, then in what capacity should he take care of it?

Moreover, that stubborn girl Zhi Ji has always put her family first, and she will definitely not object if the family asks her to pay her own life. Will she appreciate Lin Yuanfei's rescue of her?

Maybe not only would he not appreciate it, but he would scold Lin Yuanfei and tell him to get the hell out of him. In the end, Lin Yuanfei was not a human being...

"The situation this time is really a little delicate..."

Lin Yuanfei sighed a long time, and said, "Could it be that I really want to shave my head and get hot?"

He watched the streets of the city continue to retreat on both sides, and the silver-gray Honda was parked outside a huge Japanese-style manor.

It is hard to imagine that there is such a manor in the urban area of ​​Kyoto.

After Lin Yuanfei got out of the car, he directly asked a few followers to go back first, and said that he would contact them when there was something to do.

When Lin Yuanfei came to the gate, a young man stood there to welcome Lin Yuanfei.

"Mr. Lin Yuan, hello, the suzerain is already waiting for you," the young man said respectfully.

Lin Yuanfei was slightly taken aback, "Tuyumen Suisan already knew that I was coming? Then why didn't he answer my call?"

The young man who greeted him lowered his head and said, "Please ask the Sovereign this question yourself, I can't answer it."

Chapter 618

Lin Yuanfei recognized the young man who stood at the door to greet him. This was the secretary who was with Suizan Tsuchiyado.

When he was in Chiba City before, Lin Yuanfei had already met him.

It seemed that the young secretary had been waiting here for a long time.

Coupled with the words of the other party, it proved one thing, that is, Tsuchimikado Toshizo already knew that he was coming, and sent someone to meet him in advance.

It is even possible that Tsuchimikado Toshizo may have known the news when Hayashi Yuanfei had just left Chiba City.

But along the way Lin Yuanfei called Tu Yumen Suisan several times, but Tu Yumen Suisan didn't answer.

As a result, he is now willing to see Lin Yuanfei again?

What kind of medicine does this guy sell in his gourd...

Lin Yuanfei frowned and said, "Lead the way ahead."

Since the secretary couldn't get any useful information out of his mouth, then Lin Yuanfei would go directly to ask Tuyumen Suizan.

Following behind the secretary, Lin Yuanfei walked into the gate of Tu Yumen's house.

Passed through several courtyard corridors, climbed up and down several steps.

Finally, Lin Yuanfei came to a quiet courtyard.

From afar, Lin Yuanfei saw Tsuchiyado Suizo kneeling on the tatami floor, practicing calligraphy seriously.

Led by the secretary, Lin Yuanfei walked into this Japanese-style house.

But Lin Yuanfei didn't sit on his knees, he just stood there, frowned at Tuyumen Suisan who was seriously practicing calligraphy.

"Mr. Prime Minister, I heard some bad rumors in Chiba. I heard that Orihime...is going to Shimada's house to die?"

The brush in Tsuchimikado Suizan's hand did not stop at all, and was still swaying smoothly on the white paper.

He didn't even lift his head.

"Where did you hear the rumors?" Tsuchimikado Toizo said, "How could Orihime go to the Shimada family to die, and the Shimada family is not qualified to let her die."

However, Tuyumen Suizan's answer did not satisfy Lin Yuanfei.

He said, "Since Zhiji is fine, is it okay to let her come out to see me? I have been unable to get through to her phone, and I am a little worried."

Tsuchimikado Toshizo refused, "Orihime has already gone to the United States, and she should still be on the plane. How can you get through her phone. Tomorrow, I will ask him to call you back."

Lin Yuanfei shook his head at Tuyumen Suizan's reply, "But when I called Zhi Ji in the morning, I couldn't get through to her cell phone. Could it be that she got on the plane in the morning? all day?"

This time, the brush in Tsuchimikado Suizan's hand finally stopped.

After a few seconds of silence, he put down the brush in his hand, raised his head and looked at Lin Yuanfei.

"Lin Yuan, don't you even believe me?" Tsuchimikado Suizan's eyes were sullen.

The appearance of the superior without anger is enough to make people tremble.

However, these did not play any role in Lin Yuanfei.

Lin Yuanfei looked at him without giving in, and the eyes of the two intersected in the air, extremely tough.

"I believe in evidence!" Lin Yuanfei said, "If Zhiji really went to America, when did she leave? Did she take a civil aviation or a private jet? Why is it so slow?"

After Lin Yuanfei asked a few words, Tu Yumen Suisan shook his head.

"Hayashi Yuan, you have to understand one thing. Sometimes, ignorance is the best quality," said Tsuchimikado Suizan with a cold expression, "You shouldn't know, don't know."

"..." Lin Yuanfei looked at him, his eyes narrowed slightly.

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