"It seems that I can only go to Shimada's house to find out," Lin Yuanfei said.

When the voice fell, Tsuchimikado Suizan was furious instantly.


With a loud noise, he smashed the wooden table in front of him with a slap, and roared sullenly, "I confused you! Can't you hear me?"

In the originally quiet and peaceful courtyard, murderous aura overflowed instantly.

The strong pressure came overwhelmingly, and even the air was about to freeze.

That was not supernatural power, but Tsuchimikado Toshizo's own aura.

The moment the table shattered, the servants waiting outside the door all trembled, their faces filled with panic.

However, in the room, Lin Yuanfei, who was the first to bear the brunt of the furious Tuyumen Suisan, still had a cold expression on his face.

He looked at the furious man in front of him and said, "Mr. Prime Minister is so angry, does it seem that the rumors are true?"

Lin Yuanfei seemed unaware of Tsuchimikado Tousan's roar, and said to himself, "Tonight, Zhihime is really going to the Shimada family to pay for her life? Will she be killed by the Shimada family?"

Tsuchimikado Toshizo looked at him coldly, and said, "Does all this have anything to do with you?"

Tsuchimikado Toshizo said, "Your engagement with Orihime has been terminated, and from today onwards, you have nothing to do with the Tsuchimikado family. Do you need an outsider to dictate our family affairs?"

Lin Yuanfei shrugged in the face of Tuyumen Suizan's questioning.

Said, "If it's something else, I'm really not qualified to take care of it. But I just don't care about this one."

Lin Yuanfei said, "While we were in the well, Zhi Ji saved my life. I owe her my life. How could I sit by and watch you guys betray her to the Shimada family?"

"Where is Zhiji? Why does the Shimada family want her life?" Lin Yuanfei asked, "If you don't want to tell me, it doesn't matter. I will go to the Shimada's house to find out."

"I'm sure those bastards from the Shimada family will be happy to help me answer my questions."

Lin Yuanfei said, turned around and walked out.

But the servants stopped him.

Lin Yuanfei looked back at Tuyumen Suisan who was in the room, and raised his eyebrows.

"Oh? Stop me?"

Tsuchimikado Toshizo said indifferently, "I promised Orihime that I will not let you disturb tonight's affairs. So, please stay obediently. After tonight, if you make as much noise as you like, go to the island I don't care if the Tian family sends you to death. But tonight, please stay quietly, I don't want to hurt you."

The words of Tsuchiyamen Suisan made Lin Yuanfei laugh.

"Mr. Prime Minister is really interesting..."

Lin Yuanfei smiled and said, "You care so much about my safety, so should I thank you?"

Lin Yuanfei's hand had already touched the handle of the knife.

Tsuchimikado Toshisan watched his movements and said, "I advise you not to."

Tsuchimikado Toshizo's expression was very indifferent, "From the moment Orihime agreed to the Shimada family's request on her own initiative, everything is irreversible. No matter how much you do, you will not be able to save her."

"Just like me, no matter how many plans I have arranged, I can't save her."

"A person who is going to die by himself, no matter how hard others pull him, he can't pull him up."

Author's message:

Chapter 619 I'm in a Hurry

What Tu Yumen Suisan said made Lin Yuanfei curl his lips.

But he got a little new information.

It seems that Orihime agreed to the request of the Shimada family on his own initiative.

In other words, Zhi Ji herself wanted to use her death to quell the struggle between the two families?

And judging by Tsuchimikado Toshizo's reaction, it seems that he has done something to solve all this?As a result, the plan was disrupted by Zhi Ji's behavior?

"That's really lucky."

Lin Yuanfei looked at Tsuchimikado Suizan in the room, and said, "What you can't do, Mr. Prime Minister, someone can do it for you now. You don't need to contribute, just watch from the side obediently, isn't it Isn't it a good thing?"

Lin Yuanfei smiled and said, "Just like what you said, Mr. Prime Minister, I have nothing to do with your Tuyumen family. So anything I do will not involve you, will it?"

Tuyumen Suizan looked at him indifferently, and said, "You stay in this room obediently, and when tomorrow comes, we won't be involved in anything."

"It's time to end all of this."

"And you, shouldn't interfere!"

After finishing speaking, Tsuchiyado Toshizo glanced at the group of servants outside the door.

"Close the door, Mr. Lin Yuan wants to rest."

After Tsuchimikado Toshizo's words, the servants closed the sliding wooden door.

Lin Yuanfei glanced at the wooden door and said, "I asked why the Prime Minister didn't answer my phone call. It turned out that he deliberately lured me here."

Lin Yuanfei looked at the subtle lines on the wooden door and said, "Don't answer my phone on purpose, let me lure me here, do you want to lock me up for one night? Use your yin and yang skills?"

Before entering the door, Lin Yuanfei didn't pay attention to it. Only now did Lin Yuanfei realize that there were shallow lines engraved on the back of the wooden door, and he couldn't notice it unless he looked closely.

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