Not only the wooden door, but the entire room, including the ceiling, walls, and floor, seemed to have similar patterns.

If the yin and yang techniques represented by these lines are activated, the whole room will instantly become a cage, locking the people inside.

Even Lin Yuanfei, who doesn't know Yin Yang Art, has already guessed the purpose of these magic lines based on the situation in front of him.

But Tsuchimikado Toshizo didn't have the slightest intention to refute, and directly acquiesced.

He said, "Later, someone will bring you dinner. There will also be someone waiting outside the door. You can tell them what you want."

After finishing speaking, Tsuchimikado Toizo walked straight towards a wall.

Then, his body went directly through the wall that faintly emitted light.

——After Onmyoji was activated, the walls, floor, and even the magic lines on the ceiling of the entire room emitted a faint light.

Lin Yuanfei looked at the back of Tuyumen Suisan who disappeared, and snorted coldly.

"Are you the only one who can go?"

Lin Yuanfei directly drew his sword out of its sheath, turned around and aimed at the gate, and put on a sword gesture, "It's just a broken wooden door, do you really want to trap me?"

However, the moment he drew his sword, a lot of dense light suddenly appeared in the whole room out of thin air.

These rays of light wrapped around Lin Yuanfei in an extremely flexible manner, as if they wanted to restrain him.

A cold light flashed, and Lin Yuanfei chopped the entangled rays of light into pieces.

Then, without waiting for the remaining rays of light to continue to entangle, he directly aimed at the wooden door next to him, and let out a loud shout.


The cold sword light flashed out in an instant.

The violent wind pressure almost turned into a storm.

The radiant wooden door only lasted for two seconds before being shattered by Lin Yuanfei's second knife.

Under the night sky, an earth-shattering explosion resounded in the manor of the Tuyumen family.

Then, the fragments of the wooden door splashed all around, and the shock wave brought by the chopping directly shattered the wooden door and rushed into the small courtyard, plowing a two-meter-long pit in the courtyard.

Amidst the smoke and dust, Lin Yuanfei's burly figure slowly walked out of the room.

Those gnarled muscles and cold eyes were like a humanoid Tyrannosaurus rex, with a ferocious and violent aura permeating his whole body.

In the small courtyard, several servants were lying on the ground in pain, their faces pale.

The yin and yang techniques in the house are obviously maintained by them.

When the wooden door was shattered, these servants were all backlashed, spitting blood.

The two servants closest to the wooden door were even more unlucky. They were even affected by the aftermath of the shock wave, and now they didn't even have the strength to get up.

Lin Yuanfei's gaze swept across the group of people, and finally grabbed the nearest person, dragged this guy aside, and said coldly.

"Where is your Miss Zhiji? If you don't tell me, I'll kill you and ask the next person who is willing to answer!"

As soon as Lin Yuanfei said this, the servant's body trembled.

Then he quickly replied, "Miss Zhihime left ten minutes ago and was sent to Kinkakuji Temple! This time, the abbot of Kinkakuji Temple will be the arbitrator to handle the dispute between the two families. In time!"

After the servant finished speaking, Lin Yuanfei forced him to ask about the characteristics and route of the convoy escorting Zhiji away, and then let the servant go.

Then, Lin Yuanfei returned to the group of servants, dragged away another servant, and asked about the situation.

After confirming that the information they said was the same, he let go of the last servant and stood up to leave.

But at this time, the guards of Tsuchiyamen's family had already arrived.

A shikigami that Lin Yuanfei had seen walked slowly in the darkness and said.

"Mr. Lin Yuan doesn't want to stay in the house?"

In Xuetongzi's hand, he dragged a long snow knife.

With its presence, even the air seemed to cool down.

Lin Yuanfei looked at the shikigami who looked like a little boy, and said, "Touchyumon Suizan sent you to stop me?"

Lin Yuanfei glanced around and sneered, "As expected of Abe Seimei's descendants...there are so many shikigami here."

In the darkness, Lin Yuanfei felt many incomparably powerful auras, all of which were powerful shikigami.

This snow boy is just the one who walked to the front of the stage.

Looking at him, Lin Yuanfei said, "However, there is no need to discuss what happened tonight. You can either retreat or die here. There is no other choice."

The cold killing intent lingered around Lin Yuanfei's body.

The broken knife with only half of the blade left reflects a cold light under the night.

However, the broken knife was more shocking than the scythe of death.

In the darkness, there was confusion among those squirming shikigami.

The situation has reached the point where it is about to explode.

However, Lin Yuanfei just looked at them coldly and said, "Let's go together! I'm in a hurry!"

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