Author's message:

PS: I don’t know why, but the computer is suddenly overscheduled, and the little black room is also overscheduled...

To what extent?When I type a line, I get stuck for half a second, when I type a line, I get stuck for half a second... What the hell...

However, in desperation, I locked [-] words and couldn't come out until I finished writing.

With this inexplicable high latency, I wrote [-] words, and I feel crazy

Chapter 620 Beyond the Peak

In the darkness, I don't know how many shikigami are hidden.

Those chaotic and restless breaths seemed to have a large army ready to go.

Under the moonlight, Lin Yuanfei seemed to be standing halfway in the crater, and would be torn apart by that force at any moment.

However, at this moment, the man who stood on the cusp of the storm and focused everyone's eyes sneered, and took the lead in uttering mocking words at all shikigami.

The broken blade reflecting the moonlight shone with a cold light.

The man under the moonlight was tall and burly, with muscles all over his body, like a humanoid Tyrannosaurus about to riot.

That berserk aura even subtly overwhelmed all the shikigami breaths.

As if a man is an army.

A few seconds passed, and none of the shikigami dared to move forward.

On this man's body, these shikigami with a keen sense of smell felt a terrible smell.

That kind of breath seemed to be some kind of strange killing intent that could only be acquired by killing too many monsters.

For ordinary people, such Lin Yuanfei might just be a little scary.

But for these monsters, it is extremely terrifying.

Because from another point of view, those monsters killed by Lin Yuanfei and these shikigami are of the same type...

It's just that these shikigami have envoys.

In the darkness, they fumbled for a few seconds, but no shikigami dared to step forward.

Lin Yuanfei glanced around coldly, and sneered.

"Don't dare to go up? Then don't blame me for not giving you a chance to do it!"

In an instant, the man under the moonlight disappeared.

The sound of an air explosion resounded in Tsuchimikado's manor.

The humanoid body surpassed the speed of sound for an instant, leaving a huge burst-like sonic boom cloud in place.

The white water mist that spread out like a fan formed a beautiful garland that spread outward like a shock wave.

That is the sonic boom cloud that appears when the object exceeds the speed of sound. The body that hits instantly detains the pressure in the air, causing the temperature to drop suddenly, and guides the moisture in the air to form a conical cloud cluster that spreads outward with the explosion point as the center.

Breathtakingly beautiful.

However, the threat foreshadowed by the appearance of the sonic boom cloud is even more suffocating.

——Beyond the speed of sound!

Lin Yuanfei didn't even need to unfold the form of a demon, and he didn't even need to borrow the power of a demon to reach such a state.

He has fully inherited the knowledge of kendo from the original owner of the body, and there is almost no difference in martial arts strength from the original owner of the body.

He was finally able to perfectly display the powerful strength of this body.

In an instant, he surpassed the speed of sound and surpassed the unimaginable speed of ordinary people, making him appear in front of Xuetongzi as if shrinking into an inch.

The sharp broken knife flashing with the light of the knife instantly slashed at the shikigami in front of him.

However, in the state of running at high speed, the knife carried too much terrifying power.

The extremely fast compressed air, the ensuing air pressure flow, and physical effects created a violent shock wave on the blade.

The moment Lin Yuanfei's blade slashed down, it landed directly on Xuetongzi's blade that he barely erected in a hurry.

Then, two Japanese-style samurai swords clashed.

The violent power poured down on Xuetongzi like mountains and seas.

It was sent flying in an instant.

Under the berserk force, he directly turned into a cannonball that flew backwards, dragged a long afterimage at a speed too fast for ordinary people to see clearly, and smashed heavily on the rear wall.

boom -

Amidst the terrifying explosion, Xue Tongzi's figure was submerged in the ruins of the collapsed walls.

In this split second, he was directly sent flying by Lin Yuanfei, flew fifty meters, smashed into three walls, and passed through two houses.

The terrifying destructive power is like armor-piercing bullets fired by tanks.

The shikigami around them reacted now, and all roared and rushed towards Lin Yuanfei.

Whether they are willing or not, once Lin Yuanfei takes action in this Tuyumen family's mansion, they must do so!

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