They are the guardians of the Tuyu Gate, and they must guard this place to the death.

However, Lin Yuanfei's speed was too fast.

After flying Xuetongzi, Lin Yuanfei's speed was only slightly stagnant.

Then, he stepped hard on the ground.

Amidst the bang, the entire ground shook violently.

Where Lin Yuanfei landed, a huge pothole appeared directly.

The violent shock wave spread in all directions.

And Lin Yuanfei's figure had rushed into the night sky like a missile, reaching a height of tens of meters from the ground.

He didn't let his body continue to rise.

And stepped out quickly in the void.

Under that high-speed leg movement, the air is as thick as sea water.

However, Lin Yuanfei's kick directly set off a harsh air explosion in the night sky.

Beyond the speed of sound again!


Terrifying explosions resounded above the Tsuchimikado family mansion.

The moment everyone raised their heads, they could only see a black shadow flying out like a missile and disappearing from sight in an instant.

With the help of the air explosion and shock wave caused by that foot in the air, Lin Yuanfei's figure flew out directly.

It's true that he can't fly, but as long as there is enough reaction force to propel, even humans can fly at low altitudes!

The group of shikigami who rushed towards Lin Yuanfei were all gone.

By the time they reacted, Lin Yuanfei's figure had landed on the edge of the Tuyumen's mansion.

After only staying for a second, Lin Yuanfei rushed out again.

But this time, there was no rage beyond the speed of sound.

Compared with the ferocity and horror before, this time Lin Yuanfei's movements were very gentle, and the speed was so slow that ordinary people could barely see clearly.

Some people could clearly see a figure leaping between the courtyards of the Tuyumen family, and quickly disappeared under the dark night sky just like the legendary lightness of flying over the walls.

Watching Lin Yuanfei disappear into the darkness from a distance, many members of the Tuyumen family looked at each other in blank dismay. Many of them didn't even know what happened, where did this crazy devil-like guy come from.

And in the depths of the mansion, in one of the courtyards, watching Lin Yuanfei's disappearing back, the guest who had played against Tu Yumen before laughed.

"It seems that this little brother Lin Yuan is not very satisfied with your arrangement... Besides, his strength is much stronger than what you said."

The guest's laughter made Tsuchimikado Toshizo frown.

He stood there, watching Lin Yuanfei's disappearing back, silent for a few seconds.

Then, he said to the assistant not far away.

"Tell Ida that he still has to go to Mount Fuji..."

In the darkness, Tuyumen Suizan's expression looked a bit gloomy, "Lin Yuanfei's strength seems to have improved."

Chapter 621: Golden Pavilion Temple

Indeed, Lin Yuanfei's strength had improved.

Although he just took back the original power of the original owner of the body, and restored the original strength that this body should have.

However, in the eyes of outsiders who don't know the truth of the situation, the changes that this man has undergone in one day are too extreme.

Obviously, two days ago, he was still capable of a bloody battle with Demon Buddha, but now he surpassed the speed of sound and instantly killed Xuetongzi.

Such ups and downs in strength exceeded everyone's expectations.

Tuyumen Suizan imprisoned Lin Yuanfei's cage and backhands according to Lin Yuanfei's previous strength level, but now it seems that it is set off as a joke.

So the guests behind Tsuchimikado Suizo laughed happily.

"Could it be that you, a guy who always calculates everything clearly, miscalculated once, and also miscalculated twice in a day... Hahaha... Zhiji this morning, Lin Yuanfei now."

"To a certain extent, these two juniors really deserve to be married couples with a marriage contract. They really look like a couple."

"They are probably the only ones who can make Prime Minister Tsuchimikado miscalculate one after another in the same day?"

The guest smiled and said, "What are you going to do next, Mr. Suisan? If you don't care about it, with Lin Yuanfei's current strength, maybe the whole capital will be in trouble."

In the guest's smile, Tsuchimikado Suizan looked indifferent.

It was rare for him to show such gloomy eyes.

Watching the direction in which Hayashibara Hiroshi left, and after arranging for Ida to go to Mount Fuji to find the target person, Tsuchimikado Toshizo made a new decision.

"Notify the Shimada family immediately, there is danger approaching, and the situation here..."

Halfway through speaking, Tsuchimikado Suisan paused.

Then, it seemed to change the statement, "...tell the Shimada family that Hayashibara of the Flying Sword Ryu has passed by. The purpose is to go to the Golden Pavilion Temple to save Orihime, and let them retreat quickly."

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