"who are you?"

The people of Shimada's family were startled and angry, and asked loudly.

However, the uninvited guest who interrupted the ceremony did not answer them.

The figure just stood there, looking at the young girl sitting in the Buddhist hall.

A smile.

"Hey... Zhiji, it's very lively here... What's the matter? Are you planning to shave or become a monk?"

Chapter 622 The Ugly Monster

Standing at the midpoint where everyone's eyes focused, Lin Yuanfei's smile was extremely bright.

He carried the knife on his shoulder, and his attitude did not show any solemnity at all, appearing very frivolous.

But after seeing the huge pit under his feet and the group of monks who were swept away by the shock wave behind him, no one dared to show contempt for him.

Everyone in Shimada's family looked at him in disbelief and asked.

"Who are you? Dare to come to the Golden Pavilion Temple to act wildly?!"

But the girl Lin Yuanfei was watching was still just sitting there.

Seeing Lin Yuanfei's appearance, she was silent for a few seconds.

Then said.

"What are you here for?" Zhi Ji asked indifferently, "To sway your cheap and redundant sympathy? And to gain self-satisfaction?"

Orihime has the same bad attitude as always, and is as ruthless as ever.

Lin Yuanfei looked at her and laughed, "Isn't self-satisfaction bad? In Maslow's need theory, self-needs are the lowest level of human needs. I don't think there is anything wrong with self-satisfaction."

With that said, Lin Yuanfei walked directly into the Buddhist hall under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Several bodyguards of the Shimada family at the door shot in an instant.

The guards of this kind of big family are not just flamboyant, they do have impressive strength.

However, the moment they rushed towards Lin Yuanfei, Lin Yuanfei didn't even look at these people, and walked straight forward.

Taking a step forward, it appeared several meters away in an instant, as if shrinking the ground into an inch.

The attacks of these bodyguards all fell through.

They didn't even touch Lin Yuanfei's sleeves.

This sudden scene instantly frightened everyone in the Buddhist hall.

The people in Shimada's house all took a step back subconsciously, showing vigilant expressions.

And the old monk standing beside Zhi Ji put his palms together and chanted the Buddha's name in a low voice.

"Nan Wusan... Benefactor, can you use teleportation? With such supernatural powers, what is your purpose in coming to the Golden Pavilion Temple?"

When the old monk spoke, Lin Yuanfei stopped and gave him a sideways glance.

"Teleportation? That's fine, you can think so," Lin Yuanfei said, "The purpose of my visit this time is very simple, to take away the girl behind you. Let her go with me, and I promise not to hurt anyone."

Lin Yuanfei said calmly, without any aggressive attitude.

However, before the old monk spoke, the branches of the Dasaotian family began to speak one after another.

"Presumptuous! Who asked you to make trouble? Get out!"

"Is the Shimada family something you can afford?"

"You are Lin Yuanfei from the Flying Sword Style? Do you think you are very powerful and want to fight against the Shimada family?"

"Get out now, we can still pretend that nothing happened!"

Those four middle-aged men spoke very vulgar lines,

Lin Yuanfei looked at them, a little helpless.

"People from the dignified Shimada family, why do they speak like third-rate villains... Can't you guys have a bit of style?"

Lin Yuanfei shook his head and said, "Even if the Shimada family is powerful, there are only a few of you left in the Buddhist hall, can the name of the Shimada family keep you alive?"

As soon as Lin Yuanfei said this, the expressions of the four middle-aged men all changed.

They stepped back three meters in an instant, showing expressions of shock and anger.

"you dare……"

"Crazy," Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes, interrupted the stupid dialogue of these guys, and looked at the girl in front of the statue.

Said: "Let's go, Miss Zhiji, are you still waiting for my princess to fail?"

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, only Zhiji ignored him.

"Go by yourself, I won't go with you."

Zhi Ji said indifferently, "I came here on my own volition, and no one forced me. If you really want to return my favor, turn around and leave immediately, and I will thank you very much. If you take me away, I will Hate you forever."

Zhi Ji's words made Lin Yuanfei laugh.

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