"This is really strange... I still remember when we met for the first time, a certain person had an expression of being the boss of his own dick. His tail was almost raised to the sky, and he was extremely arrogant."

"Why did you suddenly change the painting style after only a few days?"

"Still hating me for the rest of my life... What kind of third-rate drama are you acting in?"

As Lin Yuanfei said, he took another step straight forward.

However, those members of the Shimada family spoke again.

"Lin...Lin Yuanfei!"

One of the middle-aged men shouted loudly, "If you dare to take another step forward, the Shimada family will never die with you!"

The man's actions seemed to inspire his companions.

The rest of the people also shouted and cursed loudly.

Although their reaction, no matter how you look at it, it seems to be stern.

"That's right! Tsuchimikado Orihime doesn't want to go with you at all, you should leave soon!"

"You have no right to control this matter!"

"This matter is a dispute between our Shimada family and the Tsuchimikado family. You, a gangster from the countryside, what right do you have to intervene? Get out of here!"

The four middle-aged men shouted and cursed in unison, but after Lin Yuanfei's cold eyes swept over, the four of them instantly lost their voices like ducks with their necks pinched.

Lin Yuanfei glanced at these four aggressive guys and said with a sneer.

"It seems that you are tired of living."

Lin Yuanfei held the handle of the knife with his hand.

Then, he looked at Zhi Ji behind the great monk.

Said, "I'm not here to play a bitter drama with you, nor to discuss with you."

"Didn't you say that I'm just here to sway cheap sympathy for self-satisfaction? That's right! I'm here to sway cheap sympathy for self-satisfaction!"

Lin Yuanfei said coldly, "Today you have to go, if you don't go, you have to go!"

"But I, Lin Yuanfei, don't like flirting with women, so you have to come with me voluntarily."

"You didn't come here voluntarily? Then now I want you to come with me voluntarily!"

Lin Yuanfei looked at those Shimada family members coldly, and said, "I'll give you three seconds to think about it. After three seconds, if you still don't come with me, every time I count, I will Kill someone."

"These four people must die first!"

"You'd better think about it and start the countdown now."

Lin Yuanfei said indifferently, "Three, two, one... Okay, the countdown is over, do you want to go?"

Lin Yuanfei quickly counted to three times, leaving no room for the girl to think.

After counting three times, he looked directly at the girl in the Buddhist hall and said, "Aren't you leaving?"

As he spoke, the knife in Lin Yuanfei's hand was slowly unsheathed a little.

So Orihime stood up.

"I'll go with you!"

The girl said with a cold expression, "Put away your knife, a man who only shows off his strength is the ugliest monster in the world."

Chapter 623 But it's cool

The girl's indifference and ridicule did not make Lin Yuanfei angry.

Instead he laughed.

"You have a nice expression, and I also like this look. I just like to see you who obviously hate it, but have to make compromises."

Lin Yuanfei laughed loudly and said, "Let's go, Ms. Tsuchimikado. Today, let the country samurai you despise take you out of here."

Amidst Lin Yuanfei's laughter, the girl slowly walked out from behind the monk.

Facing Zhi Ji's departure, the old monk just clasped his hands together, sighed, and said nothing.

It was the middle-aged men from the Shimada family who subconsciously wanted to speak.

"Lin Yuan..."

However, the moment Lin Yuanfei's cold eyes swept over him, all four of them shut up.

I lost the courage to speak.

The old monk sighed and said.

"Nan Wusan... Lin Yuan benefactor, if you really want to save Miss Zhi Ji, then don't take her back to Tu Yumen's house."

The old monk said with lowered eyebrows, "If you choose to save her today, then in the days to come, you will have to bear Miss Zhiji's life."

"The so-called, saving people to the end... Do you have the determination to bear everything?"

The old monk's question made Lin Yuanfei give him a sideways glance.

Then he said, "Don't worry, Great Monk, there will be no worse ending than dying at the hands of these villains in the Shimada family."

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