With that said, Lin Yuanfei walked straight out.

And Zhi Ji followed behind him, and the two walked out of the gate of the Buddhist hall.

The few bodyguards who were standing at the door and tried to attack Lin Yuanfei before all looked at their employer, wondering if they should stop him.

And one of the middle-aged men shouted loudly at Lin Yuanfei's back.

"Lin Yuanfei! You took Tsuchimikado Orihime away today, you will regret it!"

"Your Hayashibara group, your relatives, your friends, the Shimada family will greet them for you!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Yuanfei stopped in his tracks.

Then, I looked back at the guy.

"You really dare to say anything."

Lin Yuanfei said coldly, "Do you think the speed of murder and revenge is your Shimada family's faster? Or my Lin Yuanfei's speed?"

"Since you said that, I will also put it here."

"From tonight until the day I die, if anyone in my Hayashiyuan group has an accident or dies, or if any one of my friends is accidentally injured, no matter who the murderer is or what the cause is, , I’ll come to Kyoto first to find your Shimada family.”

"At that time, either your Shimada family will kill me, or your whole family will stay at home and not go out."

"Come out one, I'll kill one!"

"I won't go to your Shimada's headquarters to make trouble, but whoever dares to step out of the Shimada's gate, I will send him to heaven!"

"no sooner said than done!"

"If you don't believe me, we can practice it tonight and let you see who dies first!"

In Lin Yuanfei's voice, there was almost uncontrollable killing intent.

That ferocious expression made people suspect that he was going to kill everyone here in the next second.

Zhi Ji immediately stopped in front of him, looking up at him.

Although the girl didn't say a word, her eyes and movements already showed an attitude - don't let Lin Yuanfei do anything.

Therefore, Lin Yuanfei sneered.


"For your face."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yuanfei's figure trembled violently, as if a phantom appeared for a moment.

But the next second, the jitter disappeared.

Lin Yuanfei stood at the gate, looked at Zhiji in front of him, and said, "I won't kill anyone today."

The moment the voice fell, the middle-aged man who was threatening was instantly torn apart.

Scarlet blood erupted directly in the sacred Buddhist hall.

Like a blooming blood lotus.

This terrifying scene frightened the remaining three middle-aged men to shrink in the corner with horror on their faces.

"You...you...you you you..."

The group of middle-aged men could only scream in horror, but they couldn't speak a word.

But Lin Yuanfei just glanced over there and said.

"Wow! Although I don't do anything, it seems that if you don't do anything, you don't have to kill yourself. This guy died by himself?"

"It seems that even if people don't accept the stupid [beep], they will be accepted one day. I hope you people in the Shimada family can take care of themselves and stop such stupid [beep] who are looking for death."

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, Zhiji didn't say a word.

She stood there stiffly, looking at Lin Yuanfei in disbelief, as if seeing the man in front of her for the first time.

In front of the Buddha statue, the old monk saw this scene, clasped his hands together and sighed in a low voice.

"Nan Wusan... Lin Yuan's benefactor's sword is really unique in the world. It is worthy of being the successor of Feitian Yujian."

"It's a pity that the Buddhist hall is stained with blood, and the murderous intent is too heavy. Donor, I only hope that you will be merciful and do less evil."

Amid the old monk's sighs, Lin Yuanfei laughed.

"What this old monk said is really funny. He even wanted to put a shit bowl on my head. Which eye of yours saw me kill someone? I'm standing here without moving, okay?"

"That guy suddenly exploded on the spot, what does it have to do with me? You have to have some logic in your nonsense, okay?"

"You said that I killed it, and I also said that you Kinkakuji murdered the guests and wanted to pin the shit bowl on my head?"

"Do you think so? The uncles of the Shimada family?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at the three remaining middle-aged men in the Buddhist hall.

"Yes, yes, yes, what Mr. Lin Yuan said is very true."

"That's right, that's right, we all saw that Mr. Lin Yuan didn't move at all, this guy died by himself, and it has nothing to do with Mr. Lin Yuan!"

The three middle-aged men spoke with a strong desire to survive, and nodded desperately.

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