Seeing their distressed appearance, Lin Yuanfei laughed loudly.

"That's right, it has nothing to do with me, so I don't need to stay here to waste time."

"Miss Orihime, shall we go?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at the girl in front of him with a smile, and said, "It's late, Shimada's reinforcements came around, what if someone exploded on the spot again?"

Zhi Ji looked at him coldly, and said, "Let's go, where are you going, I will go with you."

Lin Yuanfei smiled slightly, "Miss Tuyumen cooperates with me so much, I'm a little flattered."

"..." Zhiji walked out with a blank face, and said, "There's so much nonsense... If you want to go, go quickly. The behavior of men with narrow minds and selfish revenge is really disgusting."

Lin Yuanfei followed her and left the Golden Pavilion Temple, laughing.

"Although it's disgusting, it's cool! Hahahahahahaha..."

Chapter 624 You Are Scary

The process of leaving Kinkakuji Temple was very smooth.

There are not many people in the Shimada family in the Golden Pavilion Temple, and when the few leaders did not speak, no one dared to stop Lin Yuanfei.

As for the group of monks in the Golden Pavilion Temple, although there were a lot of them, no one stopped Lin Yuanfei from leaving.

Until Lin Yuanfei took Zhiji away from the Golden Pavilion Temple, the Shimada family's reinforcements had not yet arrived.

The two stood on a step not far from the Kinkakuji Temple, overlooking the night view of the city below.

The Golden Pavilion Temple is not far away. In the brightly lit city, people can't feel the slightest tension and danger.

Lin Yuanfei turned his head to look at the girl behind him, and said, "Are you so indifferent...Miss, it's been a long journey, why don't you say a word?"

Zhi Ji looked at him blankly, and said, "Things have become like this, what do you want me to say? Scold you like a crazy person, shouldn't you come to save me? If you like to be scolded If so, I can satisfy you."

The girl's answer made Lin Yuanfei a little helpless.

"Wow... Missy is really as sharp and poisonous as ever."

Lin Yuanfei said, "Now that we have left the Golden Pavilion Temple, what are your plans?"

Zhi Ji still looked at him blankly, and said, "What can I plan? Next, I will go wherever you go, and when you get tired of this boring game of protecting friends and leave, I will go home to receive punishment."

"Otherwise, what else can I do?"

Orihime said, "The Shimada family will not let it go, I will be chased and wanted by them. And the family will not offend the Shimada family because of me alone, and it is impossible for me to go home and bring trouble to the family."

"So where do you go next, where do I go. If you don't want to play the game anymore, then I'll leave, it's simple, that's all."

Zhi Ji finished speaking these words very coldly, making Lin Yuanfei shake his head.

"It seems that the old monk is far-sighted, knowing that you will definitely rely on me, so he vaccinated me in advance... Tsk... But miss, you are no longer a miss, so does our engagement still count?" ?”

Lin Yuanfei said with a smirk, "And your uncle, the head of the Tuyumen family, is a man of words, saying that he agrees to cancel our engagement. So we have no engagement now?"

Zhi Ji looked at him and said, "I am no longer a member of the Tsuchimikado family, and our marriage contract will naturally become invalid. Don't worry, you are my savior, and I will accept your favor."

"During the time I follow you, I will exchange labor for the value of protection, and I will not let you raise an idler."

Zhi Ji's words made Lin Yuanfei roll his eyes.

Originally, he just wanted to tease this young lady whose eyes were higher than her head before, and wanted to see how lost she felt after falling from the clouds to the mortal world.

However, this little girl doesn't play cards according to common sense at all...

The dignified eldest lady of the Tuyumen family, such a distinguished status is gone, don't you have a little bit of loss, regret, pain, and resentment?

It makes me very upset that you recognize the reality and put yourself in the right position so easily!

"You can bend and stretch, Zhi Ji, you are really amazing."

Lin Yuanfei clapped his hands and said with emotion from the bottom of his heart, "You are the scariest person. Even if you are not the eldest lady of Tsuchiyamen, with your personality and behavior, you can probably make waves anywhere. thing."

Anyway, Lin Yuanfei thought that he couldn't be as open-minded as Zhi Ji.

If he could do it, he wouldn't start out all the way, end up with injuries all over his body, and only five years left in his lifespan.

Zhi Ji didn't care about Lin Yuanfei's evaluation.

She said, "While the Shimada family has not reacted, I suggest that you return to Chiba immediately. Then arrange for your female friends to leave Japan."

"Anyway, with the financial resources of your Lin Yuan group, it shouldn't be difficult to arrange a few people to live abroad for a period of time, right?"

"As for you, I suggest that you return to Kyoto immediately after making arrangements and monitor all the movements of the Shimada family."

"If anything goes wrong, with your strength, you can force the Shimada family to submit."

"All wars in this world are the art of compromise."

"With no worries, you can kill the Shimada family to the point of fear."

"You don't need to kill many people, just kill a few more important people from the branch family, and the Shimada family will naturally settle down with you."

"Or you can be more ruthless and destroy the Shimada family's main family and kill all the leaders of the Shimada family. The entire Shimada family will fall into a chaotic power struggle, and no one will come to trouble you."

"But I don't recommend that you use the last method."

Orihime said, "If you kill members of the Zong family, the Shimada family will indeed be in chaos for a while, but unless you take advantage of the chaos to destroy the Shimada family, or beat the entire Shimada family to a great extent, you will no longer have the strength to trouble you. "

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