The figures of the two quickly disappeared under the night in Kyoto.



Meanwhile, the Shimada family.

The elderly man tilted his head when he heard the report from below.

He looked at his son.

"Yataro, what do you think about this matter?"

The head of the Shimada family and the old man's son knelt aside respectfully, and thought about it after hearing the old man's question.

Shimada Nobuhide said, "This Hiroshi Hayashibara's strength seems to be very strong. To the extent that even Toshizo Tsuchimikado dare not be careless, it is probably a big trouble."

Hearing his son's answer, the old man's eyes opened.

"Oh? What do you say?"

"First of all, not to mention Lin Yuanfei's ability to break through the custody of the Tsuchiyamen family and break out from the group of shikigami, just the follow-up actions of Tsuchiyamen Suizan are worth pondering."

"Since the death of Feicun Badao Zhai, the aristocratic families in Kyoto have not seen the successor of Feitian Yujian School for more than a hundred years. Regarding the rumors about that Ba Dao Zhai and his school, we can only learn from the legend I know a scale and a half claw in it."

"And the Tuyumen family is the only family that has had contact with the previous generation of Feitian Yujianliu in the past hundred years."

"When Lin Yuanfei rushed out of the custody of the Tuyumen family and went to the Golden Pavilion Temple, Tuyumen Suisan directly sent someone to find Lin Yuanfei's master... There are three possibilities."

"One, he felt that Lin Yuanfei would die at our hands, but the Tuyumen family couldn't easily intervene, so he sent someone to find Lin Yuanfei's master, hoping that Lin Yuanfei's master could save this apprentice."

"Second, he wants to inform Lin Yuanfei's master in advance, so that if Lin Yuanfei dies at our hands, he can also minimize his responsibility and not offend the successor of the Feitian Yujian School."

"Three, he felt that Lin Yuanfei's strength was too strong, and if he didn't stop it, it might cause great turmoil, so he asked people to find Lin Yuanfei's master to control his apprentice..."

Shimada Nobuhide said, looked at his father, and said, "No matter which one of these three possibilities it is, at least it shows one thing."

"That's Lin Yuanfei's master. He must be a very powerful swordsman. The weakest is the level that the Tuyumen family doesn't want to offend easily."

Nobuhide Shimada's speculation made the old man nod his head.

"Yes, although your speculation is as weak as your temper, but your thinking is very clear."

"But you have left out another possibility."

The old man's face was very gloomy, "The fourth possibility is that Tsuchimikado Toizo wants to intensify the conflict between the Shimada family and the master and apprentice, and then use the hands of the master and apprentice, Feitian Yujianliu, to attack our Shimada family. "

After the old man finished speaking, Shimada Nobuhide looked astonished.

"This... Why did Sui San do this?"

The old man snorted coldly, "Japan is such a big territory. Even if the Shimada family survives and suffers a little loss, the rest of the family can eat their mouths full of fat."

"What's more, the Shimada family has been stabilizing the Tsuchimikado family, suppressing the Tsuchimikado clan in all aspects. You said that Tsuchimikado Toshizo is the head of the Tsuchimikado family. At this juncture, don't you have any ideas?"

The old man sneered, "This world is a vicious society where people cannibalize people. Xinxiu, don't think too much about others."

"I know better than you the character of Tsuchimon Tousan. That kind of guy who is not willing to be ordinary is like a dormant poisonous snake. It doesn't look like any threat, but it is more vicious than anyone else."

"If you are unprepared, you will become his snack the moment he shows his fangs!"

Volume [-] The Sword of Extinction

Chapter 626

The old man's narration made Nobuhide Shimada bow his head.

He understood that his father was warning him.As the two most powerful families in Kyoto, the Shimada family and the Tsuchimikado family have always been at odds for a long time in the past.

Even the family members of both sides are the kind who hate each other.Although it has not yet reached the level of feud

Until Shimada Nobuhide became the head of the Shimada family, he has been working on repairing the relationship with the Tsuchimikado family for more than ten years.In his view, this is no longer the era in which all Japanese could only huddle on a small island to fight for power and profit.With the current development of science and technology, it will not take many years. The whole earth will enter a state of rapid development and all countries will communicate with each other.

In the past, traveling from Tokyo to Kyoto took about a day by road.But now it takes only two hours by Shinkansen.It used to take a long time to go abroad to Europe and the United States by boat, but now it only takes a few hours by plane.With the development of the times, the distance between countries will continue to narrow.

Japan's geographical population is doomed that it cannot give this country enough room for development, and must rely on the market and human and material resources of other countries.

And this dependence will become deeper and deeper with the development of the times.It is only 2003 now, if we wait 10 years, 20 years, or even 200 years later, no one knows what the world will be like.In this era of sudden changes and rapid development, a small country like Japan is simply not enough for big families like them to grab benefits.

If they want to maintain their detached status and huge size, they must keep pace with the times, develop outward, dump their goods to more countries, and plunder the wealth of those countries

Now is no longer the time for big families to compete with each other.The outside world is so big, they shouldn't continue to intrigue in this small place of Japan.

Therefore, for the sake of stable development, by the way, with the help of part of the Tsuchimikado family's strength, Shimada Nobuhide has been working hard to restore the relationship between the two families.He even strongly supported his son Shimada Nobukatsu's pursuit of Miss Shi Yumenmen's family.If these two big families can get rid of their previous suspicions and be friendly to each other, the benefits and rewards will definitely be far beyond imagination.

It's a pity that his behavior has always been despised by his father.

But in the past two decades, his retired father didn't accuse him too much, and didn't even stop his behavior.

But today, father rarely showed that gloomy and indifferent expression.

It seems that the Showa staff officer who has experienced the war has lost patience with his son's weakness.

"I know you're not convinced, and I know what you're thinking," the old man said indifferently, "but I still say that, you chose the wrong partner.

"If you cooperate with other families, hand

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