"Kyoto Viper... Do you think this nickname came about randomly?"

"You cooperate with him, reason with him, talk about giri with him, but he may not be able to talk about giri with you.

"Based on your means, you have been in contact with this guy for too long, and sooner or later he will make you his most delicious snack!"

In the old man's sneer, he expressed his disdain for his son's behavior, "People, it's important to have self-knowledge. At your level, you also want to be friendly with the viper in Kyoto? Be careful - it will scold you for biting people, Let Shimada Nobuhide bow his head and remain silent. The head of the Shimada family, who is majestic in front of outsiders, is just a son who made mistakes in front of his old father.

He knew that he couldn't convince his old father, let alone talk back to him.

So he tried to change the subject.

"So father, what shall we do next?"

Shimada Nobuhide asked, "Tsuchimikado Orihime has been taken away by Lin Yuanfei. Since that Lin Yuanfei is in such great danger, shall we give up pursuing this matter?" The old man looked at him indifferently and said, that Didn’t Lin Yuanfei say that? If we dare to provoke him, he will come and kill our Shimada family, so that we dare not step out of the gate, saying that whoever takes a step out of the gate will die?”

"Since this just saves me trouble.

The old man said indifferently, "Give that guy a little pressure and illusion to force him to do it.

"Didn't you complain to me a few days ago, did some guys from the branch deliberately fight against you? Now it's just right, and even the time to make the list is saved."

"Let Lin Yuanfei know where the members of the Shimada family are, and you should do it yourself. When he is almost killed and calmed down, we can also go to peace talks.

"We might lose some face in this way, but it's not important. As long as those thorns are killed, no one will dare to jump even if our family's power falls."

The old man said coldly, "During this period, you and your subordinates should pay attention to each other. Lin Yuanfei didn't target Biefen's prickly head, but you yourself were targeted first.

"You have been too weak in doing things in the past twenty years. Just take advantage of this opportunity to rectify those thorns in the family.

Blind Huairou cannot tame people's hearts.Iron blood is necessary to deter everyone.

"Right now, the chaos within the family has begun to emerge. If you don't change your mind, the entire Shimada family will be ruined in your hands within a few years.

"The Shimada family should be ready to do something now, right?"

The guest of Tsuchimikado Toshizo put down the chess piece in his hand, and said, "Prime Minister, don't your Tsuchimikado family plan to do something?" , pondered, and then slowly put down the chess piece.

"Let them make trouble," said Toshizo Tsuchimikado, "I have already ordered that all members of the clan are not allowed to interfere in this matter. If the old man of the Shimada family really does something, it will definitely be bloody.

Toshizo Tsuchimikado said calmly, "Instead of worrying about us Tsuchimikado, you might as well worry about those branches of the Shimada family."

"Shimada Nobuhide has been the head of the family for more than [-] years, and the division of the Shimada family has become more and more restless.

"If that cruel old man did it himself, many people would probably die in Kyoto these days.

Dui Ruo, Tu Yumen Suisan's hand paused.

Then, smiled.

"I hope Lin Yuan's knife is fast enough. I remember. His knife seems to be broken.'

"I don't know how long it will last this time.

Chapter 627 Einzbern

"The possible plans of the Shimada family are almost the same.

In the quiet room, Zhi Ji sat across from Lin Yuanfei, and ended her speculation with this sentence.

"If there is no accident, you only need to kill some people at most, and this matter can end like this.

"The division of the Shimada family has been very restless these years. My uncle said that if the situation continues to deteriorate, the old man of the Shimada family will definitely take action to suppress it.

"This time, a

"The old man will most likely not let it go.

Zhi Ji's reasoning made Lin Yuan shake his head.

"Wow... So, I have to be a knife for that dead old man in the Shimada family for free? Help him kill? I feel like I'm being used.

Zhi Ji looked at him blankly, and said, "If you follow your thinking logic, then you are being used by the store owner when you go shopping. After all, you have bought something and created value for the store owner.

"But I bought something, and I got the product myself," Lin Yuanfei said.

Orihime still looked indifferent, "If you kill the branches of the Shimada family, you can also get the corresponding commodity—Peace.

"You are already in the game now, it is impossible to stay out of it."

"Compared to the price of your complete confrontation with the Shimada family, and the price of not dying. You can solve this matter by killing a few miscellaneous fish at will. You have earned it.

"After all, you didn't lose anything from the beginning to the end, and you killed a wave of members of the Shimada family, making your name famous, and making Feitian Yujianliu famous again.

"What do you think, you are the one who makes the most money."

"Actually, if it weren't for your strength, the Shimada family would never let you be the biggest winner. It is in their best interest to shoot you to death.

"These are just the most basic exchange of interests, you are not at a loss.

Zhi Ji said, Lin Yuanfei touched his chin and thought for a while, and said, "You say so, I suddenly don't want to care about this matter. Why don't we just pack up our bags and run away now." Lin Yuanfei said with a smile, "Let's Just run away and let the Shimada family all die. I refuse to kill, can they still control me to kill?"

..... Zhi Ji looked at him speechlessly for a few seconds, seeming to want to say something.

But in the end, she just shook her head speechlessly, and said, "A guy like you probably won't be able to become a good politician in his lifetime.

"Could it be that practicing swords will reduce...your thinking circuit is really different from ordinary people." 06 Zhiji's evaluation only got Lin Yuanfei's heck of a smile.

"Whatever you say. Anyway, I'm not angry...hahaha

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