"And today, I want to kill a hundred!"

Volume [-] Once upon a time

Chapter 628 Nun

Kyoto at night is bustling, lively and brightly lit.Although the capital of Japan has long been moved from Tokyo, but the heritage of the thousand-year-old capital is not comparable to that of other cities.

Even in the mainstream view of Japan, Kyoto is basically at the top of Japan's contempt chain.Even those families in Japan completely follow the rules of this Poshi chain.Only the family in Kyoto is the top family in Japan.Families outside of Kyoto, even those from Tokyo, were regarded as little nobles in the countryside.

Of course. The Emperor actually lives in Tokyo.In a sense, the existence of this chain of contempt from nobles to ordinary people is a manifestation of the strict social class in Japan's half-built, half-capital, and half-colonial society.From top to bottom, everyone agrees to classify themselves and others into corresponding classes, even if they are willing to degenerate, but even the parties concerned don't mind that class division.

This kind of behavior, which may be difficult to understand in the eyes of the Chinese, does exist in Japan for granted.This can be seen from many details in Japanese culture.Although it is the most widely circulated animation in Japan, in many campus-themed animations, even in the simplest school in theory, students will be divided into different classes.For example, the most popular group of people are often at the A level. They are attracted by everyone and are very popular.And the B-level in the middle is generally the kind of very moderate, ordinary, and ordinary people.

Most of these people act as the answerers of Type A people. They have no opinions, and dare not have opinions, and act according to the will of the team leader, even if he/she may not like such actions.But for the so-called [combination], they have no choice.And the bottom C type of people are often those who are the least popular, the most gloomy in the corner, few friends, and the guys who don't pay attention.Of course, generally speaking, the protagonists of Japanese novels or youth romance animations are basically this third type of person.


This aspect will involve a lot of things related to the plot structure.For example, things like first middle and then high, low drive and high drive.Lin Yuanfei would study those things before crossing. After all, he needed to write novels.But after crossing, he no longer needs to use such things.For him now, there is no need to do the hard work of staying up late every day to update.

Of course. Perhaps now he may have to live a little harder. Naturally, in the city of Kyoto where the light pollution is serious, you can't see the stars.It's just that looking up at the night sky and blowing the cool night wind seems to be able to make his mind more active.

Here, it is not far from the hiding place of him and Zhi Ji.

Not far away is a convenience store that is still open late at night.Lin Yuanfei has been standing here for more than an hour with the cold wind blowing. He saw many pedestrians coming in and out of the convenience store.But he didn't mean to leave.This kind of monotonous watching seems to be meaningless, but when you are bored, it is a drink.

This is considered to be a very remote suburb of Kyoto City. There are not many people on the dimly lit long street. Except for the dim lights of the street lights, only the light of the convenience store is a bit dazzling.Lin Yuanfei should be the only figure here.He stood on a high place with his back against the railing, idly overlooking the convenience store opposite.

I yawned.Orihime is the eldest lady of Shiyumen, who has a strict schedule and has fallen asleep.But he couldn't sleep.Gao Jiang's call made him very concerned.

The woman who called herself Einzbern came to him...for what?

This is something that Lin Yuan is quite confused about.There is no Fuyuki City, it seems that there is no Holy Grail War, and Emiya Kiritsugu did not marry into the Einzbern family.So the Einzberns made something in Germany again? They even sent people to look for him now. Why?

Could it be that the group of guys in Einzbern already knew about the extermination of the original owner of the body? But even the Japanese superheroes were not aware of it. The Church of the Holy Church could only suspect based on a few clues. Einzbern - A German family of magic can still learn from what happened in Japan? Then if the Einzbern family doesn't know the feats done by the original owner of the body, then what's the point of them coming to Lin Yuanfei What's the point?

After all, on the bright side, Lin Yuanfei is just the third generation of the country underworld, and he might know how to use swords by the way.

But firstly, he has no power, and secondly, he has no prestige. What's the point of the guy from Einzbern coming to him...? It's really hard to understand.Lin Yuanfei thought about such a thing, and time passed for a long time.

At this time, a figure walked into the door of the convenience store from a distance.

Lin Yuanfei looked at the girl's back and came back to his senses.Although the law and order in Japan is not bad overall, there are a lot of perverts, and the number of missing women every year is not a small number.It's two o'clock in the morning. Still walking alone outside... Lin Yuan looked down at the time and shook his head.

This kind of girl, either has a big heart, or a strong head, and... very powerful? With his eyesight, he can already see clearly the back of the girl who has already paid at the cashier two hundred meters away.Long purple hair, with a good look. Female...huh? Could it be someone from the Holy Church?

The moment Lin Yuanfei saw clearly the person wearing the clothes, he became interested.

After all, if a woman who dares to go out alone at night is not stupid, she must have two brushes.Lin Yuanfei watched the direction of the store with great interest, and soon saw the nun with long purple hair walking out of the convenience store with a shopping bag.At that moment, the girl seemed to sense something, and looked in Lin Yuanfei's direction.

Under the dark night, the eyes of the two accompanied each other over a distance of hundreds of meters and touched each other.There is a flash of joy in the eyes

Chapter 629 Pain Residual

The moment the girl saw Lin Yuan, Lin Yuanfei also saw his face clearly.

With his strength, at such a distance of hundreds of meters, he could still clearly see the girl's face.

Therefore, he also saw the flash of joy in the girl's eyes.But it was precisely because of this that Lin Yuan was a little taken aback.

-Does this girl know me? But Hayashi Yuan K can assure you that he has never met this girl.

So, is this someone the original owner of the body knew before? After realizing this, Lin Yuanfei subconsciously wanted to run away.After all, according to the information obtained along the way, the people the original owner of the body provoked were not good.

This girl looks weak, she can't be some kind of evil boss, right?

But Lin Yuanfei still didn't run away after all.

One reason is that I am really curious about the original owner of the body, and I really want to know more about the original owner of the body.

The second reason, if this girl is really an evil big boss, wouldn't running away now directly expose the target and appear guilty?

Anyway, now Lin Yuanfei has inherited the kendo of the original owner of the body, and his strength is not inferior to that of the original owner.The strength to be able to beat the follower Kenshin violently, not to mention walking sideways in the Xingyue world, at least in most cases can guarantee personal safety.But the girl in front of him obviously couldn't be Kiara Sesseiin, who is full of lust at first sight.

So although Lin Yuanfei was a little uneasy, he still stood there calmly, watching Ruo the girl quickly cross the long street and walk towards him.

He was standing on a high platform, and the girl had to climb a relatively long flight of steps.And this step, very dark, no lights.

But the girl didn't seem to care about stepping on the air and falling, she didn't slow down in any way, she didn't even lower her head to look at the road, but kept her head up, watching the figure of Lin Yuanfei above Ruo, and ran up quickly like this.

Then, panting slightly, the girl stopped in front of Lin Yuanfei.But it seems that she is a little tired now.

This short run is a bit overloaded for the weak girl.

Standing in front of Lin Yuanfei, the girl supported the metal railing with one hand, panting softly, trying to calm her breath.And Lin Yuanfei stood there without saying a word, seeing the girl like this, without saying a word.Now it seems that this little girl is physically weak?

So if you are a master, you should be biased towards the law system or the superpower system, right? However, considering Lin Yuanfei's speed beyond the speed of sound, this kind of enemy is the one he is least afraid of.

He looked at the girl in front of him, without saying a word, waiting for the other party to strike up a conversation.

Nai Hai didn't let him down either. After calming down the rapid panting in her chest, the girl raised her head. It was a girl with a very cold personality.So much so that even her smile seemed so introverted and indifferent.

But that kind of joy from the heart was clearly felt by Lin Yuanfei.Lin Yuan looked at her and heard her voice.

"Lin Jun, we meet again...

The girl is beautiful and has a beautiful voice.But these did not surprise Lin Yuanfei, after all he knew many beauties around him.But the name of the girl made him frown.

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