"You call me Mr. Lin?" This is the first time after time travel.

Usually, everyone calls him [Lin Yuanjun].

Perhaps in Chinese, there is only one word difference between these two titles.However, in Japanese pronunciation, there is a difference of several syllables.

Unless it is deliberate, it is impossible to encounter a leak.So Lin Yuanfei frowned slightly, "Do you know me?" The girl was startled, and the joy in her eyes was like a candle in the wind, which was extinguished instantly.

At that moment, it seemed that even those eyes lost their luster and became dull and dull.

She looked at Lin Yuanfei in front of her, feeling a little frustrated and lost, ..... have you forgotten me?"

...It's not really forgotten," Lin Yuanfei said, pointing to his head, "I had an accident some time ago, and my head was injured here.After waking up, I forgot a lot of things, even I can't remember who I am, and I haven't completely recovered yet, so I really can't remember who you are.Lin Yuan's explanation made the girl silent for a few seconds.

"Will Lin Yuan-jun be injured if he is so powerful?

The girl said, "Why did you appear in Kyoto? Hayashi Yuan-kun came to Kyoto for treatment?" So who is this girl?

Lin Yuanfei looked at the other party and asked, "Actually, I'm more curious about one thing... um, did we know each other before?" Lin Yuanfei said, "Can I tell you your name?" The girl looked at him and said softly, ". .. Hayashi Yuan-kun is the same as before, just call me Fujino.

The girl said, "Fujino, Asakami Fujino.

... Lin Yuanfei's right index finger trembled violently. The moment he heard the name, his heart suddenly felt an inexplicable tingling.

Although that feeling disappeared in an instant, it still made Lin Yuanfei frown.

..Asakami Fujino? The one in the realm of the sky? The original owner of the body even knows her?

And why does my heart suddenly throb when I hear this name? Could it be that the original owner of the body and this Asakami Fujino have something to write about? The girl in front of Lin Yuanfei was silent for a few seconds, Said.

"Fujino... seems to have remembered a little bit, you are studying in some private girls' college, right?" Hearing Lin Yuanfei's words, Asakami Fujino showed a slightly delighted expression.

"Lin Yuan-jun, do you remember?"

I can't even remember," Lin Yuanfei spread his hands helplessly, and said, "Why don't you tell me? How did I know you in the past? Lin Yuanfei tried to extract the desired information from the girl.

And the girl looked like Ruo Ye, and after a few seconds of silence, she said.

"Let's go to my place, the girl's sudden words startled Lin Yuan Fei-jump, "My place is near here, Lin Yuan-jun come back with me, I will tell you the story of the past slowly.I hope I can help Lin Yuan-jun recall your past memories and help you do something. "The girl's voice was very soft, but her attitude was very serious. Lin Yuanfei was a little guilty for a while.

... Most of the skills directly invited them home. The relationship between the two seems to be... subtle.picture

Chapter 630 Five years ago

Asakami Fujino's residence is indeed nearby.Or rather, very close.

Because diagonally across from the apartment where Asakami Fujino lives, is the temporary hiding place of Lin Yuanfei and Orihime.

Well, also an apartment.In the dim light of the apartment corridor, Lin Yuanfei followed behind Asagami Fujino, scanning the surroundings.After going through life and death for so long, Linyuan Lu has developed a habit, that is, when he arrives at any new place, he will subconsciously observe the nearby terrain and building structures.

In this case, once any problem occurs, respond immediately. It is already more than two o'clock in the morning, and there are no people in the dark corridor, and there are not even a few cars traveling on the street not far away.I don't know if it was Lin Yuan's illusion, but he always felt that the girl in front of him had a gloomy and gloomy temperament.That temperament is too obvious.So much so that even the air seems to be infected and looks a little gloomy.

Especially now that it is still early in the morning, Wanji is quiet.

Lin Yuanfei walked in the corridor. Feeling the dark breath in the air, he always felt that a pale wraith would crawl out of the corner in the next second.

He and Asakami Fujino arrived at their destination, in front of an apartment at the end of the corridor.In the dim light, the girl took out the key and opened the door.

The two walked into the room one after another.The moment he stepped into the porch, Lin Yuanfei felt a hint of coolness.But Lin Yuanfei was not surprised.To be honest, I don’t know if it’s because he has watched too many horror movies, but the Japanese-style house always gives him a gloomy and eerie feeling.In addition, the lighting in this room is obviously not very good, and the owner of the room has such a temperament, it would be strange if he could not feel the yin here.

After taking off his shoes and entering the room, Lin Yuanfei unceremoniously found a seat by himself.Sit directly on the sofa.But Shao opened the refrigerator and put the things in the shopping bag in one after another.Then the girl poured tea for Lin Yuanfei.

After that, the two sat down separately, facing each other across a small coffee table.

Asakami Fujino gently combed the hair around his ears, and said, "Hayashibara-kun, is there anything to do when you come to Beijing?" Hayashibara Hiroshi shrugged and said, "I used to seem to be with the big brother of the Tsuchiyamen family. What kind of marriage contract does Miss have. Although I can't remember it at all. But I still come to Kyoto to see.

"I've been looking for memories from the past," Lin Yuanfei said, "but now after seeing you, I realize that I've forgotten more than I thought. Lin Yuanfei's words made Asakami Fujino smile slightly.

"Why did Lin Yuan-jun say that?

"Because I haven't heard anyone mention your matter at all," Lin Yuanfei said, "Obviously, other people don't know about the fact that I knew you before. If I didn't meet you by chance tonight

"As for old friends like you, I may still have many. But I don't know them, they can't see me, and they may never see me again in their lifetime. Hayashibara's narration stunned Asakami Fujino. Then , There was a little sadness in the girl's eyes.

"...Such a thing is indeed very sad.

"But most of the time, it's not that you can change the situation just by meeting. For example, no matter how much I tell you now, Mr. Lin Yuan can't remember the past.

"The story I told you is just a story that once happened to you. After listening to it, you will probably only have this feeling-ah, did I have such an experience before?

"Other than that, there is nothing else. Mr. Lin Yuan, you have amnesia, Yiri can't remember anything."

Asakami Fujino smiled, but there was a hint of sadness in that smiling gaze.... Thinking about it this way, it's really sad. "

The girl's words made Lin Yuanfei's expression a little dull.He didn't expect that the girl in front of him not only had a gloomy temperament, but also had such a gloomy attitude towards life.It felt like he was about to commit suicide by jumping off a building in the next second.

"Can you tell me about your affairs?" Lin Yuanfei asked tentatively, "It can be seen that you are not very happy.

Hearing this sentence, the girl was startled.She looked at Lin Yuanfei. At that moment, there seemed to be a light in the girl's eyes.But in the next second, the light went out and dimmed.The girl just shook her head and smiled, and said, "Looks like Mr. Lin Yuan is the same person whether he has amnesia or not... When we met for the first time, Mr. Lin Yuan also said the same thing." The fingers of the teacup are lightly scrubbing the edge of the teacup.

"Seeing Mr. Lin Yuan like this, I lost a million dollars in vain, but I am still a little happy." The girl said, "At least, I know that Mr. Lin Yuan has not changed.Although I have lost the memory of the past, but Yiri is the Lin Jun back then. Asakami Fujino said with a smile, "We met for the first time in 18 years.It has been almost five years since now.

"When we first met, Mr. Lin Yuan saved me from a terrible person.

"It was raining heavily at the time, and my body was in great pain. Mr. Lin Yuan hugged me and sent me to the hospital. The doctor's department said it was very dangerous. If I was sent later, there might be no hope of treatment.

"So my life was actually saved by Mr. Lin Yuan.

"It's you who gave me a second life.

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