Lin Yuanfei frowned at the girl's narration.Hayashi Yuan6 still remembers that when he was in Raccoon City, the information registration of the original owner of the body was 17 years old.Five years ago, the original owner of the body was only 12 years old, right? The 12-year-old Hayashi Yuan-kun had already come to Kyoto and rescued Asakami Fujino? Is it?" Asakami Fujino nodded, "At that time Hayashi Yuan-kun was not very old, he looked more than + years old, like a big brother. I did not expect that only five years later, Hayashi Yuan-kun It became like this. The girl looked up and down Ruo Lin Yuanfei's old appearance, and sighed softly, "Lin Yuan-jun, have you experienced many things in the past five years?" Lin Yuanfei smiled, "Fortunately, the hair is gray Just a little bit, not a big problem.

He smiled on the surface, but Lin Yuanfei's heart sank slightly.So, is the data record left by the original owner of the body at Chunmu High School in Raccoon City really a fake?

Chapter 631

For a long time, Lin Yuan believed that the original owner of the body was a 17-year-old boy, but because he practiced sword all the time, he looked darker, thicker, and stronger.

This is normal.

After all, when he was studying in the past, he also met many high school students who were only in their teens but already had the appearance of someone in their thirties.

But now Asakami Fujino's words made Lin Yuanfei realize that the situation didn't seem to be very consistent with what he thought.

The original owner of the body five years ago already looked good. According to common sense, no matter how early the body develops, it is impossible for a 12-year-old boy to look like a [-]-year-old.So the information registered by the original owner of the body in Chunmu High School is indeed fake information. I didn't realize this before, so I didn't ask in detail.

Now it seems that I have to ask the people in Lin Yuan's group.

After all, Lin Yuanfei came from the Lin Yuan group, and the people there knew him well.If you want to know about the original owner of the body, Wakasho from Hayashihara Group is the best.

But that's another story.

Now Hayashibara is more concerned about the intersection between the original owner of the body and Asakami Fujino.

After all, judging from the current situation, it seems that few people knew that Lin Yuanfei knew Asakami Fujino, and no one had reminded him about it at all.

Then, judging from Asakami Fujino's words, Hayashibara V saved her life in 1 years.

But when Asakami Fujino needs to be rescued. It seems that it was when she was hunted down by the two rituals, right? And after saving Asakami Fujino, she was sent to the hospital immediately, and she said that she might not be cured later.. This Asakami Fuji is a descendant of the Asakami family, one of the four major exorcism families in Japan, but the Asakami family has completely declined in her generation, and her mother took her to remarry into the branch Asakami family.

Asakami Fujino has a special ability called [Distortion Magic Eye]. It can distort what it sees.

The most powerful performance in the realm of the sky is to distort the entire bridge. The scale is very large and the lethality is very terrifying.

Although afterwards, due to excessive brain burn, he became blind in both eyes.But when Asakami Fujino was very young, this ability was not very powerful.And her father didn't like this kind of ability, thinking that in the modern age when the family of supernatural beings has declined, the supernatural powers of Qianshen's family should not be passed on.

Because Fujino Asakami couldn't feel pain, she didn't know until her appendicitis had deteriorated to the point of perforation.

Later, due to a series of coincidences, Asakami Fujino regained his sense of pain and his ability at the same time.

She began to hunt down the murderers who had hurt her, and finally fought the final battle with the two rituals entrusted to kill her.The commission of the two rituals to kill Asakami Fujino was commissioned by Asakami Fujino's father.The father thought that Fujino Asagami had recovered his ability and went around killing people, and he had become a killing monster. However, in the plot of the realm of the sky, the two rituals did not kill Fujino Asagami, but instead used the magic eye of death The ability to help Asakami Fujino [kill] get rid of appendicitis, it can be regarded as saving Asakami Fujino

But now it seems that this plot seems to be interfered by the original owner of the body.

At the last moment, the original owner of the body repelled the two rituals and saved Asakami Fujino? If you think about it this way, many things seem to be explained.For example, the original owner of the body was so fierce, why did the two rituals dare to chase him down.About five years ago, the original owner of the body was not that strong. At that time, the two had contacted each other, and they mistakenly thought that Lin Yuanfei's strength had always been at that level.Even why all the families and churches in Japan have not found out who was the murderer of Mii, the couple of the two ceremonies confirmed that it was Lin Yuanfei who did it.

Obviously, at that time five years ago, the original owner of the body should have been in contact with the two couples.So four years later, when the Liangyi family was destroyed, Hei Tongqian quickly identified Lin Yuanfei's suspicion based on the relevant clues? Lin Yuan Lu thought about it, frowning tightly.On the other hand, Asakami Fujino, who was opposite him, took a sip of hot tea and said.

"Did Lin Yuan-jun remember anything?"


Asa Fujino paused slightly with the hand holding the teacup.

Then, she looked at Lin Yuanfei, and said, "Lin Yuan-kun, do you remember?" Asakami Fujino nodded, "The two rituals are the daughters of the famous Ryogi family in Kyoto. At that time, the two rituals were entrusted to kill me. It was Lin Yuan-kun You fought her off and saved me."

"Later, when I was sick and hospitalized, a woman named Cang Qi Chengzi came to the hospital with Er Ri. But at that time, it was Hayashi Yuan-kun who faced them.

"They chatted outside with Mr. Lin Yuan for a long time. Then they left, saying that they had already given up their pursuit of me.

Asakami Fujino said, "After that, I never saw those two people again."

"I just heard that last year, the Liangyi family in Kyoto was wiped out. I don't know if that Miss Liangyi also died in the extermination case. Asakami Fujino's narration made Hayashihara Hiroshi silent.

"Can you be more specific?" Lin Yuanfei said, "Where were you hunted down by the two rituals at that time, how did I appear, how did I save you, did you say anything?"

Lin Yuanfei said sincerely, "Perhaps if you speak in more detail, I can think of something.

Facing Lin Yuanfei's sincere plea, Asakami Fujino did not speak.

She just sat there, watching Ruo Lin Yuan Fei, and was silent for a while.

Then, the girl spoke.

"Hayashibara-kun came to Kyoto to visit the Tsuchimikado family?" the girl asked back.

Lin Yuanfei didn't know why the other party asked this question again, but he nodded, "Well, the main reason is to come and see if I can get back some previous memories.

Lin Yuanfei said in a foolish way.The girl looked at him and smiled disappointedly.

" you still remember your ideals?"

...Is it ideal?" Lin Yuanfei - Confused. Does this have anything to do with ideals? I just want to know something about the past, sister! Are you a black-hearted company that doesn't want to pay wages? - Opening up is ideal.

Chapter 632 Where Have You Been (1200/2000)

Asakami Fujino's answer was irrelevant, which made Hayashihara a little helpless.Generally speaking, these days, only unscrupulous companies who don't want to pay wages will talk to you about their ideals.As for Asakami Fujino, not only did he not answer the question, but he also changed the subject, obviously not wanting to talk to him.Lin Yuanfei was a little helpless.

Sure enough, Asakami Fujino spoke.

"It's very late tonight. Asakami Fujino said, "Hayashi Yuan-kun, you should go back to rest. If you rest too late, it will be very bad for your health.As soon as he opened his mouth, it was an order to chase away guests, which made Lin Yuanfei feel a little affectionate.

Damn. Isn’t this a big change in attitude? Could it be that the question I answered just now is an important plot branch? If I get it wrong, it will be GG? But I really don’t know how to answer it.Dian knows what the ideal of the original owner of the body is

Lin Yuanfei looked at the girl in front of him, and really wanted to ask if he could save it and come back again?

But seeing the girl's indifferent expression, he could only shake his head.

Said, "I will come again tomorrow. Said Ruo, Lin Yuanfei stood up, without too much entanglement, Lin Yuanfei only expressed his intention to come tomorrow, but Asakami Fujino said that Lin Yuan would come again tomorrow. She didn't refuse. She nodded slightly and said, "I'll be at home all day tomorrow.Not only did he not refuse, but he hinted that Lin Yuanfei could come over at any time tomorrow. mmm... Lin Yuanfei didn't understand this wave of operations.

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