Is this Asakami Fujino cooperating or not? Give me a letter!

I am now being watched by the Shimada family, and there is my wife Yuno who is secretly haunted, which is already very big.

Can you not drag the plot and add side lines for me? First of all, let’s not say whether there is such a need, but just say that Hayashibara K. really did this with the character of Asakami Fujino.So let's see it again tomorrow.After leaving Asakami Fujino's apartment, Lin Yuanfei checked the time, it was almost three o'clock.

Didn't stop much, just walked back.After Asakami Fujino's disturbance, he is no longer in the mood to stare at the night scene in a daze.

And it's not good to be away for too long.

After all, Zhi Ji is fast asleep now, it would be terrible if someone took the opportunity to sneak attack her.

-Although the Onmyoji girl must have set up some precautionary measures.After returning to the temporary hiding place, Lin Yuanfei quietly opened the door of the apartment and walked in.In the dimly lit room, all the lights were turned off, only some light sources outside the window shone in.Then, Lin Yuanfei saw a figure sitting on the sofa, looking at him coldly.In the darkness, the girl's eyes shone with a cold light.

"Where did you go?" Zhi Ji asked blankly.

It looked like a wife whose husband came home too late and waited here to breed.

Lin Principle coughed dryly, and said, "I didn't go anywhere, I just blew a cool breeze outside, it's just opposite the convenience store."

Said Ruo, Lin Yuan B took off his shoes and continued walking towards the living room.

While asking, "By the way, why are you up? Why don't you sleep?" Zhi Ji looked at him blankly, and said, "I just went out to check, and you are not across from the convenience store at all.Be honest, where have you been? Who is that woman?

"Uh... The corners of Lin Yuanfei's mouth twitched. He wondered why this conversation had such a sense of mystery? The painting style changed into a family ethics drama in seconds? Lin Yuan was a little confused, "What kind of woman?"

"It's the woman who sent you out of the house," Zhi Ji said blankly, I just saw it on the balcony, you came out of a room in the apartment opposite, it was a woman who sent you out .

Lin Yuanfei was dumbfounded by Zhiji's questioning.The corner of Lin Yuanfei's mouth twitched, and he said, "That's just someone I knew before... although I don't know who she is at all. As you can see, I've lost my memory, and I just met a Lin Yuan down there Fei was puzzled by Jihime's reaction, but the girl just looked at him and said.

"I want to remind you that we are in Kyoto now, and we are still under the nose of the Shimada family. It is very dangerous for you to act privately. Be careful that the Shimada family will set a trap to plot against you.

"That's right, your strength is indeed very strong, but it's easy to hide from the open and difficult to defend against, and you need to have too much contact with unfamiliar people.

The girl's admonition made Lin Yuanfei very helpless

"It feels like you are becoming more and more like a nag. Okay... okay, okay, I know, I will be careful in the future."

The speaker, Lin Yuanfei glanced at the girl, and said, "Go back to sleep, aren't you about to go to sleep when the time comes? Zhiji looked at Ruo Lin Yuanfei and was silent for a few seconds. The girl suddenly said, "If you think I'm squeaking , If you don't like it, I can talk in the future. "The girl said seriously, "All you need is to nod your head."As soon as the girl said this, Lin Yuanfei immediately turned pale with shock.

...What the hell? This aunt has changed her temper?

He hurriedly turned his head to look at the girl behind him, and looked her up and down, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Orihime...was traversed by someone from another world?"

This young lady of the Tsuchimikado family also cares about other people's thoughts sometimes?

"If you are impatient with me, and even feel disgusted, you will subconsciously reject my words and deeds. At that time, problems are more likely to arise.

"Now we are all refugees on the same wreck. If we exclude each other, the ship will be destroyed."

"To keep this boat running, you and I need to accommodate each other, I hope you understand that." 6

"The same situation is different from before.

After Zhi Ji finished speaking solemnly, Lin Yuan nodded.

"Okay, okay, I finally regained the familiar feeling, this is the eldest lady of the Tsuchiyamen family."

Yuan Fei said, "Since there is nothing wrong, I'll go to bed first, Lin Yuanfei didn't talk to Zhi Ji, just turned around and slipped away, leaving Zhi Ji standing alone in the dark living room with a blank expression on her face.

Chapter 633 Memory Flashback

After closing the door, Lin Yuanfei lay down directly on the bed, ready to fall asleep.It's three o'clock in the morning.

To be honest, if it wasn't so late, Lin Yuanfei really wanted to call that guy Xintian immediately to ask about the original owner of his body.The appearance of Asafuno made Lin Yuanfei discover many things that were wrong.He found that the original owner of this body involved more complicated things than he had imagined.For example, if the original owner of this body was not 17 years old, but already in his twenties or even thirties, how did he get engaged to Orihime? The current Orihime is only 17 years old, if the original Hayashi Yuan Fei is already in his thirties. Isn’t this the standard old cow eating young grass?

And the most bizarre thing is that the Tuyumen family actually agreed to this marriage? The former Lin Yuanfei was just a young master of the underworld in the countryside, right? And it wasn't his own kind, he was picked up.On top of Lin Yuanfei, the Lin Yuan group also has a eldest brother who has the right to inherit, and that is the true blood of the Lin Yuan family.

Such an unpopular Lin Yuanfei can actually climb up the high branch of Tu Yumen's family?

Could it be that Lin Yuanfei was able to get married to Zhi Ji not because of the friendship between Lin Yuangumi and Tuyumen, but because of something else? For example, the identity of the descendant of Feitian Yujian... Also, five years ago Did Hayashihara fly to Kyoto? He also got in touch with Liangshi and Aoqi Chengzi, and taught Asakami Fujino.This guy, wasn't he already accepted into Tian Yujian's school at that time? He should learn swordsmanship from Master Ruo near Gaoshi Mountain, right?

Now that I think about it, the story of the original owner of this body is more complicated than Lin Yuanfei thought.Lin Yuanfei lay on the bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep. His mind was full of these messy things.So much time passed by, he was still lying there with his eyes wide open, motionless like a corpse.I don't know how long it lasted like this. Finally, Lin Yuanfei slowly fell asleep.His consciousness gradually sank into darkness.


Suddenly, Lin Yuan heard the sound of rain water beating on the window.He subconsciously opened his eyes and looked out the window.I saw the torrential rain pouring down outside the window, slapping the window glass frantically in the gust of wind, as if trying to smash the window completely.At this time, Lin Yuan EI was sitting in a strange hospital corridor.

Behind him is the door of a ward.Opposite Lin Yuanfei, there was a familiar figure on the bench.Bright blonde hair, as beautiful as the sun.The slender and tall figure stands out from the crowd.

The posture of the blond-haired and busty sister Yu sitting there completely exposed the curves of her two slender thighs to the air.

Just these two beautiful long legs are already taller than some dwarfs.Not to mention Yujie's tall figure.This is a tall and slender sister Yu who can't be suppressed by the height of many men in the whole world.But for this beautiful Yujie, what is more difficult to suppress is her mature and independent temperament.

With this kind of temperament, it is destined that she will never be attached to anyone, she will stand proudly in the world like the proudest phoenix, and will not bow her head like anyone.Even though I have seen the face of the other party several times in my memory, but I can feel the arrogance of the blonde Yujie at such a close distance. Lin Yuane still has a feeling of being out of breath.Totally amazed.Is the master of the original owner of the body... really in his sixties? Lin Yuan looked at the blond-haired Yujie in front of him, without saying a word.

Having already experienced it twice, he understands that he is immersed in the memories of the original owner of his body.This flashback of memory has been appearing continuously since defeating Sadako Yamamura.It happened twice when I was in Chiba City. I didn't expect to come to Kyoto, and there was a new memory flashback.So Lin Yuanfei didn't speak, and didn't try to do anything, but just witnessed all this happening from the perspective of the original owner of the body.

He looked at the blond-haired Yujie opposite, and with wandering eyes, he found that the two were in the corridor of a hospital.

"I heard that you just sent away two distinguished guests?" Lin Yuanfei's master asked.Facing Master's question, Lin Yuan nodded.

"Well, the two ceremonies of the Liangyi family, and the Cangqi oranges of the Cangqi family," Lin Yuanfei said, "They gave up on the pursuit of Fujino Asagami, and they will not care about Fujino Asagami in the future.

Hearing this answer, the blond-haired sister Yu nodded.

"A very wise decision... What about you? Are you planning to give up too?" Lin Yuanfei was silent for a few seconds and shook his head.The master turned his mouth slightly when he saw this disciple, "Then you plan to take care of it?"

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