Yuan Fei nodded.The master gave a slight "ha" and let out a laugh without a smile.

"Look at my stupid apprentice," the master stretched out his hand, pinched Lin Yuanfei's chin, forced Lin Yuanfei's face up, and said, "This whole body is so stupid, you don't care about the matter between father and daughter." How do you plan to manage it? Where do you come from to manage it? In what capacity do you manage it? Why do you manage it? How do you manage it?"

"Are you killing her father? Or are you going to threaten her father?"

"Tell me, my silly apprentice, what do you plan to do? Faced with Master's question, Lin Yuanfei was silent for a few seconds and said, "I can

"You can fuck, you can!" Master said with a smile, "You don't know anything, you can't do anything, you can't do anything, you can't control anything, you think you can, but in fact you don't know anything. Can't.

"You think you can help her, but your sympathy is overwhelming. If you can help her once, can you help her forever?"

"Don't you understand the simple truth that teaching a man to fish is worse than giving him a fish?"

"If you really want to help her, then persuade her to be independent, stay away from that shallow family, come out to work by herself, and support herself, won't there be nothing wrong with her?"

Master's words made Lin Yuanfei silent.

"Is that...?"

"...That's enough," the master said, looking at Ruo's apprentice's face, "the only thing you can do is this."

"Other than that, you can't do anything.

"The swordsman's sword is the last card. When you draw your sword, it can only mean one thing—that is, you are so incompetent that you can't solve the problem without a sword."

"There are many things in this world that cannot be solved by the sword.

Chapter 634 Have You Read The Script?

In a daze, Lin Yuanfei opened his eyes.

In the darkness, he was silent, not saying a word.This new fragment of memory made him understand something.Sure enough, the original owner of the body did come to Kyoto five years ago and intervened in Asakami Fujino's affairs.Even the master of the original owner of the body was in Kyoto.

And judging from the performance of the original owner of the body in memory, it seems that he intends to intervene in Asakami Fujino's affairs.But in the end I was dissuaded by Master.But judging from memory, the original owner of this body seems to be a nosy guy.

But such a guy later committed several massacres. What happened behind this? Lin Yuanfei's mind was full of sleepiness.In the dark, he looked at the time.It is [-]:[-] in the morning, and it is still dark outside the window, and it is not yet dawn.

But Lin Yuanjiao no longer felt sleepy at all.Too chaotic thoughts drove away his drowsiness and made him unable to fall asleep.Lying alone on the bed tossed and turned for a long time, Lin Yuan Feichu immediately got up to find something to do, but the room was suddenly pushed away.

Lin Yuan heard footsteps slowly approaching.He is very familiar with the frequency of this footsteps, it is Zhi Ji's footsteps.Even as the girl approached, Lin Yuan could feel the aura of the other party.

Lin Yuanfei immediately closed his eyes and pretended to be sleeping, wanting to see why the little girl didn't sleep in the middle of the night and came to attack him at night.

Immediately afterwards, the bed under him shook slightly. The girl sat down directly beside the bed.Then, Zhi Ji's voice sounded coldly beside Lin Yuanfei.

"I know you haven't slept, don't pretend.

The girl said indifferently, "Is it fun to pretend to be sleeping?"

The girl's words made Lin Yuanfei a little helpless.

"Do you have three eyes?" Lin Yuan opened his eyes, looked at the girl sitting by the bed, and said helplessly, "Why do you seem to know everything?"

Zhi Ji looked at him very calmly, and said, "If I can't even tell that I'm pretending to be sleeping, then I won't be named Tu Mimon." '

...does this have anything to do with the Tuyumen family?" Lin Yuanfei twitched the corner of his mouth, and said, "Could it be that the Tuyumen family still has a skill that must be recognized if someone is pretending to be asleep?"

What I mean is, if you don’t even have this kind of insight, you are not qualified to be an onmyoji,” the girl said, “What kind of comprehension ability do you have? Just like you, you are also a descendant of the Fei K Tian Yujian style.”

"Wow! I'm the descendant of the Feitian Yujian style, so I'm so sorry!" Lin Yuanfei sat up directly from the bed, leaning against the head of the bed, staring at the girl in front of him, and said, "Then you, the eldest lady of Tuyumen You don't sleep in the middle of the night, and you come to the man's room to harass the family to sleep, what do you want to do? Can't sleep alone? Hungry and thirsty?" Zhi Ji glanced at him and said, "What about you? Tossing and turning in the middle of the night I can't sleep well. What are you thinking about? I'm so lonely and want a woman?" Zhiji refused to give an inch, and pushed back tit for tat.

To be honest, it was the first time Lin Yuanfei met such a girl who talked back to him.

He was a little helpless.

"You really have a poisonous tongue...Miss Zhiji, Ma Xiang, can you restrain your thorns a little bit? I'm like a hedgehog, I'm about to be stabbed all over by you. Zhiji looked at him , said, "If I'm a hedgehog, you're a porcupine.

...God damn porcupine, are you mocking me?" Lin Yuanfei said, "Can you calm down a little bit? You came to see me in the middle of the night, could it be that Zhiji hummed softly while frowning? With a sound.

"You can choose when the war will start, but you can't decide when the war will end. Lin Yuan, I hope you understand this truth. I'm not the group of women around you, and I won't be left to you

"OKOK. I see. I know I'm wrong. Please let Miss Zhi Ji go," Lin Yuanfei raised his hands in surrender, "You came to find me in the middle of the night. What's the matter? Let's talk about business, shall we?" Zhi Ji watched He pouted.

"Oh, then you can ask," Lin Yuanfei said, "Is there something you don't understand?" Zhiji looked at Ruo Lin Yuanfei's face and asked, "Lin Yuan, do you like my wife Yuki.In the room, there was silence for a few seconds.

Zhi Ji was a little confused, "Lin Yuan? Why don't you talk anymore?" Does it have anything to do with you?"

"Of course it's related," Orihime said, "I'm curious, Hayashibara, if you really like my wife, Yuki, why don't you confess to her and pursue her? Could it be that you are really afraid of the earth? The power of Yumen? You Lin Yuan is not like this kind of person who is afraid of power, right?"

...Miss, I still say the same thing, does this question have something to do with you?" Lin Yuanfei said with embarrassment, "You came here to ask me this question in the middle of the night, is your head broken?" Lin Yuan 6 Tried to fool him, but Orihime obviously ignored him.

Seeing Lin Yuan Fei Lu's appearance, Zhi Ji shook her head, "Looking at you, it seems that you are avoiding this matter. But judging from your Lin Yuan's personality, you are not the kind of person who will escape.

"If you really like my wife Yuki, then you must have confessed to her after you solved the problem with Sadako Yamamura.

"If you don't like my wife Yuki, then you wouldn't talk about it like this in the face of my inquiry, and you must directly deny it.

"So, now I have proved one thing, that is, Lin Yuanfei, you must have that girl named my wife Yuki in your heart, and you like her.

"But why Lin Yuan, who always likes to go straight, chose to escape this time? There must be some reason.

"Let's take a look at Lin Yuan's prematurely aging appearance, and Lin Yuan's personality... Well, there must be something wrong with your health. You won't live for a few years, so you dare not be with my wife Confession?"

"Are you afraid of delaying her?" Zhi Ji's speculation made Lin Yuanfei dumbfounded.

Damn.... Did you read the script? Lin Yuanfei said with embarrassment, "Are you a screenwriter? How do you know everything?

Chapter 635 Lick Your Toes (1400/3000)

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