Lin Yuan Feiyue was stunned by Zhi Ji's speculation.This little girl looks soft and weak. Her head is moving so fast!

It's almost like reading a script. It's terrible.Lin Yuanfei suddenly felt as if he was not wearing underwear in front of Zhi Ji, and he had no privacy at all.Seeing Lin Yuanfei's reaction, Zhiji said

"Isn't this something that can be easily deduced? What's the surprise?"

Orihime said, "When you are familiar with a person's behavior patterns, understand a person's background, and then speculate on the meaning and motivation behind these actions based on some of his actions,

Can ordinary people do things? Why are you so surprised? Zhi Ji's explanation left Lin Yuanfei speechless.

"Do you have any misunderstanding about the word [ordinary person]? My eldest lady, although I don't know what an ordinary person you know is like, but I can tell you one thing.

"That's what you think [ordinary person 1, definitely not ordinary.

"Whose ordinary people are so smart? If just any human being was so smart, then human beings would have broken through the solar system and colonized outer space long ago! Still nesting on this small planet, the earth, cheating each other? Everyone would have been like a dragon long ago! Lin Yuan's speechless complaint made Zhi Ji silent for a few seconds.

Then the girl combed the hair around her ears with her fingers, and said calmly.

>The woman said, "Tell me honestly, are you running out of time?" Lin Yuan Lu looked at the girl in front of him, spread his hands, and said, "You really like direct household registration. That's right, I can't live anymore It’s grown, and there are only about four years of life left. How about it? Can you help me? Zhi Ji thought for a while and said, “If you are willing to kneel down and lick my toes now, I can help you.Without saying a word, Lin Yuanfei stretched out his hand to grab the girl's feet.The girl was startled immediately.

"what are you doing?

After Zhi Ji jumped away, she looked at Lin Yuanfei in astonishment, and it was obvious that Lin Yuanfei had taken her down.

This was the first time this always proud girl showed such a flustered gesture in front of Lin Yuanfei.Lin Yuanfei looked at her and shrugged, "Didn't you ask me to lick your toes? I'm about to do it."

...She looked at Ruo Lin Yuanfei. It seemed a little unacceptable, "You gave in so easily in order to survive? Lin Yuan, didn't you never submit to power?"

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes, "God damn succumbed to the force... If you can live by licking the toes of a beautiful girl, I'll lick it!"

"You go to the street and ask those men casually. You don't need to give them any favors. If you ask them to kneel down and lick your toes, how many men do you think will refuse?"

"Ma Xiang, are you a little self-conscious about your appearance and appearance? You are such a beautiful girl. I don't know how many men want to lick your whole body in their dreams, let alone just licking a toe to save their lives." Lin Yuanfei's straightforward declaration made Zhiji take another two steps back.

Then, the girl looked Lin Yuanfei up and down, as if recognizing this person clearly for the first time.

"Lin Yuan, you are really... able to bend and stretch, and you are even more difficult to resist than you imagined."

Zhi Ji's evaluation left Lin Yuanfei speechless.

"It's okay to be able to bend and stretch.

He looked at the girl in front of him and said, "By the way, why are you hiding so far? Come here? Don't you think you can kill me by licking your toes? Come here quickly! You don't want to play tricks, do you?"

Lin Yuanfei asked suspiciously, making the girl's expression stagnate.

"What about licking your toes... I'm just joking with you. I don't know what's going on with you yet. How can I help you?"

The woman said that Ruo walked over slowly.

But it could be seen that the girl was still full of vigilance, as if Lin Yuanfei could jump away immediately with the slightest movement.

[-]-Does the eldest lady of the Tsuchimikado family have such natural dullness? Ordinarily Orihime always has an arrogant face, an expression that I, Tsuchimikado, are invincible in the world, but now she shows this kind of stupid expression by chance Appearance, but also a little bit cute.

But Lin Yuanfei knew that although this little girl looked cute now, she was still the poisonous lady from Tu Yumen's family.He just coughed dryly, changed the topic, and talked about his own situation directly.

"My situation is actually very simple, it's almost like this...

Dui Ruo, Lin Yuan K gave a general account of his own situation.However, many details are hidden. It is just that in order to suppress an evil spirit, he swallowed the power of the evil spirit and suppressed the other party with his body.But the price is that the lifespan is greatly reduced.Since then, because of the use of demonic power in the underground, the progress has eroded the body's functions and shortened the lifespan.

Now there are only about four years of life left.After listening to Lin Yuanfei's general situation, Zhiji nodded.

"It really is this... I have already noticed the seemingly evil spirit in you.

"And it's confusing, . Is there really only one evil spirit in your body?" Orihime asked.

..... ...Actually, there is another chatter, but that guy is not a big problem," Lin Yuanfei said with a dry smile, this Zhi Ji has really read the script, right? Why does she know everything! This kind of woman is terrible.

After staying by her side for a long time, I feel that there is no privacy at all.

Hayashi Yuan6 thought so.Then, Orihime glanced at him and said, "Are you thinking, it's scary to be around me? Because there's no privacy? Makes you feel bad?"

... Lin Yuan Lu raised his hands in surrender, "I made a mistake, Great Immortal, you should quickly accept your supernatural powers."

You can read minds!

But this time, Zhi Ji didn't complain about Lin Yuanfei.

After she just sat there thinking for a long time, she suddenly stood up.

Said, "Let me go back and think about it and see if there is any solution...

R Ji said, "Go on and sleep, anyway, there is still one thing before dawn. Of course, it doesn't matter if you continue to sit in a daze.

After finishing speaking, Zhi Ji left on her own, without looking at Lin Yuan Feiyan again.

Only Lin Yuanfei was left alone - sitting in the bedroom alone, watching her leaving back in embarrassment and speechlessness - this little girl, is she kidding me?

Chapter 636 You Guess

In the early morning, Lin Yuanfei finally woke up.Woke up by the phone's alarm clock.

To be honest, the physical quality of this body is really strong.If it was Lin Yuanfei before the crossing, staying up until dawn like this, then it is estimated that he would have to sleep until noon before getting up.Even if you can force yourself to get up, you will still feel tightness in your chest, weakness all over your body, and lack of energy.But last night, he only slept for less than four hours in total, but he was still full of energy, and he didn't feel any discomfort when he woke up.

This kind of lively body is simply unbelievable.

Lin Yuanfei got up, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and then went to the rocking chair on the balcony to bask in the morning sun like an old man.Nitta on the other end of the phone seemed to have just woken up, and his voice sounded dazed.But when he heard Lin Yuan's voice, Xin Tian immediately woke up with a jolt, and even the voice was an octave higher.

"Brother? What do you want?"

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