"Governments of various countries will have their own responses, or recruit, or coerce, or squeeze out, or even join forces to erase you as an unstable factor.

"This world is orderly.

"Anyone who tries to break the order will be backlashed by all the residents of this ordered world. The order of the world

All actions must not exceed the boundaries stipulated by the order.

"Otherwise, you will only become the stupidest dead in vain.

After the girl finished speaking indifferently, Lin Yuan Fei S bared her teeth.

Looking at the girl with an indifferent expression in front of him, Lin Yuanfei shook his head.

"What you said...is simply alarmist. It's just a Shimada family, is it so scary?" The girl looked at him blankly, and said, "A mere Shimada family is naturally not so scary. But order The power is so terrible.'

"Don't talk about killing the Shimada family, which has a certain influence in the world, even if you kill a small family with a population of more than one hundred, it will cause terrible turmoil.

"Oh? Really?" Lin Yuanfei rubbed his chin and said, "Then, are there any results for the extermination cases that appeared in the Japanese stock market?"

... Zhi Ji looked at him blankly, and said, "Paper can't hold fire, Lin Yuanfei. So many people died, it is absolutely impossible to die without a medical condition.

"I said it. The times have changed. Now is the information age with the rapid development of the Internet. With the development of the times, the flow of information will be faster than you can imagine.

"Those murders with extremely bad influence, even in ancient times with inconvenient information circulation, it is absolutely impossible to cover them up casually, let alone in modern society.

Zhi Ji's words made Lin Yuanfei nod his head.

"It seems that you are a kind and lawful camp...

Lin Yuanfei rubbed his chin and commented, "But what you said...does make sense.

Chapter 639

Orihime's words sound reasonable.

Lin Yuanfei also had to admit that this is indeed a very likely thing to happen.But what does that have to do with my ruthless dead fat house? What can't find a job, no store willing to accept what, have you seen a few dead houses that need to worry about such things? If you threaten to close the atmosphere gold channel, unplug It is estimated that the network cable is still a bit of a deterrent.Lin Yuan touched his chin and sat there thinking for a while, then said.

"But when you say that, I know at least one thing.

"What?" Zhiji looked at Lin Yuanfei.

Lin Yuanfei laughed and said, "Since the Shimada family didn't do anything against Chiba, but only issued a killing order against us, it means that they are also playing tricks and don't dare to be too provocative.

"As the saying goes, barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes, but they are afraid of wolves with hemp poles. You think we need to be wary of the Shimada family, but the Shimada family may also be worried about me now.

"Even if I kill them and be ostracized by the whole world, what good does that do them? Aren't their entire clan still wiped out?"

"So, the fear is mutual. When you worry about the other person, the other person worries about you.

"Since this is the case, then we can change to a softer way.

Lin Yuanfei said, "Since the Shimada family is only chasing you and me, then we don't care about it and pretend we don't know anything.

When I opened the capital, I would hang around their noses every day, making them feel terrified all the time.

"Didn't you say that the situation in the Shimada family is very chaotic right now, and that there is a big difference between the branch family and the main family?"

"Since this is the case, then the group of branch families will definitely take the opportunity to make trouble.

"Let's just sit back and watch the tigers fight, either the branch family will take the position and kill the main family, or the main family will be superior and overwhelm all the branch families.

"But no matter what the result is, the victor will definitely be weak after the fight. At that time, no matter what the victorious person thinks in his heart, he will definitely not be willing or dare to continue to invite us.

"When the time comes, it will be a good opportunity to negotiate."

Lin Yuanfei laughed and said, "Anyway, for us, we have plenty of time, we can wait slowly, and just treat it as a tourist in Beijing.

"But the Shimada family is different. The internal situation of their family is on the verge of breaking out, and there are dangers everywhere. Every day it is delayed, their crisis is more likely to break out.

In the beginning, they couldn't make up their minds to completely force me to submit, so as time went by, by the time they made up their minds to do something to me, maybe the crisis had already erupted completely.

"At that time, how can they have the time and energy to manage me? Even the two parties in the dispute have to woo me and beg me, for fear that I will mess things up.

"At that time, even if I asked the women of Shimada's family to kneel on the ground and lick my shoes, they would have to humiliately agree.

And Orihime looked at him blankly, and said, "So why is it a woman from the Shimada family?"

"Could it be a man from the Shimada family? I'm not gay. I have no idea about men!" Lin Yuanfei said confidently.

"So do you have any thoughts about the women of the Shimada family?" Orihime asked.

"Of course I... bah! Is this the main point of our topic? Are we talking about women's affairs with you now? I'm talking about Shimada's affairs with you, okay?" Lin Yuanfei said, "Miss, please Don't change the subject, okay?" Zhi Ji shook her head, "I'm not changing the subject, I'm just more concerned about this topic. The younger generation of the Shimada family has no women, and the women of the Shimada family are a bunch of Obasans. Are you right? Is Obasan at this age very interested? Hayashi Yuan. Is your fetish originally middle-aged Obasan?

: Sexy girl!" Lin Yuanfei said with a black face, "Why do you want to bring the topic to such a boring thing? Don't you think my plan is perfect? ​​It's more than your COS Cang Hai's plan is much stronger. "...Yu Canghai?" Zhiji's eyes flashed with confusion, "What do you mean?"

"Yu Canghai of the Qingcheng faction doesn't understand this, Lin Yuanfei said nonsense calmly, "I think back then in Quanzhou, Fujian, China, there was an escort agency called Fuwei Piaoju.Since the founding of the first patriarch Lin Yuantu, the Escort has been famous all over the country.

"In Lin Zhennan's generation, the business of the Fuwei Escort has reached half of China, and the numbers of the Fuwei Escort have been issued, and friends in the green forests of the three mountains and five mountains have to give face.

"However, Yu Canghai from the Qingcheng faction in Sichuan has his eyes fixed on the Fuwei Escort Bureau and the evil sword manual left by Lin Yuantu back then...

So Yu Canghai led his disciples to surround Fuwei Escort Bureau and destroy the sect?" Zhi Ji took the words expressionlessly. Lin Yuanfei was dumbfounded immediately: "Damn it? Have you watched "Swordsman"

Zhi Ji looked indifferent: "What's so surprising about this? Haven't you read it too?" Lin Yuanfei gave a thumbs up, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect that the young lady of the dignified Tuyumen clan would also read martial arts novels, amazing Yes. The corners of Zhi Ji's mouth twitched slightly, making a smileless arc.

Obviously, she was too lazy to talk to Lin Yuanfei.

Just brought the topic back on track.

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