"Are you really planning to ignore the Shimada family for the time being?" Orihime asked.Lin Yuanfei shrugged, "What else? Is it really impossible to kill people? I, Lin Yuanfei, love peace and never do such bad things as murder and arson. His Shimada family actually wants to use me to do bad things? Just kidding! I, Lin Yuanfei, don't Will kill indiscriminately.

Lin Yuanfei said seriously, "So I decided to pretend that I don't know anything, and just treat it as a trip to Kyoto. Are there any good attractions here? Let me introduce one." Zhiji glanced at him and said, " Even if this is the case, you'd better not go out and run around. Stay for a few days and see how the situation changes before deciding on the follow-up actions. You are too arrogant, and you will step on it." Lin Yuanfei shrugged, did not speak, and stood directly up.

"Where are you going?" Zhi Ji asked looking at his back.

Lin Yuanfei waved his hands without looking back, and said, "Go out to get some fresh air, and I'll be back soon.

After speaking, the guy left directly.

Zhi Ji watched Ruobayashi Yuanfei disappear into the house without saying anything.

She just looked down at the time, and after ten minutes, she got up and came to the balcony.Then, across a long street, she saw a familiar figure appearing in the corridor of the public building diagonally opposite

Zhi Ji looked indifferent.

Chapter 640 Lin Yuan's Fiancee

When Hayashi Yuanfei came to Asakami Fujino's big "J", he subconsciously turned his head and looked in the direction behind him.

Diagonally across from there, in the Gongyu Building, there is an apartment that is a temporary hiding place for him and Zhiji.

But the direction of the balcony was empty, and it was obvious that Orihime was not standing there.So Lin Yuan Lu shrugged and reached out to ring the doorbell.The doorbell rang about five times. There was a sound of footsteps coming from the house.Then... the door was pulled open.The girl named Asakami Fujino was wearing pajamas. Standing behind the door, she looked at Lin Yuanfei with a surprised face.

"...Lin... Fujino looked at Lin Yuanfei who was smiling outside the door, and was silent for a few seconds, nodding.

"come in.

Tuiruo, Asakami Fujino completely opened the door.

Then, he stepped aside and let Lin Yuan fly in.

Hayashi Yuan Flying Down

While taking off his shoes, - said calmly.

"Did you have breakfast? I came to see you so early. Will it disturb your rest? Are you going to work later? Or are you on vacation today?"

Lin Yuanfei entered the door, but the communication problem was thrown out.Behind him, the girl named Asakami Fujino closed the room|After seeing Wakabayashi Haruhiro walking into the room without any politeness, she was silent for a few seconds.Then the girl spoke.

"Lin Yuan-kun came here so early...is there anything important?"

Lin Yuanfei turned his head back with a smile on his face, "Can't I come to you without something important?

.”” Asakami Fujino stood there, combing the hair around his ears a little.

Then, the girl shook her head, "Mr. Lin Yuan came so early, it's a bit out of the blue...I just woke up. Lin Yuanfei smiled on his face, "It's okay, it's okay, why don't you continue, I'll just sit on the sofa and watch TV for a while. Go ahead and leave me alone.After speaking, the guy sat down on the sofa unceremoniously, turned on the TV and started watching TV.

Seeing that this guy seemed familiar, Asato was silent for a while, then walked into the kitchen without making a sound.

It seemed that Asakami Fujino was preparing breakfast before Hayashibara flew over.So Lin Yuanfei sat on the sofa and yelled casually, "It doesn't matter that there was no response from the kitchen, and I don't know if Asakami Fujino heard it. But Lin Yuan didn't care.

In other words, his attention was attracted by the news on TV.

Originally, I just turned on the TV to pretend, but I didn't see such explosive news as soon as I turned on the mobile TV.The host on TV is broadcasting a piece of breaking news-three hours ago, the umbrella company headquartered in the United States completely declared bankruptcy.Less than a month after the scandal in Raccoon City came out, this large company that once dominated the world was greatly affected by the spread of public opinion.

Stocks plummeted, United Nations coordinators settled in, the company's main senior officials were controlled by the government, branches all over the United States were attacked by unknown people one after another, and branches all over the world were forced to shut down. The events of 911/[-] years ago are comparable.Lin Yuanfei tuned all the channels. Except for TV Tokyo, which was still broadcasting cartoons, all the TV stations were temporarily inserting the horror news of the bankruptcy of the umbrella company.

It seems that although the umbrella companies in this world are not that powerful, after all, there are still a group of supernatural forces above their heads that cannot be provoked.But in the world of ordinary people, the aftermath of the sudden collapse of such a huge company has spread to the whole world.

At the very least, if Raccoon City is still there, nearly half of the city's population will be instantly unemployed.To be honest, Lin Yuanfei was a little surprised that the umbrella collapsed so quickly.

Although according to the plot of the original book, the Umbrella Company will indeed be sanctioned by the United States and other economic entities after the five stories of Raccoon City, and finally the company declares bankruptcy, leaving only the remnant forces that have passed since the incident in Raccoon City until now. A few days.How did the umbrella company collapse?

Is the umbrella company in this world so weak in anti-risk ability? Lin Yuan kept switching channels, listening to the news content told by the hosts of different channels, wanting to know more.But although the channels on TV are different, and the hosts are mostly different, the content of their speeches is almost the same.After listening for a while, Lin Yuanfei shook his head, expressing helplessness.Although there are big shots in this world who have a keen political sense and can predict the future direction of the situation by reading the news, Lin Yuanfei obviously doesn't have the ability to speculate.

And while he was watching the news, Asafuno finally came out of the kitchen.Seeing Lin Yuanfei looking at him, Asakami Fujino didn't speak, but took the plate to the dining table and sat down, and began to eat breakfast.Lin Yuan didn't talk to her, and she didn't open her mouth, it was simply non-violent non-resistance.

But now Asakami Fujino was eating breakfast, Lin Yuanfei couldn't open his mouth.If he hadn't seen the bankruptcy news, he would have almost forgotten the existence of the umbrella company.And when it comes to the umbrella, you have to mention Yan Ye who was targeted by the umbrella, and you have to think of the Zhushen virus that Yan Ye was injected with.

And then, I had to think that my wife had also been injected with the virus... Ah Xiba! Why is this lunatic woman so lingering?Lin Yuanfei rubbed the space between his brows, feeling a little headache.If he can find my wife Yuno, then Lin Yuanfei will be less troubled by his confidant.From time to time, Lin Yuanfei still thinks of this lunatic, and Lin Yuanfei feels very insecure.

And when he was thinking wildly, the big doorbell was rang suddenly.Asakami Fujino, who had just finished breakfast, looked at Lin Yuanfei with some confusion in his eyes.Lin Yuanfei shrugged his shoulders innocently and looked at me for what? So the girl walked to the entrance in silence, and looked at the cat's eyes.A few seconds later, the door was pulled open.

Asakami Fujino looked at Tsuchomiorihime outside the door, frowning slightly.

"Lin Yuan's last wife.

Chapter 641

In the morning, the sun was shining brightly, and the sky was blue and cloudless.The gentle morning breeze blows over the streets of Kyoto.In the corridor of the old-fashioned apartment, a girl's indifferent voice sounded.Loudly.

"Lin Yuanfei's fiancée

The moment this sentence sounded, the remote control in the living room fell on the sofa in an instant.

Then, except for the news screen that was still playing on the TV, there was no one in the living room.When Qianshang Lianna turned around subconsciously, he found that the living room behind him was empty, except for the sound of the TV, he couldn't feel any man's breath. ...Asakami Fujino was silent for a few seconds, then turned his head and looked at the girl in front of him.This is a very beautiful girl.Wearing a light blue floral kimono as the main body, he is not tall but has a slender figure.The long black hair falls to the shoulders, and a simple flower pattern is pinned to the temples. She has a very simple face, but there is an indescribable elegance.

That kind of temperament is probably fatal to a man..

has a strong attraction

Asakami Fujino looked at the girl outside the door and said, "Sorry, there is no one named Lin Yuanfei here, you may have gone to the wrong door.

The girl looked at her, and there was no trace of heat in her indifferent eyes

After all, in a country like Japan, you usually see very polite people, or in other words, polite to the point of being fake.But the culture of this country is like this, you say honorific words to each other, you have to be polite, nodding and smiling.This kind of ethos has occupied the main body of the whole society, and even high-ranking officials and politicians are all smiling and murmuring.In this environment, Zhi Ji's unique aloofness seemed out of place.Asakami Fujino couldn't help but look at the other party twice.After Orihime heard Asakami Fujino's answer, she didn't leave, but just stood there, seeming to be thinking about her words.

So Asakami Fujino opened the door generously, stepped aside, and showed Orihime the situation in the house.

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