"If you don't believe me, look, I'm the only one living here, and indeed there is no one named Lin Yuanfei, you really went to the wrong door.

Kugami Fujino's words seemed to be full of sincerity.However, Asakami Fujino's calm tone of unhurried and slow narration seemed to be sincere in what she said, making it impossible for Orihime to take a deep look at her and nod her head.

After speaking, the girl turned and left.

-Watching the former girl leave the corridor of the apartment, Asakami Fujino closed the door and turned back to the living room.She continued to wash the dishes as if nothing had happened.As for the TV that was still on in the living room, I didn't turn it off either.

After a while like this, when Asakami Fujino came out of the kitchen, he found that there was another person on the sofa in the living room more than once.

The white-haired Hayashibara KIF sat there, holding the remote control in his hand, watching TV leisurely.And the platycodon xiandongyue, which was made of pure wood both in the scabbard and the sword, was lying quietly on the coffee table at this time.When the knife is not out of its sheath and the edge is not sugary,

"That was Lin Yuan-kun's last fiancée just now? She's a very beautiful girl," Asakami Fujino said, "Why did Lin Yuan-kun hide from her?" Lin Yuanfei on the sofa shrugged and said, "If she knows I'm here, it will be very troublesome, so forget it." Lin Yuanfei said, "I don't like her much anyway, I have been planning to dissolve this engagement, and I don't know if it has been successfully terminated now. Linyuan k touched her chin and said, "Her elders said before that I have broken off the engagement with her, but there is no formal ceremony, so if I go back on my word, I have nothing to do. "

"But even if they go back on their word, it doesn't matter to me, anyway, I won't marry her.

Lin Yuan said calmly, "Even if I, Lin Yuanfei, die outside and jump from here, I will never marry her Tsuchimikado Orihime!"

Lin Yuanfei's half-truth and half-false words made Asakami Fujino shake his head slightly.

Tsuchimikado... from the Tsuchimikado clan? Hayashi Yuanfei glanced at Asakami Fujino, and said, "You also know the Tsuchimikado clan?" Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly and asked, "Speaking of which, why are you alone? People live in Kyoto? What about your family? Didn’t you live with them?”

.... Asakami Fujino's hand holding the book froze slightly.Then, she shook her head, "No, I moved out a long time ago to live by myself." Lin Yuanfei tilted his head and thought for a while, then asked, "Live alone. So what are you doing now? You should have almost Did you graduate?" Japanese students do not necessarily have to go to university.

In Japan, it is normal to work in society after graduating from high school, and only true academics will study hard.

To put it simply, the common protagonists of those anime fish and fall in love every day, don't study hard, and if they don't hang out, they basically go to work as social animals after graduating from high school.However, a noble lady like Asakami Fujino attended a prestigious high school, so it is impossible for a violent family like her not to go to college.The girl seemed so bitter even when she smiled.Then he stopped talking.In an instant, the atmosphere in the room was a little weird and awkward.Lin Yuan felt guilty.

...Did I accidentally step on a mine?

Asakami Fujino's reaction was a little scary.

Lin Yuanfei - I never thought of myself as a talent for awkward chatting, even if he wanted to, he could still have a good chat with most people.

But it is clear that Asakami Fujino is not in this [most people 1] category.

Don't be afraid of Xia Xu, is it possible... this time I will return empty-handed again?

Chapter 642

The topic of conversation has reached the current level, and it seems to have reached an impasse.Lin Yuanfei was a little embarrassed.

He sat there thinking for a while, and decided to try to break the deadlock.

"Uh..then...so are you enjoying your life now?" Lin Yuanfei subconsciously said such a sentence.After finishing speaking, I can't wait to learn from myself right away... What the hell is wrong with this.Why does it feel like he can't even speak in front of Asakami Fujino... Lin Yuanfei looked at the girl in front of him, feeling a little guilty for no reason.Or, this girl with the glassy eyes and the sad smile, so heartbreaking even when she smiles, that anyone would feel uneasy in her presence.I always feel like I have done something wrong and I have to accept the torture of my conscience.And after Lin Yuanfei said these words, as expected, the atmosphere in the room became more rigid.Asakami Fujino just sat there, watching Wakabayashi Harabi.

Although it looked like a smile, the smile looked so sad.Between the two of them, there was a bit of embarrassment and stiffness.A few seconds later, Lin Yuanfei suddenly frowned

"Who's there? 1' He suddenly looked towards the corner of the house, his eyes flickering with coldness, "Get out!" Lin Yuanfei's sudden reaction surprised Asakami Fujino slightly. She looked at Shun Ruo Lin Yuanfei I looked at the corner in the direction I was looking at, but found that the corner was empty and there was nothing there.

Asakami Fujino was silent for a few seconds, then her eyes suddenly changed.

The original red eyeballs were suddenly re-dyed with a light layer of color, turning into a jewel-like pattern with magnificent patterns.

The black in the center, the beautiful crimson in the inner circle, and the shallow, faint green swirls in the outer circle make the girl's eyeballs become magnificent, non-human eyeballs like jewels.

This is a pair of eyes that normal human beings can never have, and they look so beautiful and beautiful.

But in the next second, the eyes returned to their original appearance, and the magnificent colors faded away.

Because in the direction of that corner, the Taoist figure gradually disappeared from the air.

Plain kimono, black hair, indifferent gaze, the girl named Tsuchimikado Orihime just stood quietly in the corner, as if she had been there a long time ago.look at everything in the house

The moment she appeared, Lin Yuanfei, who was originally full of murderous aura and ferocious spirit, was startled suddenly, and all the murderous aura subsided in an instant.

Even - with a frightened face.

What the hell?" Lin Yuanfei looked at the girl in front of him incredulously, and said, "Why are you here? Didn't you already leave?"

Zhi Ji glanced at him, and said, "Wall penetration + invisibility is not difficult for a qualified onmyoji. But your intuition is really sharp, I have already restrained all my breath, and I can still be attacked by you." I found out, are all of you sword learners human flesh radars?"

Lin Yuanfei coughed and said, "You used the wall-penetrating technique to come in? What are you doing here? Trespassing on people's houses and eavesdropping on other people's conversations, you are committing a crime!" Lin Yuanfei immediately began to convict Zhi Ji.

But Orihime didn't want to talk to him.

"I just wanted to come over and tell you not to run around.

Zhi Ji said calmly, "Don't forget, you still have a lot of things to deal with. How long has it been since you left Chiba? You've been eyeing other girls? Lin Yuanfei, do you still remember my wife Yuki Du from Chiba City?" Does Dao Yuzi still have Gui Yanye?" Lin Yuanfei had a black face, "What the hell is that one at the end? Yan Ye is just my disciple, okay? What are you thinking in your head? Don't be so nasty, okay? ?”

Zhi Ji nodded, "It seems that you don't deny that the two girls in front have a close relationship with you... right? Lin Yuanfei, you are really a philandering carrot. You plan to write a "The Tale of Genji" ?

..... The Tale of Genji, your uncle," Lin Yuanfei said with black lines on his face, "you didn't make the shit pot like that, did you? Is it interesting? I came out to meet my old friend and you also came to the tail, do you want me to tie you in your belt and take you wherever you go to make you happy?" Zhi Ji glanced at him and said, "You Are you so excited, do you have a guilty conscience? But whatever you want, I just came here to remind you, don't mess with the relationship between men and women.

"Your relationship between men and women is already very chaotic, please don't recruit other women before sorting out the current relationship network, OK?"

"I'm really afraid that one day you will be chopped up with a hatchet as soon as you are born.

After Zhi Ji finished speaking, she turned around and left regardless of Lin Yuanfei's awkward and speechless expression.It disappeared straight into the corner of the wall.

Obviously, he left directly with the wall penetration technique.

Only Lin Yuanfei with a speechless face and Asakami Fujino with a surprised expression were left behind.

"Is this... the Onmyoji of the Tsuchimikado family?" Asakami Fujino said in surprise, "It's very powerful." Hayashi Yuanfei stood up with a face of embarrassment, and said, "Sorry to bother you.Since you're busy, I'll leave first, and I'll bother you next time.I'm going to teach this uneducated young lady a lesson first!

After finishing speaking, Lin Yuan E ran out as if fleeing from a refugee.With Zhihime getting involved like this, the already awkward atmosphere became even more terrifying.Lin Yuanfei's stay was simply suffering, and he had no choice but to flee.As for chasing Orihime, it was just an excuse.And just like the last time, Asakami Fujino did not see him off, but just sat there watching Lin Yuanfei leave, with lowered eyebrows and a soft sigh.After Lin Yuanfei left Asakami Fujino's apartment, he chased directly towards the end of the corridor.When he just came out, he saw Zhi Ji's back flashing past at the end of the corridor.

However, after he chased him out, he didn't see Zhi Ji's figure.Turning the corner, Lin Yuanfei stood in another long corridor.

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