On both sides of the corridor, there are one apartment after another.

And the middle of the corridor was empty. Zhi Ji, who was supposed to appear here, disappeared without a trace.Lin Yuanfei was a little astonished when he saw this scene.

"Huh? It's kind of evil... Lin Yuanfei rubbed his chin and pondered, "Could it be that he used invisibility to escape?"

He kept walking.

Through this corridor, you can reach the elevator shaft.

However, Lin Yuan dared to step out, when a small figure suddenly appeared at the end of the corridor.

Long silver hair, red eyes, and a smile on the corner of the mouth.The moment the little girl appeared.It seemed that the air in the entire corridor had grown cold and gloomy.

- An inexplicable gloomy atmosphere.shrouded here.Lin Yuanfei's eyes instantly became serious.

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Chapter 643 Big Brother

A gloomy and strange atmosphere descended on this place.

Originally it was just a quiet corridor, but with the appearance of the little girl, the atmosphere instantly became weird and gloomy.

That small figure looked like a young girl the age of a primary school student.

However, the curvature of the smile on the corner of the mouth, no matter how you look at it, it seems that the visitor is not kind.Lin Yuanfei's hand subconsciously pressed on the handle of the knife.Even the muscles of his whole body tensed up subconsciously, entering a fighting state.

Once anything happens, fight back immediately.

His footsteps stopped.

But the footsteps of the little girl in front did not stop.

She smiled and walked forward slowly.When the eyes of the two met, the little girl's smile remained unchanged, without any uneasiness and embarrassment when looking at an adult.The atmosphere in the corridor became even more eerie.Lin Yuanfei stood there expressionless, looking at the little girl who was slowly approaching in front of him. He was ready to fight.However, the little girl seemed to be unaware of all this, and walked forward slowly.

The little girl stopped when the two were about ten meters apart.

Standing ten meters away, she saw Ruobayashi Yuanfei showing a smile.

"Big brother, why do you look at me like this?" Lin Yuanfei snorted coldly, and said, "Which eye of yours sees that I'm looking at you?The little girl blinked cutely, and then showed a playful smile.

"But big brother, you stand here and block the road, so I don't dare to go there. Big brother looks so vicious, can't he be a bad guy?" Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes and said, "Bad guy? I feel like you're the bad guy?"

Facing the cute little girl in front of him, Lin Yuanfei said without any pity.

"Say it straight, little boy, who sent you?

Lin Yuanfei asked rudely.

"Brother is really rude...to be so rude to a lady is not flattering at all."

Said Ruo, the little girl looked at Lin Yuanfei, and slowly backed away.However, her backing movement is not a common backing, but a very strange and peculiar movement, which looks like a character on the screen who has been pressed the back button, step by step falling back to the original place.

This non-human retreating action, appearing in reality, gives people an inexplicable sense of horror.Lin Yuan frowned.

"Huh? It's kind of wicked.

He took a step forward, looked at the little girl who was already about to retreat around the corner, and shouted.

"Hey! Little boy! Who are you?"

The little girl just stepped back with a smile, looked at him with a smile, and didn't answer Lin Yuanfei's question.

The moment she was about to retreat behind the corner, the little girl slightly raised her index finger and pressed it against her lips, making a silent movement.

Then, she smiled and said with a smile.

"Brother, you must quickly remember,


"Hee eyes...Brother, if you don't think about it soon...you will die~--" The little girl laughed loudly, and disappeared behind the corner without a sound.

What disappeared at the same time was the breath of the little girl.

Lin Yuanfei rushed out in an instant, his whole body overflowing with evil spirit.

"Hey!" He yelled angrily, rushed to the corner, and shouted, "You are because the corner in front of him is empty. The door of the elevator is tightly closed, and the floor shows that the elevator is on the first floor. And This is the 1th floor.

Obviously, the elevators are always on the 1st floor. They didn't come up.

But the corner of this small space is clean, there is not even a little household garbage, and nothing can be seen, let alone the figure of the little girl.After she retreated behind this corner, she disappeared as if out of thin air, leaving no breath behind.

Even with Lin Yuan's speed and perception, he rushed over the moment the little girl disappeared, but he still couldn't see the little girl's figure, and even the air clock didn't have any aura belonging to the little girl left, as if there had never been a white girl in this place. A little girl with a chuckle.

...Standing here with a blank face, looking at the empty corner in front of him. A strange chill crawled up Lin Yuanfei's back in vain.

His face was slightly livid.

Ever since he learned the kendo of Feitian Yujianliu and got used to the powerful power and perception of this body, Lin Yuanfei hadn't experienced this inexplicable and terrifying chill for a long time.The coldness of his real name made his hairs stand on end.Some kind of terrible crisis seemed to hang over his head, like a bloody butcher knife would fall at any time.And he... just like the little girl said, will die.Because he has no power to resist

"Hey, hey, hey... In the space of consciousness, Freddy couldn't help but yelled, "This little brat is terrifying! Little Samurai, where did you provoke such a horrible monster?

I can't feel the slightest breath. It's almost like the soul doesn't exist in this world. "Amidst Freddy's exclamation, Lin Yuanfei clenched the handle of the knife at his waist, and said with a livid face.

"I don't know her. He gritted his teeth and said, "If I really want to know her, will I be so flustered?"

Lin Yuanfei is not a timid person, but this incomprehensible, indescribable, incomprehensible, and incomprehensible existence made him feel a crisis and fear that he had never felt before.

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