Everything in the dream is the memory of the original owner of the body.Although I don't know how that evil and evil spirit did it, Sadako Yamamura did complete the flying of Yuyan's gang before her death.At the very least, Lin Yuanfei did inherit the martial arts memory of the original owner of his body and successfully upgraded.Now with his strength, he can almost walk sideways in this world. The premise is that he does not encounter some perverts.But at least when facing the Shimada family, Lin Yuanfei already had enough confidence to ignore this ancient family.

What's more, if it's Lin Yuanfei, who used to have a headache even when fighting a wraith, he probably might not be the opponent of the Shimada family.Lin Yuanfei fell asleep unknowingly while thinking wildly like this.Soon, his consciousness sank into the darkness, and he gradually lost his voice. There were some snoring sounds in the bedroom.

The morning sun falls on the streets of the city.

The shops in the commercial street opened early.In other words, for this kind of place that sells various fruits, vegetables and daily necessities, opening the door early is the most basic professional quality.After all, housewives come early to buy vegetables. If you open the door too late, the business will have been taken away by your peers. Naturally, no one dares to covet lazy sleep.In addition to housewives, there are also some tourists who will appear here.After all, this is Kyoto. Although this commercial street is not particularly big, there will still be some travel agencies arranging tourists to come here to go shopping and experience Japanese customs.

Anyway, foreign tourists certainly don't know the pros and cons of these commercial streets.But it's still too early now, the commercial streets are basically young housewives, and most of them stop at the entrances of various aquatic products and fruit and vegetable shops.

In snack bars, snack bars. At this time, there are very few people.Among the crowd of people coming and going, Asakami Fujino, who was wearing a simple nun's costume, looked very eye-catching.But Asakami Fujino still stopped in front of one of the stalls, looking down at the prices of the fish on the stalls.The young boss with blue hair tied a long ponytail on the back of his head. Although it was strange for men to wear braids, this straight-looking boss did not give people the impression of a sissy.

He looked at Asakami Fujino and greeted him with a smile.

"Good morning, master superficial, why didn't you go to school today?

The regular customers of this shopping street are familiar to everyone. Especially Fujino Asakami, who has obvious characteristics, has been familiar with the shop owners for a long time.Although if you don't look carefully at the arc of the smile, you won't feel the smile at all.But people who are acquainted with him have long been used to Asakami Fujino's always cold and bitter appearance. No one is surprised.In the warm sunshine in the morning, Asafuno shook his head lightly, he asked for leave today, and there are some things at home.Asakami Fujino didn't say anything about the family, so the young boss was smart enough not to ask.

At this time, Asakami Fujino had already specified what he wanted.

"This saury...give me two. She stood there, looking as if the young boss had packed the two sauries for her, and then turned around to leave. But the moment she turned around, Qian Shang Fujino seems to have noticed something.

In the noisy Maishi where the lake of people was surging and people's voices were boiling, she slowly looked in the direction of the distance.

There, in the direction of the people blocking the flow of people, there was a little girl with silver hair standing there, and the smiling person looked at her side.

It seemed that the little girl had already looked beyond the crowd and saw Fujino Asakami from a distance.

All the crowd blocking her were lost, and she clearly saw the silver-haired young girl behind the crowd.There was a distance of at least fifty meters between the two of them, but in Asakami Fujino's field of vision, she looked at each other quietly as if she was standing in front of a little girl.


This is another ability of Asakami Fujino.In her field of vision, the silver-haired little girl stood in the crowd, smiling slightly at Ruo Ruo.The little girl's lips moved slightly, as if she was saying something.Asakami Fujino couldn't hear the voice. But after learning the second language, she understood what the other party said.

. Miss Fujino, everyone misses you very much~

In the crowd, the little girl's smile was so sweet and happy that no one doubted her sincerity.

However, Asakami Fujino stared blankly at the smiling expression of the little girl, and unconsciously clenched the handle of the vegetable basket with the hand hanging by his side.

"Illya Asakami Fujino murmured the name in a low voice, and suddenly looked in another direction. There were people coming and going there. But Asakami Fujino's gaze seemed to cross the distance of time and space and pass through The crowds coming and going, as well as the shopping street walls, buildings, cities behind the crowd... I saw the silver-haired little girl standing by the fountain in a garden some miles away.

In the next second, Asakami Fujino's eyeballs changed into a magnificent color intertwined with scarlet and light green.The moment the Twisting Grinding Eye was activated, the fountain behind the little girl burst.At that moment, the little girl exclaimed, stepped aside, and looked at the fountain behind her in amazement.Then his lips moved silently.

Sister Itono's clairvoyance has become more powerful, and she can find her real body from such a distance

The little girl's lips twitched, as if she knew that her existence had been discovered, she no longer hid, but looked in the direction of Asakami Fujino.

A smile.

Sister Fujino, do you want to see Illya go back? Asakami Fujino saw the little girl smiling happily.

Chapter 646 Change the World

Dimly, Lin Yuanfei heard some voices.

It seems that I saw a very hazy sky.He found himself standing in a bamboo forest, and the warm sunlight fell through the gaps in the bamboo forest, casting sparse spots of light.

The soft underfoot is a carpet of dry bamboo leaves.

The bamboo forest that can absorb dust. The air is fresh, like a paradise, and you can't feel the slightest dirt that should be in the world.In front of Lin Yuan, squatting like a familiar figure.Tall figure. Blonde dazzling hair, Tangerine Fairy Dongyue on the waist... The master of the original owner of the body, squatting there like this, with his back to Lin Yuanfei.

Master is holding a bamboo basket in his hand,

And the bamboo basket is filled with many fresh and tender bamboo shoots.She was squatting there picking these fresh bamboo shoots.

Lin Yuanfei looked at her back, and after a long silence, he said.

"Master, I want Mount F

The master stood up without looking back, walked a few steps forward, and continued to squat down to pick bamboo shoots.

As for the apprentice's request, she just shook her head indifferently.

"Going down the mountain? What are you going down the mountain for? Are you going down the mountain to sell goods?" Master said calmly, "With your three-legged cat skills, what can you do in this chaotic world? Don't tell me, you're going to find that A girl named Asakami Fujino.

..... This name made Lin Yuanfei subconsciously clenched his fists.

"...If I hadn't listened to Master, things wouldn't have turned out like this!"

But Lin Yuanfei's anger was obviously not aimed at his master.

His anger was anger at himself, anger at something he had done.This time, the master finally turned around.She turned her head to the side, looked back at the disciple behind Ruo, and looked up and down Ruolin Yuanfei.shook his head

"Then tell me, if you hadn't listened to me, what would you have done?

"At the very least, we won't let the situation worsen to the present level! We won't let an innocent girl's hands be stained with the blood of a close relative! Lin Yuanfei's roar made Master laugh. She seemed to hear the most beautiful voice in the world. It was like a funny joke, seeing Ruo Lin Yuanfei laughing so hard that his whole body was trembling.

"Haha...hahahahaha...my stupid apprentice...my stupid apprentice...Master laughed so hard that tears almost came out, "Do you think that you can change the shallowness by yourself? Kami Fujino's fate? Can you change her parents' family? If her parents' family remains unchanged, then no matter what you do, one day, things will continue to return to the present end.

"You may be able to change the course, but you cannot change the outcome.

"The moment you rescued Asakami Fujino, the moment you instilled in her the awareness of independence, the moment you let her understand that people have to fight for their own destiny, the current situation has already been decided. It's over.

"Even if you didn't listen to my words and intervene, the only thing you can change is to turn the murderer into you. People in Asakami's family will die after all, and Asakami Fujino will still become lonely every day. One

"In other words, the girl's fate was decided the moment she was born in her family.

"Either accept it and endure all the bullying from the family. Or rise up and resist and break all the oppression.

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