"So, from a certain point of view, if you didn't save her and let her die like that, it might be the best ending, so that everyone will get peace.

"From the moment you rescued her and instilled her with an independent consciousness, today's ending is already doomed.

Lin Yuanfei's face was shocked by Master's understatement.

Master...you...you expected all of this? But you...why..why

"Why stop you, isn't it?" Master raised his head, glanced at him, and said, "Could it be that you really intend to become an executioner for a passer-by you meet by chance? What's more, with your consciousness, at that time It is impossible to really hurt the killer.

"Since you can't solve the problem from the root, then sooner or later things will become what they are today. I'm not interested in watching a fool like you do useless work."

"Do you know how many yen your master and I will lose every time we go out and spend one extra day outside?"

"Cars, boats, lodgings, food and water, all of these cost a lot of money, okay?

"If you spend so much money and time and can't change anything in the end, then it's better not to do it and pretend nothing happened."

The master said very calmly, "Don't hate me, if you want to hate, hate your own lack of ability, if you want to hate, hate why there are so many boring magician families in this world.

"If there weren't these vicious magicians. If everyone in this world were ordinary, without these old-fashioned magician families. Then tragedies like Asakami Fujino would no longer exist.

He lowered his head and murmured, "I want to change the world

The master who had already turned around to dig bamboo shoots was stunned, then turned around again, looking at the apprentice behind him.

Suspicion on his face, "What did you just say?"

Lin Yuanfei tightly clenched his two fists hanging on his body, gritted his teeth and growled, "I want to change this world!"

In the bamboo forest, there was silence for a few seconds.

Then, Master laughed loudly.

"Hahahaha...hahahaha...Silly apprentice, did I hear you right? What did you just say? You said you want to change the world? Hahahahaha...hahaha...

Master laughed so hard that tears came out of his eyes.

"How do you change? Are you going to kill all the magicians in the world and cut off everyone's magic inheritance?"

"With that sword in your hand, do you think you can do it?"

Amidst the master's laughter, Lin Yuanfei didn't feel ashamed of being questioned.

Instead, he raised his head, looked at Master's face very seriously, and said.

"No matter what, I'm going to find a way to change this!"

"Since the world can degenerate from the age of myths where miracles are rampant to modern society, there must be a way to drive out those magicians and cut off all supernatural powers!"

"As long as you look for it with your heart, you will definitely succeed!

Chapter 647

In the bamboo forest, following Lin Yuanfei's loud announcement, there was silence for a few seconds.

The afternoon breeze blows through the bamboo forest, and the rustling sound of bamboo leaves can be heard.She stood up, looked at Lin Yuanfei who was not far away, and opened the bamboo basket full of bamboo shoots in her hand.

Master's white hand pressed on the handle of Jubianxian Dongyue's wooden knife.

Then Lin Yuanfei rang.

"You really like to say some earth-shattering big words.

The master said Ruo with a rare serious expression, "Do you know how stupid what you just said is?"

"It seems that among our disciples of Feitian Yujianliu, there will always be some self-righteous bastards.

"A Feicun Kenshin who is determined to change the troubled times, and a Lin Yuanfei who claims to drive all magicians to extinction..."The latter.

The master was silent for a few seconds, and asked indifferently, "What are you planning to bring to our school?" Lin Yuan was silent, but looked into the master's eyes unyieldingly, and said

"This world no longer needs the existence of magicians.

"Humanity's technology is getting stronger and stronger, and with the development of the times, sooner or later, the inheritance of those magicians will be completely abandoned.

"Even the glorious era of magic scratching has come to an end, and now this group of magicians who are still alive and stealing food like sewer rats in the corners of human beings are already outcasts of the era. Even if I do nothing, they Sooner or later, they will be abandoned by this world. "And I, at most, just speed up this process! And prevent them from dragging down the development of the entire human race for their own survival!"

"I don't even need to kill many people, as long as we promote the development of technology, magicians will automatically be abandoned by mainstream human society!" Amid Lin Yuanfei's shouts, Master sneered.

She shook her head and said, then you really worshiped the wrong master.

To engage in scientific research, to win the Nobel Prize, to promote the development of science.You are so ambitious, but you have lived with me, an old boy who is behind the times, in the deep mountains and old forests for so many years, I really wronged you.

"But don't regret it, and don't even think about leaving. Now that you've come here, just stay here for a few more years."

"If I find out that you dare to leave without permission, then I will treat you as my apprentice, find you out, and hack you to death. Don't doubt my determination.

"Rather than letting a fool like you die miserably outside, it's better to let me die myself.

"I am a disciple of Gu Qingjuro, even if I die, I can only die by my own sword."

"Of course. If you want to leave, you can draw your knife to me now, and hack me to death with your knife in an upright manner, proving that you are stronger than me, Master.

"Then I won't stop you.

"Otherwise, you can obediently stay here and ground your feet! The weak have no human rights!"

Master's cold words seemed to ring in his ears.Lin Yuanfei twitched, clutching his chest and sat up abruptly, gasping for breath in panic.

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