At this moment, he was like a dying fish, looking extremely embarrassed.

Even Lin Yuan Feilu, a man who had struggled back from the brink of death several times, couldn't bear the terrifying feeling of death.

It seems that the master of the original owner of the body is not joking. Even the strongest demon he has ever seen, Yuki's mother, is not enough compared to the master of the original owner of the body.Comparing the momentum and coercion of the two sides, Yuki's mother is simply a cute little sister.Lin Yuanfei suddenly understood why the original owner of the body had been hiding his tracks before, and even the people in Lin Yuan's group didn't know his specific movements.

Probably because he was afraid that if Xingchu was exposed, the master would come to the door and kill people.But if you think about it this way, after all, since Lin Yuanfei crossed over, H hasn't hidden his thoughts at all, he is careless everywhere, and now even the aristocratic family in the whole capital knows that he, Lin Yuanfei, lives like this. , maybe as soon as you open your eyes tomorrow, the master will break in and come directly to kill people? Damn it.

After Lin Yuanfei thought of this, he suddenly panicked.Master Wan really came to kill the family. With the real killing intent he felt in the dream, Lin Yuanfei didn't think the master who was the original owner of the body would be merciful.

Especially now he is not the original Lin Yuanfei at all, but just a time traveler.If the master of the original owner of the body sees this, he will never let Lin Yuan go.As a soul wearer, Lin Yuan still has this in his heart.

He got up from the bed, rubbed the space between his brows, sorted out his thoughts, and planned to talk to Zhi Ji to see if it was possible to change the place.Lin Yuanfei froze for a moment, then connected.

"...Xintian? What's the matter?" Lin Yuanfei asked.

"Oh? Tell me, what's the situation in Qianshen's family now?" Lin Yuanfei asked.

"Well, according to the information I have obtained, the Asakami family was originally an ancient nobleman in Nagano Prefecture, but it went bankrupt many years ago and has since declined. The Asakami family married a woman from the Asakami family.

"However, compared to the declining family Qianshen, the Qianshang family has done well and has always been well-known.

"But two afternoons ago, something happened. An unknown murderer attacked Asakami's house and brutally killed everyone in Asakami's house.

"Right now, everyone in Qianshang's family seems to have died, not a single one left.

Chapter 648 The Bento in the Refrigerator (2000/5800)

Lin Yuanfei was slightly taken aback by Xintian's words.

Shallow....The whole family was wiped out? What the hell? Why have I never heard of this thing! "

Lin Yuanfei's question made Xintian sigh.

"After all, it was two or three years ago. And the murderer has not been caught until now, and the authorities have been trying to downplay this ugly room. It's normal that you haven't heard of it, big brother.

"Even we didn't know until after careful investigation. The current Qianshen family is probably completely extinct. Brother, you can't find them. Xintian thought Lin Yuan was looking for someone from the Qianshen family for something. The other party's help is needed. However, after Lin Yuan heard the news, he only paid attention to one point.

"So after Asakami's family was wiped out, did the murderer leave anything behind? For example, what was the warning words, or the method of killing? Was there any knife wound or something?" However, Nitta's answer made Hayashibara loose. tone.

"According to the information we got through the channel, the members of the Qian family did not die from knife wounds, gunshots or poison, but were tortured to death by the murderer in a very strange way.

"Everyone in the Asakami family, from top to bottom. All of them were distorted by a certain distance, and their flesh and bones were broken. Many people's bodies were even twisted into twists. They were completely raped by the murderer. This answer made Lin Yuanfei, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, sink slightly. The body was distorted by a huge force... What the hell... twisted magic eyes? Lin Yuanfei suddenly remembered the conversation between the original owner of the body and his master in the dream.

"Then tell me, what would you have done if you hadn't listened to me?"

At the very least, it won't let the situation worsen to the current level! It won't let an innocent girl's hands be stained with the blood of a close relative!" Lin Yuanfei's hands trembled.

Is this the meaning of "stained with the blood of your loved ones" in the conversation? Asafuno killed his entire family three years ago? Killed all the members of Asakami's family? Did you let it go? Putting down the phone with trembling fingers, Lin Yuanfei's thoughts were in a mess.

According to the plot of the original work of the realm of the sky, Asakami Fujino would not have done such a thing, right? But because the original owner of the body was responsible for it, although it seemed that Asakami Fujino had been rescued from the hands of the two rituals, it was returned to him. She lost the idea of ​​being strong and independent, and cheered her up again. But obviously, just like what the master said, Asakami Fujino, who was instilled with independent ideas, was finally forced to extremes by the distorted Asakami.

Hit the killer and brutally killed everyone in Asakami's family.

In this way, isn't Asakami Fujino no different from a murderer? Didn't he completely solve the matter of Asakami Fujino?

But if you think about it carefully, what Master said is indeed the truth.

With a family situation like Asakami Fujino’s, if the Asakami family insists on persecution and does not give in, then Asakami Fujino seems to have no choice but to go to extremes besides accepting it.

However, killing the whole clan from top to bottom... Lin Yuanfei was sitting in the bedroom, his thoughts were in a mess.Very messy.

When I read the "Investigation Report on the Peasant Movement in Hunan" before, I was deeply influenced by a sentence in it.

Arrogance must be excessive, but righteousness cannot be arrogant.No wonder Asakami Fujino always had a strange attitude towards him.Although he said he was an acquaintance, but he was always lukewarm.

Probably, Asakami Fujino didn't know how to face Lin Yuanfei, the former savior.

What's more, now that Lin Yuanfei has lost the second place, he doesn't understand what happened before.Even when facing Lin Yuanfei, treat him with a smile as if nothing had happened.To put it in a very vulgar way, you have no idea what kind of pain I have gone through.This kind of Asakami Fujino, facing Hayashihara's weird attitude, is justified. It can even be said that Asakami Fujino did not go to extremes after killing Asakami's family, and lost Lin Yuanfei who had lost her strong belief to her. They also hated each other, and directly killed the killer when they met again. I have to admit that not everyone in this world can be calm.In many cases, blaming others, shirking responsibility, and blaming others is the essence of most human beings.

Alone in the room thinking for a long time, in the end, Lin Yuanfei could only sigh a long time, get up and leave.

He pushed open the bedroom door and walked out.I saw that the living room was empty.The dim light made the paper on the refrigerator stand out.After Lin Yuanfei walked over, he could clearly see the words written on the paper.

Unfortunately, he can't read Japanese.So, he could only shake his head speechlessly, opened the refrigerator door, and saw the bento inside. mm....According to the scenario simulation, Zhi Ji's note said that she had something to leave, so that Lin Yuanfei got up to eat lunch when she was hungry? So Lin Yuanfei took out the lunch and put it on the dining table.

This bento is very simple, it is simple seaweed sushi, so it does not need to be heated, just eat it cold.Anyway, Lin Yuanfei is in good health. Even if he eats something cold, he won't have diarrhea.Grabbing a piece of sushi directly with his hands, Lin Yuanfei stuffed it into his mouth. Did it squeak a little...huh? The taste...doesn't seem particularly good? Not as good as the breakfast in the morning? Lin Yuanfei frowned, but He didn't even think about it, just thought that Orihime's cooking skills were not good, and quickly ate all the sushi in the bento.

Then he wiped his hands and got up to wash his hands at the kitchen sink.After a muffled sound, Lin Yuanfei fell directly to the ground.

That burly and tall body, like a building collapsing, hit the wooden floor directly, and even made the floor tremble slightly with a dull sound.Then, the house was completely silent.In the dark, there was no sound, it seemed that I couldn't even hear the call.

Chapter 649 Calling (fourth update 2200/5800)

In the quiet and empty room, I don't know how long it was silent.Then there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.Then, someone knocked on the door.The person outside the door asked politely.But no one in the room answered.

The knocking on the door lasted for a while, and the people outside were whispering.

"Could it have gone out

"Or have you run away?

"Do you want to go straight in

After discussing for a few seconds, the people outside the door made a decision.

In the next second, the door trembled slightly, and then, the door that was originally locked was pushed open.Several figures walked in one after another.

"Hello? Is anyone home?"

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