The three figures looked very nervous.

But what answered them was the silence and dead silence in the house.

The dim light fell on the entrance, causing several people to look at each other.

"It doesn't seem to be true...but these people still dare not let their guard down.

They nervously squeezed the talismans in their hands, carefully dispersed their formation, and walked towards Ruo's room.Then, I saw the figure lying on the ground behind the dining table.In an instant, everyone took a step back with terrified faces.

... Mr. Hayashi Yuan?"

Some people can give people a strong sense of fear even when they are asleep.When the three saw Lin Yuanfei lying on the ground, their first reaction was to back away.Then, it was discovered that Lin Yuanfei seemed to be lying there motionless and fell asleep.But judging from the instinct of a warrior, the three of them made such a big commotion, Lin Yuanfei should have reacted a long time ago, right? But now Lin Yuanfei is lying here motionless...

The three of them looked at each other, not even daring to move.

"Mr. Hayashihara, we are members of the Shimada family. We have been ordered to come to see you. Our master Shimada Nobuhide has something important to discuss with you. Do you have time now?" The person in charge was very polite expressed his intention.Of course, he didn't dare to be rude.

After all, the notoriety of the one lying on the ground has spread widely in Kyoto.

Perhaps many people may not take Lin Yuanfei seriously because of family power, but within ten meters of a swordsman, even the emperor must be respectful and polite.However, the people of the Shimada family said it several times, but the figure on the ground still did not respond.At this time, smart people have already noticed that something is wrong.

One of them pointed to the bento box on the window table and said, "Look at that...

The remaining two looked at the same time, then frowned.The plain kelp sushi looks ordinary. However, the three people who were born as onmyoji are very familiar with this kind of sushi.This kind of sushi made of rice marinated by secret methods is used to treat resentful spirits and arrest spirit bodies. Comparable onmyojis can make it, and it has a huge anesthesia effect on spirit bodies.

If a living person eats this kind of sushi, at least they will lose their souls and seven souls, and they will be dumbfounded for a short time, and at worst, their souls will be three-dimensional on the spot and their lives will scream.And the person with the keenest observation ability also saw the piece of paper attached to the refrigerator.

The ecstasy sushi in a bento box is not edible, don't touch it.The three of them looked at each other and looked at each other.

"This... Hayashi Yuan Lu will eat this whole box of enchanting sushi, right?"

Seeing this scene, someone finally had the courage to approach Lin Yuanfei.They walked to Lin Yuanfei's side, looked at the unconscious Lin Yuanfei on the floor, and all fell silent.After half a sound, they looked at each other and met each other.

"This... what to do next?" someone asked.

The rest were silent, and then someone said, "Take him back first and hand it over to the suzerain. The last person spoke.

"Are you stupid? Of course you are calling the suzerain! It's the eleventh century, don't you know how to call?"

After speaking, the man took out his mobile phone and prepared to make a call.

However, the moment he took out the phone, under the dim light, an arm holding the phone flew out.

Scarlet blood spewed out instantly.

The three people in the room were stunned for a second, then reacted instantly, and immediately backed away in horror.There were three muffled sounds in succession, and red blood sprayed in the room.

In an instant, the three bodies fell down.Without giving the three people a chance to escape or try to defend themselves, the three people from Shimada's house were decapitated in an instant.

Scarlet blood stained the walls and the floor.And the figure who stood up slowly from the darkness shook his drowsy head, and dried the blood on the blade.

The expression on his face was shattered by pain.

Pressing his temple hard with his left hand, he seemed to feel an extremely violent headache.He even let out an uncontrollable growl.

...Lin Yuan let out a painful inhalation sound.

In his empty and silent eyes, he couldn't feel any focus, like a body without a soul, he could only act on instinct.

.... Depend on..."

From the mouth of the figure, there was a painful growl, "Yuki...

She also retracted the knife abruptly, and then rushed out.The gloomy and violent figure jumped out from the height of the seventh floor.Then, it lightly landed on the small stand below. It seemed to have some kind of unloading skill.

He subconsciously looked in all directions, his eyes were empty and lifeless, and his expression was even more bewildered, as if he couldn't understand what happened at all.

But Lin Lie's murderous intent, which almost froze the air, made people shudder.Like the most terrifying evil ghost, just standing there makes people afraid to approach.A few seconds later, Lin Yuanfei's eyes seemed to regain some focus.He supported the wall subconsciously, and walked out like a patient recovering from a serious illness.

His eyes were full of dazed sluggishness.In the pain of the brain, I don't know anything anymore.But he remembered the only figure.Long pink hair and a smiling figure.

My wife Yuki.Lin Yuanfei leaned on the wall and walked out staggeringly, screaming the name in a low voice, "Yuki... Soon, Lin Yuan's figure disappeared into the darkness without leaving any trace.

Even the deep roar gradually disappeared in the evening wind, and no one heard it.In the dark corner, no one knows what happened here.Only a certain girl who was far away from Qianye raised her head in confusion, and looked in Jingjiu's direction.

"Huh?" The girl frowned slightly, "Is there someone calling me .

Chapter 650 Meeting

When Zhi Ji came back, she found that everything had been bitten.The door that was supposed to be closed was now concealed, and someone opened it.

In the quiet apartment, there is a faint smell of blood

The dim aisle lights barely illuminated the corridor, but there was darkness behind the concealed door.It looks like the eerie way to hell.

Subconsciously, the girl pulled out a piece of talisman paper and shook it lightly. The talisman paper turned into a small paper crane and flew into the room soundlessly.Then, the scene of Rina unfolded in front of the girl's eyes.

Through the vision of the paper crane, the girl saw clearly the scene inside the house.

The scarlet sticky blood stained the walls and places red.Three headless corpses fell into a pool of blood while maintaining a posture of trying to escape.And the head of the corpse rolled to another place.The farthest one even rolled to the entrance, just behind the gate, only separated from the girl outside the gate.

"" Looking at all this with a blank face, Zhi Ji frowned.

In the house, the little paper crane continued to fly in.Then... more scenes inside the house appeared in Orihime's field of vision.The opened bento box on the dining table, only one kelp left... Seeing this scene, Orihime was dumbfounded.With a slight flick of her hand, the little paper crane came back and returned to her sleeve.

The girl walked straight into the messy room. Standing among the three headless corpses, she drew out a piece of talisman.

"Rush like a law!"

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