This is ridicule from political opponents.

Tsuchimikado Toshizo glanced at the other party, and said, "I think what everyone said is reasonable, so I decided to listen to everyone's opinions. When the time comes, what everyone says to do, I will do it, no matter what

Tsuchimikado Toshizo's attitude was firm, but his tone was calm.

His appearance made the room silent for a few seconds.

The several patriarchs present all looked at each other and saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

The vipers in Kyoto, although they are in the same generation as them

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is an outstanding person in the world.

Before Shang Yumen Suizan had not formally confirmed his attitude, none of the people present dared to act rashly.

After all, Lin Yuanfei, the central figure in this incident, has already involved the Tuyumen Clan and Tuyumen Suisan.

This is a reality that cannot be separated no matter what.So in the face of Tsuchimikado Toshizo's ambiguous attitude, everyone's expressions sank slightly.Then, someone sneered.

"First of all, sir, I'm speaking lightly now, but after the incident, I'm afraid I will feel sorry for that Linyuan swordsman again. When the time comes, when the Kyoto Viper strikes back, everyone here will feel the hairs standing on end.

Facing such vicious ridicule, Tsuchimikado Toizan was silent for several seconds.

He looked at everyone present and said with a serious face.

"Since everyone said this, I can only express one attitude to you.

"And this attitude is also the attitude of our Tsuchimikado clan.

"No one can kill others at will."

"No matter who this person is, and no matter what his status is, he is absolutely not allowed to do disobedient things.

"The existing order in Japan cannot be broken. Everything we do is to maintain the operation of the existing system.

"What will happen to ordinary humans after they rise up? I believe everyone will be pale after seeing the tragic situation of those magic families and organizations in the West that have become rats in the gutter.

"No matter what, we cannot allow ordinary humans to control the lifeline and real power of this country.

"Therefore, maintaining the power and prestige of those present is of paramount importance.

"Anyone who wants to challenge the existing system will be our enemy!

Chapter 652 Old Man Shimada

After Tsuchimikado Toshizo finished speaking, everyone present fell silent.

These words made everyone feel sorry for them.After the industrial revolution, with the explosive development of science and technology, magic and mystery were constantly squeezed out of the living space.

The magicians who were originally unstoppable. Although they still have arrogant self-confidence and contempt for the old people, on the whole, this cannot change the reality that magicians have become outcasts of the times.

In the west, those magician families and organizations that were once unworldly and arrogant have retreated into the dark.Those ordinary people whom they look down upon have seized power and controlled the lifeblood of the country. They have grasped the most authoritative power in the world.Everyone understands that with the development of the times and the prosperity of technology, perhaps this phenomenon will become more serious.

Magic and miracles are very weak now. If technology is allowed to develop, what will happen to human society in another ten or a hundred years? Whether these magic families will still have these things, many people have no idea.

Of course, most magicians don't care about these things anymore.Especially the Western magicians, although they have long been the outcasts of the times, they still have unyielding self-esteem, despise ordinary people in their hearts, admire the so-called famous magic family and blood, and have no understanding of ordinary people's technological development .Most magicians born in the Western magic system don't even know how to use cell phones and telephones.But these onmyojis in Japan are different.Japan is such a weird country, so strange.

It has developed into the tenth century, and the lifeline of this country is still controlled by those aristocratic families.

Therefore, these aristocratic families who raised all the citizens as leeks are well aware of the development of the times, and they are the most familiar with the development of the times. At the same time, mystery and miracles are squeezed out of the cruelty of living space. Even in Japan, all ordinary people are The leeks and pigs raised by the aristocratic families, but the aristocratic families are still afraid of the power of these ordinary people.Because what they can control is only the land of Japan.

And in the world outside of Japan, ordinary people are learning to grasp the main power of this world.

The families of these Japanese priests cannot change the world, so what they can maintain is only the current power and status of their own families, as well as the current system in Japan.Therefore, in this era of rapid development, everyone is well aware of their own situation.

The words of Tsuchiyamen Suizan made everyone feel sympathetic.

Several people present looked at each other, and all looked at Tsuchimikado Toshizo.

"So what's your opinion, Mr. Prime Minister? Someone asked first.

Even though everyone is wary of this Kyoto viper, but many times, they have to admit that his methods are superb.

Facing everyone's questioning, Tsuchimikado Toizo said calmly.

"I said... In this matter, our Tsuchimikado clan follows the crowd and does not make any suggestions.

"However, I personally think that no matter whether Lin Yuanfei is the culprit in these extermination cases or not, and regardless of the intentions of the perpetrators in those extermination cases, we can no longer be like the past

"First, Cangqi's family in Sanlian City, then Ryogi's family in Kyoto, and even Gunma Matou's family had an accident, so which family will be the victim after the next murder case?"

Tsuchimikado Toshizo's eyes flicked across everyone's faces.

"In terms of strength, the Cangqi family in the Sanlian City is almost the top in Japan, not weaker than everyone here. But even if it is such a Cangqi family, every day, including the head of the Cangqi Aoko, are all slaughtered, and no one survives. return."

"It can be said to be very frustrating, that is, the strength of the murderer is no longer something that a single family can easily fight against.

"No matter who he is, no matter what his purpose is, we can no longer sit back and watch him continue to be arrogant in Japan.

"This is a disaster for the whole of Japan, and it is closely related to you and me present. We are by no means unrelated outsiders!"

"Of course, the above is just my personal opinion, the specifics will still depend on everyone's opinions.

Tsuchimikado Toshizo said calmly, "After all, I need to avoid suspicion in this meeting.

After Tsuchimikado Toshizo finished speaking, everyone present looked at each other again.

Then, someone spoke.

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