"As expected. As for the Prime Minister...Mr. San speaks at a high level. It's a pity that after talking for a long time, he still didn't give any useful opinions.

Ha... Didn't Suisan already say it? He wants to avoid suspicion and doesn't make any suggestions.


"Hey, Tsuchimikado Toshisan, I heard that Hayashihara is the son-in-law of your Tsuchimikado clan?"

The atmosphere has become much more harmonious, and it is no longer the same as before.

Seeing this scene, Tsuchimikado Toshizo smiled slightly.

"But as everyone knows, Orihime is already Mr. Shimada's prisoner, and Hayashibara has nothing to do with our Tsuchimikado clan for the time being.

"So, no matter what plans you have in the future, you don't have to worry about my chaos, let alone feel delayed because of me.

"Everyone just needs to do it with confidence and boldness. Yang Linyuan suffered a little grievance. But as long as the matter can be found out and everything comes to light, I believe any sacrifice is worth it.

"After all, if Hayashi Yuan's suspicion is not cleared away, our Tsuchimikado clan will also have stains...

Tsuchimikado Toshizo's smile made the room burst into laughter again.

However, at this moment, the wooden door was pushed open, and an old man in a wheelchair was slowly pushed into the room.

The moment they saw the old man, everyone stood up one after another.

"Mr. Shimada!"

"Uncle Shimada!'

"How did you come...

The person who broke into this meeting was the old man of the Shimada family and the father of the suzerain of the Shimada family, Shimada Liujuro, who had a lot of qualifications in the whole of Kyoto.

Facing his father's intrusion, even Shimada Nobuhide was full of surprises, obviously he didn't expect his father to come out suddenly.

After all, the old man has not seen outsiders for many years, let alone interfered in any family affairs.

Now that he suddenly appeared, do you have any ideas to implement?

In the corner, Tsuchimikado Toizo narrowed his eyes slightly.

Chapter 653 Viper's Fangs

In the room, everyone's expressions were full of surprise.

This old man, who has not appeared in front of people for a long time, and has not interfered with family affairs for more than ten years, suddenly appeared now? And he still appeared in this kind of meeting place where important matters were discussed? The moment when he saw Shimada Ryujuro , everyone's heart sank slightly.

This old man from the Showa era is one of the rare veterans in Japan who have survived the war to this day.Whether it is wrist or ability, there is no doubt that it is strong.In the past years, the Shimada family under his leadership has almost suppressed the entire family in Kyoto, and is well-deserved as the number one family in Kyoto.Although he hasn't shown up for more than ten years now, Yiri has a strong prestige.Seeing his appearance, no one dared to neglect.

As the old man's son, Shimada Nobuhide hurriedly greeted him with a flustered face.

Shimada Nobuhide asked in a low voice.

Obviously, even Shimada Nobuhide did not expect the sudden appearance of the old man.

Seeing this scene, Tsuchimikado Toizo in the corner silently looked away.

But the eyes of the old man... looked at him.

"San San... My Yatarou has been taken care of by you recently, I am really grateful.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the old man said something very puzzling.

"That little girl from your Tsuchimikado family...is called Orihime, right?

"I've heard about her recently, and I also know a little about the current rumors outside.

"I know that Yataro did something wrong with this matter, he was too domineering. After all, we have been friends for many years, and we should take care of each other.

"So today, while everyone is here, the old man, I will be a little bit of the master here. Let's expose this matter. In the eyes of everyone in disbelief, the old man coughed and said, "Let that Zhi Ji Let the child go home, we will not embarrass that little brother named Lin Yuanfei anymore.

"Nobukatsu's death actually has nothing to do with them. It's unreasonable for Yataro to make them responsible."

"As his father, I can't let him make the same mistakes again and again.

The old man said, "So, let's end this matter like this. Later, you bring that little brother Lin Yuan to our Shimada's house for a cup of tea, let's chat and get to know each other, and this matter will be over."

"How?" The old man looked at Tsuchimikado Toshizo, and said with a smile, "I like this little brother very much."

Everyone's eyes were all focused on Tsuchiyado Suizan.Facing the old man's smile, Tsuchimikado Toizo was silent for a few seconds, and then also smiled.

"It is Lin Yuanfei's blessing to be able to be valued by you, old man. Since you said so, Uncle Shimada, then I will find a chance to bring Lin Yuan over later, and let him personally apologize to Uncle Shimada The old man waved his hand, "What are you apologizing for.... It is our Shimada family who should apologize. We have been tossing and tossing, and we have wronged him and the two children, Orihime. "

"In short, our Shimada family will no longer pursue this matter. You should also tell them the two children so that they don't mind. I will personally apologize to the old man when I turn around. It's interesting. The old man said with a smile," and I recently invited a western chef, who is very good at cooking, everyone - get up and try the taste of watercress.The words of the old man made everyone look at each other in blank dismay.Obviously, they were still discussing serious matters before, but now the old man seems to be here...to expose the chaos?

But the old man Shimada spoke up, and these juniors could only get up one after another

As a result, the important matter that was originally to be discussed was so ruined.

Under the leadership of the servants of Shimada's family, the crowd went to the small yard with the stage and dining tables on the front street.As for the old man Shimada, he was pushed into another small yard in a wheelchair.Following him was Shimada Nobuhide.

It wasn't until he got away from everyone that Nobuhide Shimada looked at his father beside him with a puzzled face.

"Why did you suddenly intervene in this matter, right?"

The old man asked Shimada Nobuhide this question.

He glanced at his son beside him, seeing Ruo's bewildered expression, and sighed a long time.

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