
"While I can't see what he has planned, it's clear that tonight he behaved differently than usual.

"You said that you want to investigate Lin Yuanfei, it's fine if he doesn't object, and even offered to help you persuade these people to help, this is not the way Tuyumen Suizan used to act.

"He obviously wants to use the hands of these big families to accomplish something big...or, on the surface, gather the power of several big families to investigate Lin Yuanfei, but rely on this big move to cover up his own real purpose .

"This real purpose is definitely not to save Hayashi Yuanfei or Tsuchimi Orihime, just relying on these two juniors, it's not worth the big move he made by Kyoto Hashiba.

"The Tsuchikimon clan has been very wrong in recent years, and now the behavior of Shangyumen Suizan is even more wrong.

"Although I don't know what he wants to do, but to be on the safe side, let's leave this matter as it is, and we can't continue to entangle. If we continue to entangle, it will only give outsiders an opportunity to take advantage of it.

The old man said with a serious expression, "You can't beat Tsuchimikado Toshizo, and other people in Kyoto can't beat him, and even I may not be his opponent.

"So, we can only retreat now and not fight him head-on.

Speaking of this, the old man paused, and then said, "You have to keep in mind that when you come into contact with Tsuchimikado Toshizo, you must be extremely careful. Once he reveals the venom of the viper, you must be careful." Step back immediately.

"Even if his fangs are not aimed at you, but if you see the fangs, you must back down immediately.

"Only if you don't give him a chance, he can't bite you.

"If you think he's not targeting you and you think you're safe, that's actually the most dangerous time.

"Because of the viper's fangs. Before he bites someone. You never know who the real prey he is after!"

The old man's eyes were extremely gloomy.

Chapter 654 Hugging Lin Yuanfei Left and Right

"Then do we really ignore this matter like this?" Hearing his father's admonition, Shimada Nobuhide asked subconsciously, "If Lin Yuanfei is just let go like this, wouldn't it be a big blow to our clan's prestige?"

Shimada Nobuhide still remembers that the reason why his father wanted to deal with Lin Yuanfei was to use this person's hand to clean up some nails in the family division.

"If we give up halfway, those who split the family will definitely take the opportunity to make trouble, Shimada Nobuhide's inference made the old man nod.

That's right, those who split up will definitely make trouble, the probability is almost [-]%. "

"After all, some people died at the Golden Pavilion Temple because of our plan, and if we give up halfway now, those who split the family will definitely take the opportunity to make trouble.

"But in this situation, facing those bastards who are separated from the family is already the easiest thing to do. The old man looked at his son beside him and said, "If we are afraid of those who are separated from the family, we will continue to spend time with Lin Yuanfei , then there is a high possibility of falling into the trap of Toshizo Tsuchimikado. "

"What's more, that Lin Yuanfei obviously doesn't want to cooperate with us. He has been avoiding us all day and night, and he has obviously seen our intentions and is unwilling to be a knife in our hands.

"Compared to dealing with that cunning and insidious Kyoto Viper, it is much easier to deal with those bastards from the Separation Family." The old man sneered, and said, "One is a poisonous snake that may eat you alive. It takes a little time and effort to get it done...which one to choose. It should be very simple, right?" Nobuhide Shimada nodded to express his understanding of what the old man said.Shimada Nobuhide said, "I will pass on your order right now. The old man looked at the back of his son leaving, and after a long silence, he let out a long sigh.

The look in her eyes was probably disappointment. When the news came that the Shimada family had given up on the hunt, the girl was walking in a dark alley with no one there.

She glanced down at the text message on her phone and was silent for a few seconds.

Then put the phone away, and continued to follow the little paper crane.Here, far away from the urban area of ​​Kyoto, it is about to reach the edge of the suburbs.The nearby streets and alleys are low and empty, and there are hardly many pedestrians.The girl walked alone on such a desolate street, but there was not much fear on her face.

After all, for her, there is almost no danger for ordinary passers-by.In front of her, the paper crane was flying slowly according to the sun.But Zhiji knew that she was about to catch up with Lin Yuanfei from the little light shining on the paper crane.After eating such a large amount of ecstasy sushi, only people like Lin Yuanfei can bear the pain of being torn apart.This kind of thing used to deal with spirit bodies is a very dangerous and highly poisonous thing for living people.But now it seems that at least Lin Yuanfei's personal safety can be guaranteed. He didn't cause too much damage.It's just that his soul may be traumatized, his memory is disordered in a short period of time, and he cannot maintain a stable thinking.To use a more appropriate adjective to describe it, that is drunk.Lin Yuan's current state is probably similar to being drunk.

The girl had to bring him home as soon as possible and then treat him.

It was already late at night in Kyoto at this time.But for some people, late at night may be the beginning of night life.

On the street ahead, there is a small roadside bar.When the girl walked over, several staggering drunks just came out of the bar.

Under the dim streetlights, the drunks smiled strangely.

...The little girl doesn't go home at night, why did she come to such a place?"

"That's right, it's very dangerous if you don't go home so late. Do you want my brothers to take you home? The drunks came over with a smile and murmured. They surrounded the girl from all directions. One of them was drunk Han even reached out to touch the girl's face, but Zhi Ji avoided it expressionlessly. She glanced at the drunks around her indifferently and shook her head.

"You guys get some sleep.

As the voice fell, a circle of light blue light burst out from the girl's hand, slowly spreading outward.Wherever the light wave spread, the drunks all staggered down and fell asleep on the icy street.The loud snoring can be heard far away, as loud as a symphony.And Shaoru stepped straight over the group of drunks and walked towards You Bar.

She pushed open the door of the bar and walked in.At the same time, there were also the loud and loud music in the bar, the turbid and dull air, and those cheering and shouting figures.

It seemed that the atmosphere in the bar was lively.

But the girl's eyes did not stop at these revelers.Her gaze wandered indifferently around the bar, and finally settled on a corner of it.In the booth in that corner, four hot and exposed girls surrounded a rough man in the middle.And the white-haired, drunk man who seemed to have drunk a lot of wine sat there hugging left and right, laughing loudly, pouring strong alcohol into his mouth.

Although far away from the crowd, the carnival atmosphere here is not inferior to other places.

Seeing this scene, Zhi Ji walked over directly and came to the booth.She looked at the man in front of her expressionlessly and said.

"Lin Yuan, what are you doing?"

The sound waves in the bar were harsh, directly covering the girl's voice.

But her appearance still attracted the attention of the four hot girls.One of the women asked with a teasing smile, "Brother Fei, this little beauty seems to be looking for you?" Hearing what these women said, Lin Yuanfei raised his head drunkenly, and looked at the girl in front of him.

He blinked and rubbed hard again, only then did he see the appearance of the girl in front of him clearly.

Then, he smirked and raised the wine cup in his hand.

"Zhihime... Zhiji, you're here too, I didn't hear you were coming? Why did you come here suddenly hahahaha

Chapter 655 I Want to Wait for Yuki

Lin Yuanfei's laughter was very happy and loud.

His voice could not even cover the noise of the bar.

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