He held up the wine cup in his hand, cheered and laughed loudly at the girl.

"Do you want to have a drink too? But we don't seem to have enough seats here... Lin Yuanfei shook his head and looked at the booths around him, and said, "Look, we are almost full.Although there was still a spot there, it was reserved for Yuki, who was about to pass. "

"However, if you are tired from standing, you can sit down for a while before Yuki comes. Lin Yuanfei laughed and said, "Anyway, Yuki is not here now, and you will definitely not mind if Yuki sits for a while.

From Lin Yuanfei's smirk, it was obvious that his eyes were empty and lifeless, as if he was about to fall drunk to the ground and unconscious.After hearing what he said, Zhi Ji frowned.

"Yuki wants to come here? Which Yuki? My wife Yuki?" Hayashi Yuan's strong smell of alcohol made Orihime take a step back expressionlessly.

She looked at this strong man surrounded by four hot girls, and asked, who are these women next to you? How do you know them?

Lin Yuanfei hugged the two girls in his arms tightly from left to right, and hugged the two girls against his chest amidst the girls' happy cries.

Afterwards, he said so confidently.

"These girls are very kind." Lin Yuanfei said with his tongue out, "I'm outside Yuki, I searched all the way but couldn't find it.Or they kindly brought me here and told me that Yuki would come over later. If it wasn’t for their kindness to help, I wouldn’t know where to find Yuki... It’s so pitiful...Lin Yuanfei shook his head To put it bluntly, Ruo is like a mentally handicapped child with abnormal IQ.

...Orihime listened to his story with a blank face, and asked, "Then what are you doing with these women? Are you just waiting for Yuki?"

"That's right," Lin Yuanfei said confidently, "Miss and the others said that if I get closer to them and hug them tighter, Yuki will come sooner. We have to do something interesting later. What... is it?" Lin Yuanfei asked the four girls beside him with a smile.And the four girls all nodded with a smile, "That's right, the sisters will take Lin Yuan-kun to do the most interesting and fun things with you later. Yuki will come over when you're done.

Lin Yuanfei took another sip of wine, then hiccupped, then looked at Zhiji with a grin.

"See? Am I right? They're all very kind people.

Zhi Ji looked at him with a cold expression, and then at the four women lying beside Lin Yuanfei who were constantly struggling, and asked coldly, "Who the hell are you? Plaguing Lin Yuanfei with this question, is it to ask this directly?" Four women's.

Seeing Zhi Ji's attitude, the four women who were originally obsessed with laughing snorted disdainfully and said.

"Does it have anything to do with you? Who are you from Mr. Lin Yuan? Are you qualified to take care of our affairs? We can do whatever we want with Mr. Lin Yuan. Is it your turn to take care of it?"

"That's right, what are you? You should make a mess... Is it possible that you still want to eat alone?"

"Oh oh oh, I understand. This little girl has a new heart and fell in love with Lin Yuan-jun. So you can't see that we are so close to Lin Yuan-jun, right? Unfortunately, Lin Yuan-jun doesn't have you in his heart at all, his I only have that girl named Yuki in my heart."

"It's so pitiful. The four women are constantly harassing Zhi Ji.

And Zhi Ji looked at them blankly, and after a few seconds of silence, said.

"I'll give you three seconds to get out. The girl's expression is very indifferent. But unfortunately, these four women don't like her.

Seeing Zhi Ji's reaction, they laughed even more happily.

"Wow! I'm really jealous! Our innocent-looking little girl really likes Mr. Lin Yuan?"

"And I want to eat alone... But Mr. Lin Yuan's body is so strong, we can't help it. It's normal for a little girl to want to eat alone.

"But little girl, you are so thin, can you stand up to Mr. Lin Yuan?"

"Should we take you with us later, little sister? Not only do I like men, but I also like cute little girls like you."

The teasing of the four slutty hot girls made Zhi Ji look indifferent.She looked at the four girls blankly and said, "Get lost!"

At the same time as the order was finished, a talisman in the girl's hand turned into a shattered light.

Those spots of light were hardly noticeable under the colorful lights of the bar, but the bodies of the four hot girls shook slightly.Then, the originally cheerful hot girls all stood up with dull expressions.As if Ni Pian was being manipulated, he left here without any will of his own, and left the bar straight away.

So, Lin Yuanfei was the only one left in the crowded booth.

He sat there, watching the backs of the four hot girls leaving, Da Ruo shouted with his tongue.

"Hey! Where are you going? Didn't you say you wanted to wait for Yuki to come over with me? Why did they all run away?" Lin Yuan Feibao acted stupidly, + quite - mentally handicapped.

Zhi Ji walked to his side with a blank face, and directly reached out to grab Lin Yuanfei's - - hand,

"Let's go!" Orihime said indifferently, "You can't wait for your Yuki here!"

Lin Yuanfei, who smelled of alcohol, was dragged out by Zhi Ji, and asked in a daze, "Can't wait for Yuki? Why? They all said that Yuki will come soon.

Said Ruo, Lin Yuanfei threw away Zhi Ji's words, and said staggeringly, "I won't go, let me go. I'll wait for Yuki... Yuki... If Yuki doesn't come, I won't leave !"

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, he fell backwards, sprawled on the seat, and fell asleep soundly.

It seems that Lin Yuanfei has already lost his mind after drinking too much, plus the ecstatic sushi before.Zhi Ji looked at him expressionlessly, and was silent for a few seconds, then lowered her body and helped Lin Yuanfei up.

Then, like helping a seriously ill patient, he slowly helped the drunken strong man with sloppy steps towards the outside of the bar.

Chapter 656 An Uninvited Guest (2400/6000)

The noisy and noisy bar gradually faded away behind the two of them.Zhi Ji walked the street late at night with the help of a drunk man who looked like an iron tower, a little out of breath.With her strength, it is really a little bit reluctant to support a burly man like Lin Yuanfei Lu.Especially now that Lin Yuan's footsteps are vain and delirious, and it can even be said that he has completely fallen asleep.Although the footsteps were still moving forward subconsciously, it was completely sleepwalking, and the weight of the whole body was on Zhi Ji's thin shoulders.

If Zhi Ji pushed Lin Yuan away now, then Lin Yuan would undoubtedly fly back and collapse on the icy street on the spot, no different from the drunks outside the bar who fell asleep on the street.But Zhiji didn't push Lin Yuanfei away.Even if it was very strenuous, she tried her best to support Lin Yuanxiang to walk forward.

It's not close to their residence, it can even be said to be very far away.

Go a little farther, take a taxi near the main road and leave.Under the dark night, the picture of the girl helping the drunk man go home alone is inexplicably sad.If passers-by who don't know the truth see this scene, they will probably think that this is a family story of a sensible daughter and a jerk father.

After all, with Lin Yuanfei's white hair and weathered face, no one would object to saying that he is Zhiji's father.However, the bystanders who saw this scene at this time did not have such thoughts.She stood at the end of the dark alley, looked at the scene with a smile, and said.

"It's really touching... Would the eldest lady of the Tsuchimikado clan do this for a man? If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, it would be unbelievable.

The figure at the end of the alley made such a teasing whisper.In an instant, Zhi Ji's footsteps stopped.

She helped Lin Yuanfei stand in the alley, looked coldly at the figure blocking the way ahead, and asked.Under the dim light at the end of the alley, Zhi Ji could clearly see the appearance of that figure.The small figure looks like he is in elementary school.The silver-white hair exudes a beautiful luster under the light.

That kind of healthy and beautiful silvery white color is completely different from Lin Yuanfei's withered paleness. Not only does it not make the little girl look old, but it adds to her youthful beauty.

The moment she saw this little girl, Zhi Ji narrowed her eyes slightly.

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