With the hand inside her sleeve, she silently took out a piece of talisman paper.Under the dark night, the silver-haired little girl looked at Ruozhi Ji with a smile, and shook her head.

"Miss Tsuchimikado, can you go? If you leave Big Brother to us, nothing will happen.

"In addition, you can rest assured that we are also very concerned about the safety of the elder brother. If he is handed over to us, there is no problem. The words of the little girl are full of sincerity. However, Zhi Ji obviously does not believe it.

She looked coldly at the little girl in front of her, snorted coldly, and directly pinched the talisman paper in her hand.

In an instant, the talisman paper in the girl's hand turned into a rapidly expanding black mist, centering on her and Lin Yuanfei, rapidly expanding around Ruo Ruo.

In an instant, the two of them were shrouded in a thick black mist.However, the moment she turned around, a cold muzzle hit her back.The girl's body froze.

The black mist around her also slowly dissipated.The figure behind the girl appeared in the alley.

A man who is not particularly tall. About 175, wearing a black windbreaker. Covering the possible murder weapon under the windbreaker.

In his hand, he held a pistol, and the cold muzzle of the pistol was at the back of the girl's heart from behind.

As long as he pulls the trigger, he can instantly take the girl's life.Zhi Ji stood there stiffly, not daring to move lightly under the threat of death.

The only thing she couldn't understand was how this man appeared beside her.Obviously, when she activated the Yin Yang technique, she had already made sure that there was no third party around.But at the moment when she activated Yin Yang, this man appeared behind her silently? Is this guy a ninja hiding in the shadows... Feeling the muzzle of the gun on her back, Orihime -at every turn.

She said with a cold expression, "It seems that you have been prepared... The Shimada family sent you here?" At this time, the only enemy the girl can think of is the Shimada family. Perhaps the so-called reconciliation news , just released by the Shimada family to confuse the view? In fact, the Shimada family did not intend to stop there?

A trace of confusion flashed in the girl's heart.

, "We have nothing to do with the Shimada family. That low tone... is a voice that Orihime has never heard before.

"Then what exactly do you want to do?" Orihime asked calmly, "Keep calling on us, and put the blame on the Shimada family. Disturb the muddy water?"

Zhihime immediately thought of this possibility.However, the man still denied it.

"You just need to give us Lin Yuan," the man said calmly, "don't worry about the rest, we will let you go. Of course, we won't hurt Lin Yuan, you can rest assured about that.

The man's words are the same as that of the silver-haired little girl.Obviously, their goal was Lin Yuanfei. They didn't seem to want to fight with Zhiji, so they tried to appease Zhiji.Even though she was stared at at gunpoint, she still said indifferently and stubbornly, "Since you are targeting Lin Yuanyuan, then wait for him to wake up and ask his opinion. If he wants to leave, he will stay. No right to interfere with his going or staying.

"But at least right now, I can't hand him over to you." Zhi Ji said indifferently, "You can wait for Lin Yuan to sober up before taking him away.

Zhi Ji's words made the little girl shake her head.

"Big sister is really a stick.. I just don't want to hurt you when I say that. Why do you insist on defending a man who doesn't like you? Could it be true that you like what the women in the bar said? On big brother?

Chapter 657 Not Smart enough

The little girl's question was full of teasing.If it was an ordinary girl, she would probably have explained it in a hurry.However, Orihime looked indifferent.

Does it have anything to do with you guys?"

"Since you know my identity and Lin Yuan's identity, then you understand the strength of the Tuyumen clan."

"If you leave now, I can still pretend that nothing happened.

"To tell you the truth, Ji Zhiji's words from the Tuheng Clan made the little girl smile even more happily.

"My elder brother told Ilya before that when the children of those big families start to boast about their family power, it proves that these people have no other trump cards to increase their voice besides the family.

"Sister Orihime, are you already guilty of talking about Tsuchimikado, knowing that you have no way to deal with us other than the title of Tsuchimikado?"

The little girl smiled lightly and said, "It's a pity, sister, you don't know us very well.

"Although we are not very powerful, but a mere Tsuchiyamen... can it be tougher than Cangqi's family in Sanlian City?

Amidst the little girl's laughter, Orihime's pupils shrank suddenly.She seemed to realize something, and subconsciously squeezed Fu Shi in her hand.There was a gunshot, and the bullet flew out of the cold barrel.And Zhi Ji, who was supporting Lin Yuanfei, had already moved several meters away in an instant under the effect of Yin Yang Technique.But when she dodged the moment, the second gunshot appeared.

In the splash of blood, the girl let out a muffled snort, and a blood hole appeared on her left leg.

Severe pain hit her, and at the same time she lost the support of her left leg, and she fell to the ground.And Lin Yuanfei, whom she supported, also fell to the ground with her, and the bewildered girl clutched her left leg and clenched her teeth.She didn't dare to move anymore.The man who fired the gun had already pointed the gun at her head.The two shots just now made her understand the opponent's strength, and she was definitely not an ordinary shooter.Whether it's marksmanship, reaction ability, or the understanding and judgment of yin and yang, the opponent can be called sophisticated.

The moment she teleported out, the bullet of the second shot had already arrived at the place where she appeared in advance, flew out and pierced her left leg.

With such precise marksmanship, powerful anticipation, and terrifying reaction ability, the girl deeply understood the gap in strength between the two sides.Although the opponent only had a gun in her hand, she had a stack of Dais on her body. She sat there stiffly, pressing her hands on the wound on her left leg, and her face was slightly pale.It was unclear whether it was due to excessive blood loss or fear.Under the girl's icy gaze, the man who fired the gun slowly walked over.

The silver-haired little girl also shook her head, and ran over in a jerk.

"It's really disobedient

The little girl looked at Zhi Ji's pale face, shook her head and said, "Don't let go, you won't listen, see? Are you injured? The wound is so big. Does it hurt?"

The little girl's greeting made Zhi Ji look indifferent.She sat there stiffly, seemingly giving up resistance.Orihime took a deep breath, and said, "Someone will avenge me. Seeing Orihime like this, the little girl and the man looked at each other. The little girl tilted her head and asked, "Uncle Kiritsugu, what are you doing?" Are we going to really kill this young lady?" Emiya Kiritsugu walked over with a blank expression, and said, "You have mentioned Cang Qi's family and my name, do you think this woman can do it? alive?"

Said Ruo, Emiya Kiritsugu glanced at the girl sitting on the ground.

There was no trace of pity in those empty and indifferent eyes.He directly raised the gun and pulled the trigger.There was a gunshot, and at the same time, there was the sound of metal and iron clashing.The moment the gunshot rang out, a cold light flashed beside the girl, and the bullet flew directly.

Lin Yuanfei, who was drowsy, sat up and covered his head with a pained expression on his face.

"where is this place

In his hand, he clenched the broken knife, Bellflower Fairy Dongyue.He covered his head, gasping for cold air, his brain aching like a knife.Finally, he looked at the two figures in front of him and asked blankly.

"Who are you?"

The moment Lin Yuanfei woke up, the little girl and Emiya Kiritsugu retreated instantly.

When Lin Yuanfei finished asking, the two of them were already ten meters away from Lin Yuanfei.

They looked at Lin Yuanfei who was sitting in the alley, and they were silent for a few seconds.Then the little girl spoke.

"Big brother is really drunk...Have you forgotten Illya?" The little girl said with a smile, "Don't you remember me?"

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