"Hmm.. Ilya..Ilya...a very familiar name," Lin Yuan covered his head, showing a painful expression, "Ilya...Ilya...Young Master Lianfa... Illya? Is this the name of the cartoon?" Hearing Lin Yuan's answer, the smile on the little girl's face froze slightly.She looked at the guard Kiritsugu on the opposite side again, but saw that the guard Kiritsugu was as indifferent as ever.

"Looks like Lin Yuan has completely forgotten... not only forgot, but also getting so close to the Tuyumenmen family

Emiya Kiritsugu looked at Wakabayashi Yuanfei coldly, and asked, "Hayashi Yuan, do you still remember everything you promised us when you found us?"

..... Lin Yuanfei sat there with his head in his head, in a daze. "Promise what?"

Then, Emiya Kiritsugu shook his head.

"Sure enough, as you said, I completely lost my memory...

He aimed at Orihime beside Lin Yuanfei, and said, "Kill her, and then take Lin Yuan away. Emiya Kiritsugu's decision was very cold and concise.

And Ilya, who was opposite him, could only sigh when she saw this scene, and said

"That's why... don't you give us the big brother as soon as possible?

Slowly, a few white widows made entirely of silver silk appeared.

"Now she's about to die... Sister Orihime is really not smart enough.

Chapter 658 Shader

"Now she's about to die... Sister Orihime is really not smart enough. With Illya's soft sigh, the guard Kiritsugu directly raised the gun in his hand, aiming at the girl beside Lin Yuanfei.

Pull the trigger.The moment the gunshot rang out, Lin Yuanfei, who had been sitting beside the girl, directly raised the knife in his hand.

With a crisp sound, the bullet was knocked out.Lin Yuanfei stood up holding his head, his expression was a little grim due to the headache.

"Do you think I don't exist... Lin Yuanfei clutched his aching head, and couldn't tell whether it was because of the sushi or drinking too much. Wherever he stood there, he seemed to be walking Floating, with a swaying body, it seems that he has no fighting power. However, the blade hanging slightly by his side is the most terrifying threat.

Seeing Lin Yuanfei's appearance, the guard Kiritsugu put away the gun in his hand expressionlessly, and said, "It's your turn, Shader. The moment Emiya Kiritsugu's voice fell, a man's deep smile sounded in the darkness Voice.

In the next second, with Lin Yuanfei as the midpoint, there was a gust of wind and sand on the street.The sudden wind and sand came so suddenly and so fast that Lin Yuan and Zhi Ji were enveloped in it in an instant.

The moment the wind and sand fell, Lin Yuanfei instantly felt as if countless sharp needles had been pierced into his brain, and let out a painful growl. Lin Yuanfei made things worse.He subconsciously wanted to chop out the blade, but even the hand that swung the knife became stiff.The wind and sand that swept around him seemed to imprison his actions while attacking his soul.Amidst the howling wind and sand, a deep and strange laughter sounded.

Hehe... Lin Yuan, I never imagined that one day I would come to deal with you... Hahahahaha. Amidst that piercing deep and strange laughter, Lin Yuanfei's limbs were twitching in pain, the veins on his forehead were throbbing, his face was filled with anger and Painful and reddened.He fixedly stared at the figure of guard Kiritsugu, but saw Orihime who had already rushed straight to his side.The moment the two eyes met, the guard Kiritsugu silently took out a dagger.At the critical moment, Lin Yuanfei roared wildly, and with all his strength, he finally blocked the dagger before it was about to hit Zhiji.But as a price, red blood overflowed from the corner of Lin Yuanfei's mouth.Obviously, under the bondage and oppression of the wind and sand, forcing out the sword would do him great damage.

But the guard Kiritsugu glanced at him, and then backed away.

Standing more than ten meters away, he said, "Shader, I'm going to shoot.

Said Ruo, Emiya Kiritsugu took out an ancient and exaggerated gun.The moment he saw the gun, a terrified cry sounded in the wind and sand.

"Wow! Emiya Kiritsugu! You are here again!"

But the wind and sand did not escape, and still lingered and entangled Lin Yuanfei. As he spoke, the glowing white parrots behind the little girl all flapped their wings and made a pounce gesture.In the wind and sand, Zhi Ji has slowly closed her eyes, realizing that her death is irreversible.Under this weird wind and sand confinement and oppression, even she felt that her soul was under continuous oppression and attack, and her body could hardly move.In this situation of double attack, Lin Yuan could no longer help her.The moment that man named Emiya Kiritsugu fired the gun, it was the moment of her death...

There was a muffled sound, and a shot rang out in the darkness.The moment the girl closed her eyes, a huge force suddenly swept her whole body.In the next second, she felt a huge pulling force.The moment she opened her eyes, she was astonished to see a huge gap in the wind and sand surrounding her and Lin Yuanfei.

In the dark, the painful cry of Fengsha sounded.


Under their feet, the attacks of guards Kiritsugu and Illya all failed.

But the two of them were all looking in the same direction.

There, on the roof of a hut several meters away, Orihime saw a figure.Long lavender hair, sad eyes, even a smile makes people feel heartbroken.

The girl named Asakami Fujino was standing there quietly at this moment, looking at Wakabayashi Harabi and them.

The moment Lin Yuanfei flew up with Zhi Ji, Asakami Fujino in the distance also just raised his head in the night wind.Orihime saw Asagami Fujino's eyes.Weird color..

The dangerous scarlet red and the bewitching light green, these two colors are intertwined, and the eyes are as magnificent as jewels, which are not the eyes that normal human beings should have at all.Seeing the gap between these eyes, Zhi Ji's heart sank slightly, and she felt some kind of strange power.

God... She thought of the legend of the ancients. The legend of one of the four major exorcism families in Japan that has long since declined.Orihime understood that at that moment just now, it was this Asakami Fujino who was tens of meters away that broke through the wind and sand and gave Lin Yuanfei a chance to escape.As for the other party's method, it should be the kind of power in the legend of Qianshen's family... Then, Lin Yuanfei stepped on a huge billboard on the roof with force, and his whole body was slanted by this power. flew out.Like flying over a wall, he took Orihime to Asakami Fujino tens of meters away.Behind them, in the dark alley, Emiya Kiritsugu raised his head, watched indifferently as if this scene happened, and did not pursue.He just watched Lin Yuanfei disappear into the night with Zhiji, and put away the weapon in his hand.

"Let's go," Emiya Kiritsugu said, "Since Asakami Fujino is helping, there is no need for us to entangle for the time being. Hayashibara probably won't give us such a chance for the first time."

Beside him, a gust of wind and sand surged.

Then, the wind and sand finally turned into a black man whose head was bleeding.At this time, the black man was talking about his bleeding head, with a tangled expression on his face, "Why did Asakami Fujino want to mess with me? Illya, didn't you say that she no longer intends to meddle in our affairs?"

Chapter 659 The Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit

The black Shader called Qu Zhong. The little girl beside him pouted.


"When I was looking for her, that's what she really told me... She didn't want to kill people anymore, who knew she would suddenly show up?" Ilya said calmly. All responsibilities have been wiped out.As the only one injured among the three, Shader expressed that he was wronged.

"Wow! Illya, you are too irresponsible? Do you believe what she said? Why don't you do more investigations?

The little girl snorted, "What are you investigating? Why don't you go and straighten it? I just know that giving orders is useless. When is it your turn to tell me what to do? Do you think you are the big brother?" Ilya replied Damn, the black man stared with anger.

... He pointed at Illya with his left hand, his eyes almost popped out of anger, "You are too much!"

Yi Liya put her arms around her shoulders, gave him a sideways glance, and said, "You're so dark, you can hardly be seen standing in the alley. A nigger who doesn't even have a sense of existence. Where does he have the confidence to be like me? What are you talking about? Five hundred years ago, people like you were not even qualified to be my slaves." Illya's words made the black people jump in anger.

And the guard Kiritsugu glanced at the two of them, and said, during the short period of time the two quarreled, the guard Kiritsugu had already cleaned up the battle scene.That crisp and neat method hardly left any clues.

Emiya Kiritsugu walked directly towards the darkness, and said, we have to find a way to snipe and kill that Tsuchimikado Orihime, she knows our existence, this matter is very dangerous.It must be erased as soon as possible! Emiya Kiritsugu's remarks made Shader snort.

"Don't you blame this self-righteous brat? You insisted on pretending to be an elephant in front of Tsuchimikado Orihime, and talked about the Cangqi family. If she didn't talk nonsense, Tsuchimikado Orihime would separate us from the Cangqi family. Is it connected with the Mii case?"

Shader's accusation was met with Illya's sneer.

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