"If it weren't for you, a sleazy sand man, who didn't trap them, Big Brother wouldn't be able to run away with Tsuchimi] Orihime!"

"Bah! If you have the ability, you can carry Asakami Fujino's twisted magic eye? If you were attacked by her, you would probably be decapitated, and still have the strength to curse here? You can stand and talk without back pain.

.... If I were some nigger, I wouldn't be successfully attacked by Yu Asakami Fujino.Even if he was attacked, he would definitely not act like a crybaby who is afraid of pain, and immediately released the big brother and the others.If he has some ability and is as powerful as a big brother, he will never appear in such a situation...

"Little boy! I've put up with you for so long! Who are you calling a nigger?"

"I'll scold whoever answers.

Amidst the quarreling voices of one large and one small, Emiya Kiritsugu continued to walk forward with a blank expression.

Gen obviously, he was too lazy to care about the quarrel between these two guys.

Qing said that even if he took care of it, it probably wouldn't have any effect.


Behind him is Orihime who is supported by Asakami Fujino.At this time, Zhi Ji's complexion was a little pale.But on the way here, she's already staunched herself with yin and yang, so there's no progressive blood loss.

After the three of them walked into the empty apartment, Orihime said weakly.

"This place is very safe, and it should not be discovered in a short time. Except for me, almost no one knows what this place is. Obviously, this is another hiding place prepared by Orihime. Miss, why are you preparing so many hiding places? The three caves of the cunning rabbit?

You are not a gangster, and your life is not dangerous, so it's a bit strange that you are so jittery.Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Lin Yuanfei held his still cramped head and gasped in a low voice.At this time, he has recovered part of his sanity, and is no longer as chaotic as before.But after regaining a little sobriety, the colic in the brain became more intense.

This made Lin Yuanfei very uncomfortable.Under Hayashihara's gaze, Orihime asked Asakami Fujino to help her to lie down on the sofa.Then, the Onmyoji girl took out two talisman papers, pasted them on the wound on her left leg, and recited some spell in a low voice.

Visible to the naked eye, the two talisman papers began to emit a soft light.Orihime breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "The bullet didn't stay in the body, so there's no need to retrieve it." Then she looked at Asakami Fujino next to her, "So you are... the blood of the Asakami family? "Hearing the name of this family, Asakami Fujino smiled bitterly.

Said, "I have changed my surname to Qianshang.

Then Asafuno looked at Lin Yuanfei and said, "Lin Yuan-kun, are you okay?"

.Hiss...fortunately," Lin Yuanfei sucked in a breath of cold air, shaking from the pain for a moment, "I won't die from the pain for the time being. "

After finishing speaking, Lin Yuanfei looked at Zhi Ji and said, "What the hell is going on? Zhi Ji, why did I become abnormal after eating the sushi in the refrigerator... What the hell is that sushi? Orihime looked at him, and was silent for a few seconds, "Didn't you see the note on the refrigerator... I was afraid you couldn't read Japanese, so I also wrote the same warning in Chinese on the back, so you don't Eat it, don't you see?"

...Is there any?" Lin Yuanfei thought for a while, but when he thought about it, his brain felt a sharp pain again.

.It hurts..It hurts..It hurts so much..It hurts so badly!

Lin Yuanfei had never experienced this kind of pain in his life, it was like a pain that went straight to the depths of his soul. It was completely overwhelming.Zhi Ji looked at him expressionlessly and said.

"You are a symptom of unstable soul and unconsciousness, and you will be fine with a little treatment.

"However, it's late at night, and I don't think you can buy the medicinal materials needed for treatment, so you should take your time.

"However, if you have no objection, I can also ask the people in the family to help and ask them to deliver the things. Zhiji's words made Lin Yuanfei a little surprised.

"Eh? You're going to help someone from the Tsuchiyamon-clan? Are you sure?" Aren't you a stubborn young lady? Why has your personality changed?

Facing Lin Yuanfei's surprised eyes, Zhi Ji said calmly, "I forgot to tell you, according to the latest news, the Shimada family has given up chasing you and me. In other words, the matter of Shimada Nobukatsu has already The announcement is over, you and I don't have to be a mouse hiding in Tibet anymore.

Chapter 660

"I forgot to tell you. According to the latest news, the Shimada family has given up hunting you and me. That is to say, the matter of Shimada Nobukatsu has come to an end. You and I don't have to do anything to hide." It's a mouse. Zhiji's words made Lin Yuanfei startled slightly.

Then... Immediately, he took another breath of cold air and grinned in pain.

"Damn it! .. Fuck I'm dying of pain!"

That kind of continuous, entangled pain like maggots on the tarsus bone crazily tortured Wakabayashi Yuanfei's spirit.

This kind of pain was so terrible that even Lin Yuanfei, a straight man of steel who never groaned even when he was seriously injured, couldn't stand it.Zhi Ji looked at his appearance and shook her head.

"Why don't you sleep for a while. I can hypnotize you to sleep. It will probably be better if you sleep

"Hiss... what I'm more concerned about now is the affairs of the Shimada family!" Lin Yuanfei grinned in pain, and said, "Didn't you say that the old man of the Shimada family was planning to kill someone with a knife? Why did he suddenly give up on Lin Yuanfei's words?" The biggest worry now.

But Zhi Ji shook her head and said, "It's unlikely, since the Shimada family has released the news that they will no longer pursue it, then this matter has almost been settled.

"Even if he kills you and me afterwards, it won't restore their family's lost prestige, but it will completely offend the Tsuchimikado clan."

"The old man in the Shimada family would not do such a stupid thing.

"It should be some unexpected situation that forced the Shimada family to give up their pursuit of you and me. They may have discovered some hidden danger, so they stopped the plan. Orihime's deduction made Lin Yuan this Baring his teeth, Lin Yuanfei made a joke.

Zhi Ji looked at him blankly, and said, "Maybe Lin Yuanfei was stunned, "Those people just now...yes...what's the origin of those people just now?" Lin Yuan's memory was a little fuzzy , I can't remember the origins of those three people just now.

And Orihime glanced at Asakami Fujino at the side, thought for a while, and said.

"Those three people, one named Shader, can turn into wind and sand. People covered by wind and sand will be harmed from the soul level, and their actions will also be restricted. It is a very strange ability, but it is not magic.

"The other is Emiya Kiritsugu. I have heard of this name before. A murderer with a reputation in the magic world. He was targeted by the Magic Association [designated by the seal] and also the target of the Church of the Holy Church. He has disappeared for many years. .

"As for the last little girl, named Ilya, with her hair color and German accent, if you guessed right, she should be a humanoid from the Einzbern clan of the famous German magic school. Full name is Yili Javon Einzbern.

"Unexpectedly, these dangerous people gathered in Japan, and even found you... Zhi Ji looked at Lin Yuanfei, and asked blankly, "What is your relationship with them?" ".. Do you believe me when I say that I don't know anything?" Lin Yuanfei asked with a dry smile. His face twitched in pain. Zhiji was silent for a few seconds, then nodded, "If you remember, you probably won't save me.Zhi Ji's comment made Lin Yuanfei feel very hurt.

"Wow! Could it be that if I don't have amnesia, I will see if you are killed? Zhiji, your trust in me is too low, right?" Lin Yuanfei said.Zhi Ji looked at him indifferently, and said, "It's not that I don't trust you, but that I know more about the stories of your former companions, so I know what kind of people they are. You who hang out with such guys... ... Do you think you will be a good person?" Lin Yuanfei smiled reluctantly, "Are these people dangerous?"

Isn’t Emiya Kiritsugu just a magician killer who kills people with guns? Isn’t Illya just a little loli who looks cute on the surface but is actually ruthless?

How are these two dangerous?

Zhi Ji said indifferently.

"First of all, Shader, from Egypt, is a natural ability user. After he is transformed into sandstorm, he can not only attack the soul, imprison the human body, but also drain the water from the human body.

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