"When he was in Egypt before, he once drained all the residents of a small town and turned them into mummies, including two representatives of the Church of the Holy Church.

"Since then, this Shader has been hunted down by the Church of the Holy Church, and has disappeared for many years."

"And that Emiya Kiritsugu was originally the blood of the Weikan family. But when it came to the generation of Emiya Kiritsugu's father, Emiya Tokiken, Emiya tried to use some means to get in touch with the root, and carried out some kind of secret human experiments.

"Later Emiya Yokiken was appointed by the Association of Magicians [designated by a seal], and began to lead his family to avoid being chased by the Association of Magicians.

"This kind of fleeing experience continued for many years, and in the end Emiya Yoshiken's experiment seemed to have progressed, he transformed his son, Emiya Kiritsugu into a Death Apostle.

Well, that is, some sort of vampire-like creature.

"However, Emiya Kiritsugu, who was transformed into a dead disciple, killed his father, fought with the chasing soldiers of the Magic Association, and killed all the magicians who chased him by himself. Time magic, as well as his brutal behavior, made him replace his father as the new [Seal Designation] of the Magic Association.

"As for the last little girl, Ilya von Einzbern, although she looks like a harmless and cute little girl, she is actually the most outstanding artificial human of the Einzbern family over the years." Taste.

"However, two years ago, the entire Einzbern family was wiped out, and only this little girl disappeared without a trace.

"On the day when the entire Einzbern clan was wiped out, witnesses saw a little girl covered in blood leaving the castle alone and disappearing into the forest.

"These three people, no matter who they are, are all famous murderers, but now these three people have gathered in Japan, and they are still familiar with you from before.

Zhi Ji looked at Ruo Lin Yuan Fei coldly, and said, "Lin Yuan, are you really ignorant of your past?"

.... Lin Yuanfei Lu scratched his scalp and said, "The only thing I feel right now is that my head hurts. Other than that, I really can't think of anything else. Lin Yuanfei said sincerely, " If I really think of something, will I hide it from you? Do you think so?"

Chapter 661 A Zhen fell in love with A Qiang

Lin Yuanfei spoke sincerely, trying to fool the past.However, Orihime obviously didn't buy it.

But Orihime didn't say much.The girl who had saved them at a critical moment was sitting silently by the side, just watching them quietly, without saying a word, and did not participate in the conversation between the two.But Zhi Ji looked at her and said.

"Miss Asagi, can I ask you a question?" Orihime asked.Facing Orihime's sudden question, Asakami Fujino was slightly surprised.But he nodded and said, "Please tell me."

So Zhi Ji asked, "I heard from Lin Yuan that you are friends from the past. At that time, Lin Yuan should not have lost his memory, right?"

Asagami Fujino nodded, "That was already five years ago, Hayashibara-kun hadn't lost his memory at that time. Orihime's eyes stayed on Asagami Fujino, observing the reaction of Asagami Fujino. Even Even Hayashihara looked this way, waiting for Asakami Fujino's answer.

As the two watched, Asakami Fujino smiled slightly.


"I don't know

Asakami Fujino smiled, and said softly, "Hayashi Yuan-kun and I have not seen each other since we parted five years ago. The only thing I can know is that at that time, there were no three friends around him."

As for what happened afterwards, I don't know what Asakami Fujino said, which made Orihime silent for a while.

Then, she said slowly.

"If that's the case, then how did you come to know where Lin Yuan and I were, and just happened to rescue us? That place is so far away from your residence, and it's late at night, so it's impossible for you to just pass by, right?

"However, I happened to meet you just passing by... Although you may not believe me, I really just happened to meet at the right time. Asakami Fujino's words made Orihime silent.

Then Zhi Ji looked at Lin Yuanfei and said.

"Let's keep tonight's matter a secret for the time being. Zhi Ji said, "If the matter of those three people gets out and let others know, it may cause unpredictable danger.Orihime said meaningfully, "Hayashihara. This is a matter of your life and death. You'd better not be careless. No one can tell. Once the news leaks, maybe you will become a public enemy of Japan. At that time, everyone will can not help you.

Zhi Ji's words made Lin Yuanfei laugh dryly.

He knew that Zhiji was hinting + warning him.It was clear that Orihime was onto something.

This perceptive Miss Tu Yumen might already know that Lin Yuanfei is one of the culprits in the extermination case.

Although it was the fault of the original owner of the body, it is now obvious that Lin Yuanfei can only carry it.And the teammates of the original owner of the body turned out to be Illya and Emiya Kiritsugu? What about Shader...Even now, it seems likely that Asakami Fujino was also a former teammate.Moose, this lineup is a little bit luxurious.

After all, Kiritsugu and Illya, the guards of this world, seem to be very powerful.

At the very least, Emiya Kiritsugu in the original world is not at the level of being [designated by the seal] by the Magic Association, nor is Illya capable of destroying Einzbern.

The original owner of the body is really cheating, to be able to find so many wonderful and powerful teammates.No wonder even Aoko Aozaki was planted.If this lineup comes to cheat Aozaki Aoko, it is indeed possible to succeed if there is no intention to do mental calculations, and if the information is poor.

In other words, in the face of this lineup, probably not many people will be able to retreat completely. Enduring the excruciating pain, Lin Yuanfei said, then you can hypnotize me to sleep, my brain is still dizzy now Yes, when I wake up tomorrow morning and get back to normal, we will continue to discuss this matter.Facing Lin Yuanfei's request, Zhiji had no objection.

She nodded, pulled out a piece of talisman paper, flicked it lightly, and directly threw the talisman paper onto Lin Yuanfei's forehead.There seemed to be some kind of calming power in Zhi Ji's words.Lin Yuanfei felt Nongnong's drowsiness swept over him, and soon fell asleep on the sofa.

And the two girls in the room glanced at each other, Zhi Ji pointed to one of the bedrooms and said.

I will trouble you to rest here tonight," Zhi Ji said, "the rooms here will be cleaned regularly, they are very clean, and you can go to sleep directly.Orihime didn't say why Asakami Fujino was asked to stay, but Asakami Fujino didn't refuse either.Gently nodded, Asakami Fujino walked into the bedroom according to Orihime's instructions.

So, in the living room, only Lin Yuanfei, who was sleeping soundly, and the girl who sat silently beside Lin Yuanfei were left in the living room.In the darkness, the girl noticed the profile of the man beside her.

Under the dim light, the girl's expression seemed a little cloudy.

"How's the situation?" In a dark corner, the guard Kiritsugu who was sitting on the edge of the roof took a deep puff of a cigarette and asked, "You came back so soon, did you hear anything?" Not far away is the hiding place of Linyuan K and the three of them.

After Wei Guan Gongsi finished speaking, a slight wind and sand suddenly appeared behind him.

Then, the wind and sand gradually formed a black man.

The person said, "That Tsuchimikado Orihime has already guessed our identities, and also guessed the relationship between Lin Yuan and us. But judging by her attitude, it seems that she doesn't want to spread this matter, and wants to help Lin Yuan keep a secret.

Shader shrugged and said, "I feel that this little girl has fallen in love with Lin Yuan.

..Hearing this comment, Emiya Kiritsugu slowly exhaled the smoke in his lungs, and said, "The so-called emotion is the least trustworthy thing in this world, because it is the most untrustworthy thing in this world, because it is always the same as what Kiritsugu said. , the little girl Ilya snorted unconvinced, and said, "Nonsense! My love for my big brother has never changed!"

Regarding this, Emiya Kiritsugu was noncommittal.

He said, "To be on the safe side, we still have to give priority to erasing the existence of Tsuchimikado Orihime. The safest way is to eradicate all dangers in the budding state.

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