"If you wait for the danger to happen before you regret it, it will be too late.

Chapter 662 Aoko Shimada

Emiya Kiritsugu's conclusion made Illya nod repeatedly.

"That's right, I also think we need to kill that Tsuchimikado Orihime as soon as possible.

"That woman is entangled with big brother every day. Who knows if she is a pawn sent by the Tsuchiyamon family to test big brother.

"In order to prevent the big brother's mud feet from sinking, we must take the initiative to help him eliminate possible dangers!"

Elijah said righteously.Shader curled his lips and said, "Actually, you want to kill your competitors, right?"

Toiro Shader looked at Emiya Kiritsugu, "I don't agree with the proposal to kill Tsuchi Miorihime now.

In the comments of Emiya Kiritsugu and Illya, Shader said.

"First of all, Hayashibara is now with Tsuchimi Orihime, and there is Asakami Fujino beside them.

"It won't be long before Hayashibara regains his normal combat power, it will be very difficult for us to kill Tsuchimikado Orihime without hurting him.'

"If we say that we want to fight Ruo Ruo to take advantage of his danger to kill Miorihime... Don't forget, our plan is only halfway through. If Hayashibara, the strongest combat force, is injured, the combat effectiveness will be affected .How do you fight those guys next?"

"What's more, with Hayashi Yuan's character and his current friendship with Tsuchomi Orihime, even if he regains his memory, he may not agree with our plan to kill Shi Mimen Orihime.

"So killing Yumen Orihime now is actually a matter where the dangers and hidden dangers far outweigh the benefits.

Shader said, "Even if we want to kill her, it shouldn't be us."

"Wait until we find a way to restore Lin Yuan's memory, and then leave the fate of Tsuchimi Orihime to Lin Yuan himself to decide.

"Anyway, Tsuchimikado Orihime, who is locked up, cannot reveal the secret. In this way, it is not much different from killing her."

Shader's proposal silenced Emiya Kiritsugu.And Ilya tilted her head and thought for a while, and said, I suddenly thought of a good way.

Under the puzzled gazes of Shader and the guard Kiritsugu, Illya smiled sweetly.

Said, "We can use Shimada...Late at night. Aoko Shimada wakes up from a nightmare.

Her pajamas were all soaked in cold sweat.But in her dream, she couldn't move a single step, and could only watch the horrific scene of her son being overwhelmed by swarms of zombies and eating food, and she couldn't do anything.

Seeing the bloody scene of his son screaming, blood spurting everywhere, but being crazily torn intestines, limbs, and flesh by the roaring zombies, Aoko Shimada's heart was about to break.Since her husband was shot, the only thing she has left is this son.For so many years, the biggest motivation to support Shimada Qingzi is the blood left by her husband.

After living as a widow for more than ten years, her emotions have long since dried up and her heart has withered long ago.The high-spirited girl who used to be is now like a walking corpse, and she has lost all hope of living.For so many years, her son has always been her only spiritual support.She tried her best to pamper him, even if she offended anyone, she didn't want her son to suffer. She didn't even object to her son saying that he wanted to be the mayor to experience life. She reluctantly let him leave her side and let him go to Raccoon City. Became the so-called mayor.

He felt that as long as his son was happy, everything was enough.However, she never expected that her original decision would push her son into an abyss of eternal doom! On the day when the biochemical crisis occurred in Raccoon City, her son failed to escape from the city where the zombies rioted and was eaten by the zombies up.On the day when the news came, Shimada Aoko was completely hopeless, her whole body seemed to have been emptied of her soul, and she was sluggish and dazed like a walking dead.She couldn't even see her son's dead body!

Because the son's body had already been eaten by those disgusting zombies, and disappeared with the nuclear bomb that fell on Raccoon City later.Aoko Shimada directly inquired about a lot of relevant information and learned a lot of useful information.

She knew that the death of her son had a lot to do with a woman named Fu Jiang.

On the day when the biochemical crisis broke out, the son failed to escape from the city and was eaten by zombies just to find the woman named Fu Jiang.These days since the outbreak of Resident Evil, Aoko Shimada has been looking for the woman named Gao Jiang, but the other party seems to have failed to escape from Raccoon City, and there is no news at all.

It was also the day when the news of his son's death came. Every night, Aoko Shimada would have the same nightmare.

In the nightmare, she saw with her own eyes the terrifying picture of her son being surrounded and eaten by zombies.She heard her son's painful cries and begging for mercy before he died.

What kind of torture did that son, who always made her feel so distressed, suffer before he died? Every time he thinks of such a thing, Shimada Qingzi's heart hurts like a knife.In the darkness of the book, she slowly sat up.

Looking at the wall clock on the wall, it is four o'clock in the morning, and the sky outside the house is still dark.

The light has not illuminated this world yet, but Aoko Shimada couldn't sleep well.Her wrinkled face had begun to appear wet with tears at some point.

The youth lost her husband, the middle-aged lost her son, the world seemed to be extremely cruel to this woman.Every time she wakes up in the middle of the night, she feels that she has no meaning to live.

"Who?!" Suddenly, Qingzi Daoyang sensed something and shouted out.

Her sight... looked coldly towards the corner of the room.There, in the darkness, vaguely saw the figure of a child.

But Aoko Shimada didn't feel the breath of any living creature or spirit body at all, as if there was nothing there, nothing existed at all.Seeing this weird scene, Shimada Aoko frowned even tighter.She looked at the figure in the corner coldly, and said coldly, "Who is it? You ghost Chongchong, what's your purpose?"

Aoko Shimada asked directly about the other party's purpose.

He knew that this kind of guy who could sneak into Shimada's house silently and come to her room without being found could also kill her silently.But the other party didn't do anything, so it proves that there is another purpose.Therefore, Shimada Aoko did not panic, but directly asked the other party's purpose.

Chapter 663 Transaction

In the darkness, the atmosphere seemed extremely strange.Sitting on the bed, Shimada Aoko stared coldly at the figure in the corner.

Under the gloomy light, she couldn't see the appearance of that figure clearly, she could barely see the outline of the figure clearly.

It seems that it should be the figure of a child, but it may also be a dwarf.But whether it is a child or a dwarf, they are not objects that can be relaxed.How silently the other party was able to sneak into Shimada's house and sneak into her bedroom without being noticed. This method alone is beyond the reach of ordinary magicians.

Shimada Qingzi looked at the other party coldly, and said, "Come to the door in the middle of the night, are you here to imitate the mute and show me?"

Even in the face of this kind of weird existence that makes people unable to figure out the details, Shimada Aoko still spoke viciously sarcastic words.The figure in the dark chuckled and said.

The voice that sounded in the darkness was very clear and sweet, and it sounded like the voice of a little girl.However, many thirty-four-year-old middle-aged aunts can also make little girl's voices, so it is the most unreliable behavior to guess the other party's age based on the voice.Therefore Shimada Aoko didn't care that the other party's voice was so young, but said coldly.

"To be honest, I don't have time to listen to your jokes here. Shimada Aoko's words made the little girl in the dark sigh softly, and said, "Aunt Shimada is really impatient... But if this is the case, then I Let me tell you straight to the point.

"I came here this time because I heard the story of Aunt Shimada, you lost your beloved son. I feel that Mr. Shimada Nobunaga is too pitiful. He was obviously a very outstanding young talent, but he died of aggrieved death. There are zombies, so I want to help with something."

"After all, I found that Aunt Shimada didn't seem to know the truth about Mr. Shimada Nobunaga's death until now...It's really pitiful. Mr. Nobunaga has been dead for so long, but the murderer who killed him is still at large , This kind of thing is really annoying!" Amidst the little girl's affectation, Shimada Aoko's eyes turned cold.

"The one who killed Nobunaga...do you know who the murderer is?"

In the darkness, the little girl let out a melodious laugh like silver bells, "Aunt Shimada, do you know a girl named Tomie?" The moment she heard the name, Aoko Shimada suddenly stood up, "Do you know that woman?"

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