Shimada Aoko's face was unbelievable.

And the little girl in the dark laughed happily when she saw her reaction.

"It seems that Auntie Shimada also knows the deeds of Miss Tomie. That's right. I also know Miss Gaojiang. And I know much more than you, Auntie.

"When Mr. Nobunaga was in Raccoon City, he met a commoner girl named Tomie, and then he fell in love with this girl like a demon.

"But obviously, this girl named Fu Jiang is not worthy of Mr. Nobunaga's kindness to her. She is not a good woman who guards her body like a jade, but a half-hearted slutty bitch.

"A few days before the outbreak of Resident Evil in Raccoon City, Miss Tomie's old love found her and took her away from Mr. Nobunaga Shimada.

"At that time, Mr. Nobunaga didn't dare to tell others about this matter. After all, it is too sad to think about the fact that the woman he loves the most is taken away by someone."

"Moreover, Mr. Nobunaga obviously still can't let go of Fu Jiang. Even if the other party has abandoned him, he still misses that woman. He is afraid that after the news of Gao Jiang's abandonment of him spreads, people in the family will object even more to him marrying Gao Jiang , So blocking the news resulted in very few people who knew about it, and in the end these few insiders all died in the Resident Evil.

"So even in the end, we don't know who the old love who took Fu Jiang away from Mr. Nobunaga is."

"But just as you know, Aunt Shimada, on the day when the biochemical crisis broke out, when the whole city was in complete chaos, Mr. Nobunaga Shimada did not move immediately, but instead led people into the city that was already in chaos. The urban area is a zombie, and he wants to find the Miss Fu Jiang whom he still loves deeply, and take her away from this dangerous city.

"But it's a pity that Master Nobunaga did not escape. He died, surrounded by zombies. Even the descendants he brought to save people were wiped out.

"This incident seems to have ended like this. But unfortunately, it didn't. In the dark corner, the little girl's laughter seemed a little weird, "That civilian girl named Gao Jiang didn't die in Raccoon City, Not only did he not die, but he escaped. He also had a good time

"Now this Ms. Fu Jiang lives in a villa, rides in a luxury car, and has thirty-four servants in total. After killing her former lover, she has never felt sad, but instead fell in love with a new nobleman. Living a life of incomparable luxury and enjoyment, staying and flying with a new lover."

The little girl smiled strangely and said

Shimada Aoko looked coldly at the figure in the darkness and said, "Tell me this, do you have any requests?" The little girl laughed, "As expected of Aunt Shimada...that's right, I did ask, and it was a very unkind and excessive request.

"But if you meet my conditions, auntie, I can tell you the whereabouts of the woman who killed your son, so that you can bring her back and avenge Master Shimada."

"How is it? Auntie, do you want to hear about my conditions?"

The little girl's inquiry only got Shimada Aoko a cold snort of disdain.

Obviously, she didn't think that the other party's request could stump her.

So the little girl in the dark spoke.

"My request is actually a little bit too much... But since Aunt Shimada said so, then I will say it directly." The little girl said with a chuckle, "I hope Aunt Shimada can help me catch the soldier." The eldest lady of the Mimon family, Tsuchimikado Orihime, secretly handed her over to Ge without anyone knowing.Then, in exchange, I can capture that Miss Gao Jiang and give it to you.

"How is it? Do you think this condition is suitable?" the little girl asked.

"Yes!" In the darkness, Aoko Shimada agreed without hesitation, "I'll help you catch Orihime Tsuchikado, and you help me catch Takae. Hostage for hostage, it's fair!"

Chapter 664 The Woman's Resentment

Shimada Aoko agreed so smoothly and so decisively, it seemed a bit beyond the little girl's expectation.

In the darkness, the figure of the little girl asked with some depression.

... Aunt Shimada, don't you need to think about it? That's Shimikado Orihime, the eldest lady of the Tsuchimikado family... Aunt Shimada, do you really dare to arrest her?"

Shimada Aoko snorted coldly, "So what about Shi Yumen Orihime? Is it as important as my son? My son is dead, why don't you tell me this?"

"That's right, if I capture Tsuchimikado Orihime, no matter how secretive I do, I will definitely be discovered. At that time, it may lead to a battle between Tsuchimikado and Shimada's family.

"But does that have anything to do with me?"

"At the beginning, my husband was the head of the Shimada family. Even if he died, it should be my son who inherited the Shimada family business."

"In the end, that bastard old man Ryujuro Shimada said that Nobunaga was young and not qualified to inherit the family business, so he gave up the suzerain position to Shimada Nobuhide, and forcibly took away my son's suzerain position."

"Otherwise, the suzerain of the Shimada family should be Nobunaga!"

"Later Nobunaga was going to be the mayor of Kyoto, that old bastard Shimada Ryujuro also said that my son was incapable of managing Kyoto, looked down on Nobunaga, and relegated him to a rural place like Raccoon City.

"If Nobunaga had stayed in Kyoto as mayor, would he have died in Raccoon City? Not at all!"

"My son's death. That old bastard Shimada Ryujuro is also half responsible!"

"I captured Tsuchimikado Orihime. It's fine if the Tsuchimikado clan didn't fight the Shimada family. If they do fight, then it's better to kill that bastard Shimida Yanagirou and the Shimada family." Kill all these bastards, so I'll be happy!"

Shimada Aoko said full of resentment, "So you don't have to explain the danger to me, and you don't have to tell me why you wanted to catch Mii Orihime, and I don't care about any grievances between you.

"You just need to catch that bitch named Tomoe and bring it to me, and I'll give you Tsuchimikado Orihime!"

"As long as I can avenge my son, even if I kill all the bastards in the Shimada family, I won't frown!"

Shimada Aoko's resentment was about to solidify.The little girl in the dark hesitated for a few seconds and said.

"... Auntie, don't you want to confirm whether we are lying to you? For example, don't you want to see Gao Jiang's current photos or videos?"

Aoko Shimada sneered, and said, "Those who knew about Takae and Nobunaga even killed a few in the Shimada family. Since you were able to come to me about Ruo her, it was obvious that you were prepared.

"What's more. Even if you lie to me, I won't lose anything."

Aoko Shimada said with a bitter face, "If it wasn't for your reminder, I would have forgotten about it, and this method can still be used to get revenge on that old bastard Shimada Liujuro! Now is simply a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

"The little girl in the dark was silent for a few seconds, and said, "Uh... Aunt Shimada, we only want Orihime Tsuchimikado.And it's the kind that wants to live and is not injured, so don't make a big fuss.

"In a short time, we don't want to be hostile to the Tuyumen clan for the time being. If you make too much trouble, we can only suspend the transaction and not hand over Gao Jiang to you.

Remember, it must be secret, secret, and secret again. "

The little girl in the dark seemed to be very worried and gave several instructions one after another, while Shimada Aoko snorted coldly with a disdainful face.

"I see, you go back and wait for my news. I will notify you when I catch Tsuchomi Orihime.

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