"The Nobunaga commercial building of Shijo-dori is my property. You can just pay attention to this building when the time comes. After I catch Tsuchimikado Orihime, I will immediately arrange for someone to hang a pure white wordless Shijo-dori outside the building. One of the busiest streets in Kyoto. The commercial buildings there are indeed the most eye-catching.

Shimada Aoko's proposal has no reason to refuse.

"Then please ask Aunt Shimada," the little girl said with a smile, "Remember, you must act in secret.

Before leaving, the little girl seemed uneasy and reminded her again.

Shimada Aoko sneered, but didn't answer, just like that, the little girl in the darkness disappeared without a sound.

Just like the situation when she came, when the little girl left, Shimada Qingzi didn't feel any breath.

It seems that there is no such thing as a little girl chatting with her here.

But even if it is a dream.

"It's really time to do something.

Shimada Aoko murmured.

Then, she looked at the wall clock on the wall, took a deep breath, and fell asleep under the quilt again.

This time, she slept very peacefully.Sleep better than all nights in the past + years.


Lin Yuanfei spat violently, a little confused.

At this time, he had just woken up not long ago.

Although it's already sunny outside at noon.

Zhi Ji's hypnotic spell was very effective, and he fell asleep until twelve o'clock at noon.When he woke up, although his head still hurt a little, it was much better than the knife-like pain last night.According to Zhi Ji, he probably still needs to hurt tonight, and he should be able to return to normal tomorrow.

But now this degree of pain has actually had little effect on Lin Yuanfei.

Although you will feel some unbearable stinging pain when you think about things carefully and need to use your brain, but as long as you empty your mind and don't think about anything, there is no big problem.Now he is brushing his teeth and washing his face.

In the living room, Zhi Ji was the only one left.As for Asakami Fujino, he had already left while Hayashibara Hiroku was still sound asleep, and went to work.This time, Orihime didn't force her to stay, as if she wasn't worried about Asakami Fujino leaking her whereabouts at all.

But Orihime herself was very calm.

"If people staying in the Flying Swordsman who has returned to normal can't guarantee safety, then there are not many places in the world that can be called safe. Lin Yuanfei was a little flattered by Zhi Ji's evaluation.

...Didn't you always look down on me?" Lin Yuanfei squinted the other side's eyes and said, "The attitude has changed so suddenly, you must have been taken away by someone, right? You are still that stinky fart of Tsuchimikado Orihime Missy? I dare not even recognize you.

Chapter 665 Did You Read The Script Again? (3800 more 6000/[-])

Lin Yuanfei's teasing got Zhiji's indifferent eyes.

"I didn't mean to look down on Feitian Yujianliu." Zhi Ji said Ruo, paused, and added, "Of course, I didn't mean to look down on you either.

"It's just that compared to the power of a family or a country, it's obvious that the individual power of a swordsman doesn't require special attention.

"But this does not mean that the power of the swordsman should be ignored. After all, if a dangerous person like you is determined to sabotage, he can still cause a lot of trouble." Zhiji said, "At least, in the individual In the battle of , there are not many people who can defeat you in a duel.

Zhi Jiyi's serious evaluation made Lin Yuanfei roll his eyes.Lin Yuanfei yawned and walked out of the bathroom.

He said, "What are we doing this afternoon? Now that the Shimada family has given up on chasing you and me, and the matter of Shimada Nobukatsu is over, can I go back to Chiba?" The female high school student apprentice, the beautiful and big-breasted beauty Yuki is waiting for me. How can I have time to entangle with a staid and flat-chested young lady like you.Of course, Orihime still has breasts.

It's just that she wears a kimono every day, and kimonos are the least revealing of her breasts. Even if Yuki wears a kimono, she will look flat-chested, let alone Orihime.Regarding Lin Yuanfei's request, Zhiji nodded.

"It's almost time to go back. But before you leave, you have to pay a visit to Shimada's house with me.

"In any case, the etiquette on the surface must be observed.

"The Shimada family is willing to expose this matter, so out of courtesy, we have to pay a visit tonight.

Jiji said, I have already contacted the Shimada family, and I will bring you to visit tonight.When the visit is over, you can go back to Chiba.

Zhi Ji's words made Lin Yuanfei tilt his head, "Do you think the Shimada family will set up a Hongmen banquet to trap us when we visit us?

....Instead of worrying about this, you might as well worry about those people last night," Zhi Ji said indifferently, "In my opinion, those three people are the most threatening emergency. "

...I suddenly remembered what you said. You still have injuries on your feet, right?" Lin Yuanfei asked with a dry smile, "How is the injury on your feet?" Zhiji shook her head, "It's nothing Great problem, it has healed.If you rest for a while, you will be able to fully recover.

...That's it...it's good to be able to recover, it's good to be able to recover.

Lin Yuan was a little embarrassed.

After all, Zhi Ji's injury is regarded as common to him... emm...how can I feel that the more I owe him, the more I owe him.

The previous favor has not been repaid, and now a new wound has been added. Is it possible that I will owe this young lady a lifetime of unresolved favors. Lin Yuanfei is a little guilty.And Zhi Ji saw him like this, and said, "If you really feel that you owe me favors and want to do something, then you should do less dangerous things in the future. I saved you, not to let you squander your life at will and even yourself You don't even take your own life seriously, so you still expect outsiders to care about you?" Zhiji's words had a hint of preaching.But the more Lin Yuanfei listened, the more he felt something was wrong.

mm....Is this considered flirting? Or is it that Missy just habitually tells the truth?

He didn't dare to think too much.

"But before you leave, I have a very important question to ask you.

"Huh? What's the problem?" Lin Yuan asked.

"About your memory loss... Zhi Ji said with a serious expression, "Obviously, those three people came for you last night, and they have a lot to do with you before you lost your memory.Although they retreated temporarily last night, they obviously wouldn't just give up.

"You found you in Kyoto, and they found you. Then you can't escape their pursuit even if you go back to Yu Ye.

"Do you want to get back your lost memories? Or do you think it's fine that you're the way you are?"

Orihime asked seriously, "For people you know in the past, what kind of attitude do you plan to use to face them?"

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