"Well... are you really going to help me get my memory back?"

Lin Yuanfei just wanted to say that I am such a time traveler, amnesia is just an excuse, how can you get my memory back.But thinking that even a ghost like Sadako Yamamura can help him retrieve some memory fragments of the original owner of his body, the Onmyoji family's Tuyu might have other ways? He looked at Orihime tentatively and asked, "What are you going to do?" Help me get my memory back?"

Zhiji said indifferently, "It depends on how your amnesia is caused. Is it pathological or something else. Lin Yuanfei laughed dryly, "What's the difference?" Zhiji looked at He said, "Pathological factors, I can help you find the most professional brain doctor in the world for examination and treatment.If it is not a pathological factor, but some supernatural force caused the failure

"Then, I can carry out symptomatic treatment based on the cause of amnesia.

"After all, there are quite a lot of ways to make people lose their memory in magic yin and yang. If you don't prescribe the right medicine, it will be a waste of effort. Zhiji's words made Lin Yuanfei hesitate.

...If you want to tell Orihime the reason for losing millions, wouldn't you also expose Yuki's past entanglements with him?

And the most important thing, even if it is exposed, it may not be able to retrieve the memory.

After all, he is a time traveler after all, and he is not the same soul as the original owner of the body.

Besides, Wan Zhen succeeded and retrieved all the memories of the original owner of the body. If the memories of the two people are combined, wouldn’t Lin Yuanfei have a mental breakdown? Lin Yuanfei said seriously, "Only pay attention to the past and present. People will lose their future!"

"So, I'd better focus on the present and grasp the future. Lin Yuanfei's explanation made Zhiji silent for a few seconds. She thought for a while and said, "The reason why you lost a billion...

At that moment, he didn't know if it was Lin Yuan's illusion. He felt a sharp light flashing in the eyes of the girl in front of him.

...Could it be my wife Yuki who made you lose your memory?" Orihime asked.

..... !" Lin Yuanfei's heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously took half a step back....Damn it?! Have you really read the script?

Chapter 666

Lin Yuanfei was really convinced by the kind of insight that Zhi Ji showed from time to time.Obviously only know some small pieces of information. According to the situation, the possibility that is closest to the truth can be deduced. Is this the legendary king's consciousness? As a sneaky protagonist who can use hands without using brains, can draw a knife and never talk nonsense, What does Hayashi Yuan 8 think of this kind of person who likes to use his brain, and his small head is so fast?

Because Zhang Fei doesn't like to be tricked.But even though he was convinced in his heart, Lin Yuanfei was still stubborn on the surface.

He directly denied Orihime's identification, and said, "What's the mess? How did this matter have something to do with Yuki again? If I get lost by Yuki, I will let her go? Just kidding! She looked at Lin Yuan Lu shook his head with a stiff mouth like a dead duck.

"Probably this is the legendary licking dog.

Zhi Ji's evaluation made Lin Yuanfei almost vomit blood.

"Lick the dog, uncle!?" Lin Yuanfei said with a black face, "Can you speak some normal human language?"

"Normal words?... Orihime sneered sarcastically, "With your appearance, even if my wife Yuki crushed you to pieces on the floor, you would probably smile happily.There's no need to say nice things about a guy like you.Orihime said, and threw the uncut meat on the cutting board into the trash can, then turned around and took out a few wrapped rice balls from the refrigerator, and said.

"The endoplasm bought in the supermarket is too old to cook, so you can just eat some rice balls.

The girl brought the plate of rice balls indifferently, and said, "If you don't want to, you can go out to eat by yourself. Anyway, you are the third generation of the Hayashibara group, and you can get a bunch of money with just a phone call. What delicious food can't be eaten? There is no need to wrong yourself.

After finishing speaking, the girl also dumped all the rice balls on the plate into the trash can.Lin Yuanfei, who hadn't had time to stop him, had a black face, "Who the hell said I don't want to eat? I want to eat!"

"Oh, that's really embarrassing, you finished," the girl-face said calmly, "I've already poured it out, but if you don't mind, you can dig it out in the trash can yourself.

.. .. You cheated!" Lin Yuanfei lost his temper completely, and even gave the girl a thumbs up, "Even your share is lost, are you going to starve with me?" Zhiji glanced at him With a glance, he said, "With this place as the center, there are eight restaurants with different tastes within [-] meters. Why should I be hungry?"

Said Ruo, the girl turned on the faucet and washed her hands, then dried off the water, took off the apron on her chest, and walked outside.

"If you don't know the way, you can go with me, and I may consider helping you with the village money. After Zhi Ji finished speaking, she stopped looking at Lin Yuanfei and started putting on her shoes at the entrance.

Lin Yuanfei followed up helplessly, "You are really a little auntie... In the current situation, he dare not leave Zhi Ji's side. Wan-he walked away, the three fellows of Wei Guan Kiritsugu What should I do if I kill her? Although the girl has a bit of a poisonous tongue, if she just dies like this, Lin Yuan will die every time.

So he reluctantly followed Zhi Ji and left the apartment.

The strange thing is, if someone else was so aggressive towards Lin Yuanfei, Lin Yuanfei would have turned the tables long ago.But in front of Orihime, he didn't feel angry at all?

em... Could it be that I fell in love with this young lady?

Lin Yuan followed behind Zhi Ji, looking up and down at the girl's figure, frowning.It does look a lot more pleasing to the eye, and it is no longer as annoying as it was at the beginning.

...Ashi, I really only have Yuki in my heart!

Lin Yuanfei shouted in his heart.As for hugging from the left to the right, or the blessings of being equal, Lin Yuanfei never thought about it.Yuki is cute, but she is my wife Yuno's older sister.

And from some clues, it can be seen that Yuno respects this sister very much.Being able to hold down such a big pervert like my wife Yuno, Yuki is definitely more than just being gentle and kind.Wan Yuji was in a hurry, maybe Lin Yuanfei would be the first to get killed by the hatchet.

If it wasn't for the reason of longevity, Hayashi Yuan would have already confessed his love to Yuki.Might as well have hit a home run by now.

Eh.. Sure enough, we still have to solve the problem of lifespan as soon as possible.Lin Yuan followed behind Zhi Ji, and was about to open his mouth to ask if Onmyoji had any life-sustaining methods, but Zhi Ji suddenly beckoned to stop a taxi.

Lin Yuan was a little passionate.Zhi Ji, who had already sat in the car, glanced at him and said, "Just come up, so much nonsense.... Will I still hurt you?"

"Ha... well, you've already said that," Lin Yuan shrugged, and got into the taxi as well.

Although taxis in Japan are expensive, they are only for ordinary people.For a young lady like Zhi Ji, even if she was allowed to stay overnight in the presidential suite of a five-star hotel, it would be a drizzle for her.After getting in the car, Zhi Ji said a place name, and then stopped talking.

Lin Yuan was a little curious about where Zhi Ji was going, but since Zhi Ji didn't say anything, he didn't bother to ask.This journey was not far away, and they arrived at their destination very quickly.After the two got off the car, Zhi Ji stood on the side of the road and took a look, then took Ruobayashi Yuanfei straight into a restaurant in front of him.

This restaurant has two floors, Zhi Ji took Lin Yuanfei directly to the second floor, and found a seat by the window to sit down.

To be honest, Lin Yuanfei thought that the restaurant that the majestic Miss Tuyumen would visit was so amazing, but after looking at the menu, it was clearly the most ordinary Chinese restaurant.

And it's also reasonably priced.

- Bowl noodles 980 yen Lin Yuanfei looked suspiciously at the girl opposite, wondering if the other party had gone the wrong way.And Zhi Ji, who had finished ordering, raised her head and frowned after seeing Lin Yuanfei's suspicious eyes.

"What kind of disgusting eyes do you have?" Orihime asked, "Lin Yuan, what's going on in your mind?"

Chapter 667 The Kindergarten Teacher

Zhi Ji's inquiry made Lin Yuanfei sigh.

He put down the menu and said to the waiter next to him.

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